Last updated October 2013
Handlist of the books transferred from 14 Madingley Road to the University Library in the Summer of 1993, and presented to the University Library by Dr Rosemary Summers in 2008.
The Library has retained all the books marked by Roberto Gerhard, and any not otherwise in the Library. The books retained are at the classmark "MRS.31", all other classmarks are for texts owned by Gerhard that were already in the University Library.
- (a)= annotated (NB: not always by R. Gerhard)
(b)= incomplete or damaged item
(d)= duplicate
(e)= enclosures
(i)= inscribed
(m)= marked
(n)= new (pages uncut)
(o)= item with other property marks
* = item dated after 1970
M416.c.90.3 | APEL, W. Harvard dictionary of music. 4th. pr. W. & G., 1946 |
MR410.c.95.14-22 | BLOM, E. Grove's dictionary of music... 5th ed. Macmillan, 1954 (9v+suppl.) |
MRS.31.6 | BAUER, H. Taschenlexicon der Musik. Humboldt‑Verlag, c1953 |
1945.5.98 | ROWLEY, A. Pocket pronouncing musical dictionary. Alfred Lengnick, [194-?] |
M410.d.90.2 | BLOM, E. Everyman's dictionary of music. J.M.Dent, 1946 |
L409.d.48.2- | HINRICHSEN, M. Musical year book (Music book vol. VII). Hinrichsen, c1952 (i) |
L409.d.48.2- | HINRICHSEN, M. Music libraries ...(Music book vol. XI). Hinrichsen, 1961 (i) |
M470.d.90.86 | WEBER, C.M. von. Sämlichte Schriften. Schuster & Loeffer, 1908 |
M475.b.95.2- | NEW Oxford history of music (vols. 1‑3). OUP, 1957 |
M475.b.90.1 | ADLER, G. Handbuch der Musikgeschichte. Frankfurter Verlags, 1924 |
MRS.31.7 | *PÜTZ, E. Musik international (Musikkunde Teil V). Hans Gerig, c1975 |
MRS.31.8 | WOLF, J. (GERHARD, tr.) Historia de la música. Labor, 1934 |
MRS.31.9 | *BOOSEY & HAWKES. Music on hire for orchestra ... 1981 |
MRS.31.10 | KRENEK, E. Über neue Musik. V. der Ringbuchhandlung, c1937 (m) |
MRS.31.11 | Koussevitzsky Music Foundations. 1967 edition of the Catalog of works commissioned |
M489.d.95.3 | MYERS, R. Twentieth century music. John Calder, 1960 |
M470.b.95.32 | *Oxford music : the first 50 years. OUP, 1973. Includes facsimile from Gerhard's Symphony no. 4 |
P409.c.6. | PICKEN, L. Instrumental polyphonic folk music in Asia Minor. Extracted from the Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association, 80th session, 1953/54. |
L409.c.206.8 | PICKEN, L. Secular Chinese songs of the twelfth century. Offprint from Studia musicologica academiae scentiarum hungaricae, Tomus 8, 1966, p. 125-172. |
MRS.31.12 | WEBERN, A. Weg zur neuen Musik. Universal Edition, c1960 |
MRS.31.432 | ANGLES, H. Cantigas de Santa Maria. Offprint from MGG [1952], (m) |
L900.c.301.7- | ANGLES, H. España en la historia de la musica universal. Offprint from Arbor, no. 33-34, Septiembre-Octubre 1948. |
M534.c.90.10 | ANGLÈS, H. Gloriosa contribución ... CSIC, 1948 (m) |
M534.b.90.3 | ANGLÈS, H. Música en la España de Fernando ... RABASF, 1943 |
MRS.31.13 | ANGLÈS, H. Música española ... Biblioteca Central, 1941 (i) |
MRS.31.14 | DONOSTIA, J.A. de. De Música vasca. Ekin, 1943 (m)(e) |
MRS.31.246 | FERNANDEZ-NUNEZ, F. Las canciones populares y la tonalidad medieval. Escorial, [192-] |
744.b.92.1 | Obra del Cançoner popular de Catalunya. Materials. Barcelona, 1926. v. 1, fasc. 1-2 only. |
MRS.31.15 | TREND, J.B. Luis Milan and the vihuelistas. OUP, 1925 |
MRS.31.16 | VECHTEN, C. van. Music of Spain. Alfred A. Knopf, 1918 (i) |
MRS.31.17 | FINNEY, G.L. Musical backgrounds for English literature. RUP, [1962] (i) |
M470.c.95.8 | PICKEN, L. Twelve ritual melodies of the T'ang dynasty. (SMBBS), 1956 |
S718.d.93.8 | SHAW, G.B. London music in 1888-89 as heard ... Constable and Co., 1937 |
MRS.31.18-19 | SCHENKER, H. Meisterwerk in der Musik. Drei Masken V., 1925 (2v) |
M470.c.90.23 | TOVEY, D.F. Essays and lectures on music. OUP, 1949 (m) (e) |
M535.d.90.6 | Albeniz. COLLET, H. Albéniz et Granados. Libr. Félix Alcan, 1926 (J.B. Trend's copy) |
MRS.31.24 | Barbieri. PICÓN, J. Pan y toros. Impr. J. Rodríguez, 1889 |
M537.c.95.235 | Bartok. *SPANGEMACHER, F. Béla Bartók zu Leben ... Boosey & Hawkes, 1982 |
MRS.31.20 | Beethoven. TOVEY, R.F. Beethoven. OUP, 1944 (a) |
M520.c.95.265 | Beethoven. *NOTTEBOHM, G. Two Beethoven sketchbooks. Victor Gollanz, 1979 |
MRS.31.21 | Beethoven. HELM, T. Beethoven's Streichquartette. Siegel's Musikalienhandlung, 1910 |
M515.c.95.53 | Berg. *GRUN, B. Alban Berg, letters to his wife. Faber and Faber, c1971 (inscribed to Poldi) |
MR438.c.95.27 | Berg. *ALBAN Berg 1885‑1935. Austellung der Ö. Nationalbibliothek, 1985 |
MRS.10.474 | Berg. BÜCHNER, G. Wozzeck. (tr. English) [libretto] Kalmus, c1952 |
MRS.31.22 | Casals. ALAVEDRA, J. Pau Casals. 2a ed. Aedos, 1963. (i) |
M535.c.90.3 | Casals. LITTLEHALES, L. Pablo Casals. J.M. Det, 1929 |
MR501.c.95.12 | Dent. *RADCLIFFE, P. E.J. Dent, a centenary memoir. Triad Press, 1976 |
MRS.31.23 | Krenek. KRENEK, E. Karl V. [libretto] Universal Edition, c 1933 (i) (e letter) |
M523.d.90.11 | Malipiero. BONTEMPELLI, M. Gian Francesco Malipiero. Bompiani, 1942 |
M529.c.95.370 | Markevitch. *HEINZELMANN, J. Igor Markevitch. Boosey & Hawkes, 1982 |
M517.b.90.2 | Milhaud. COLLAER, P. Darius Milhaud. N.V. de Nederlandsche Boekhandel, 1947 (n) |
MRS.31.25 | Mozart. ABERT, H. W.A. Mozart. Druck und Verlag von Breitkopf & Härtel, 1919. 1. Theil. (m) |
MRS.31.26 | Mozart. LERT, E. Mozart auf dem Theater. Schuster & Loeffler, c 1918 |
M523.d.90.3 | Scarlatti. SITWELL, S. Background for Domenico Scarlatti ... Faber and Faber, 1935 |
MR515.c.90.10 | Schoenberg. Arnold Schoenberg. R. Piper & Co., 1912 |
MRS.31.27 | Schoenberg. WELLESZ, E. Arnold Schoenberg. E.P. Tal & Co., 1921 (e) |
MRS.31.28 | Schoenberg. Arnold Schoenberg zum fünfzigsten Geburstage ... 'Sonderheft der Musikbläter des Anbruch' (August-September-Heft 1924) |
MRS.31.29 | Schoenberg. SCHOENBERG, A. Style and idea. Philosophical Library, c1950 (i) (a) (e) |
MRS.31.30 | Schoenberg. STUCKENSCHMIDT, H.H. Arnold Schoenberg. Atlantis Verlag, c1951 (m) |
M515.c.95.54 | Schoenberg. *REICH, W. Schoenberg, a critical biography. Longman, 1971 (o) |
M477.d.01.110 | Schoenberg. *MACDONALD, M. Schoenberg (The Master musicians series). J.M. Dent, 1976 |
M520.c.95.558 | Stockhausen. WÖRNER, K. Karlheinz Stockhausen ...(Kontrapunkte). P.J. Tonger, c1963 |
MRS.31.31 | Stravinsky. MALIPIERO, G. F. Strawinsky. Cavallino, c1945 |
MRS.31.32 | Stravinsky. STRAVINSKY, I. Poétique musicale. 3e ed. J. B. Janin, 1945 (a) |
M529.c.95.43 | Stravinsky. STRAVINSKY. I. CRAFT, R. Conversations with Igor ... Faber & Faber, c1959 |
M529.d.95.137 | Stravinsky. STRAVINSKY. I. CRAFT, R. Stravinsky in conversation ... Penguin, c1960 |
M529.c.95.65 | Stravinsky. STRAVINSKY. I. CRAFT, R. Expositions and ... Faber & Faber, c1962 (o) |
MRS.31.33 | Webern. WEBERN, A. Weg und Gestalt. Im Verlag der Arche, c1961 |
MRS.31.34 | Webern. WEBERN, A. Path to the new music. ed. W. Reich. Theodore Presser, c1963 |
MRS.31.35 | Webern. MOLDENHAUER, H. Death of Anton Webern ... Philosophical Library, c1961 (i) |
MRS.31.36 | DENT, E. J. Notes on fugue for beginners. Privately printed, 1941 (i) |
L340:1.c.233.48- | FOKKER, A.D. Equal temperament and the thirty-one-keyed organ. Offprint from The scientific monthly, v. 81, no. 4, October 1955, p. 161-166. |
MRS.31.450 | FOKKER, M. Les cinquième de ton. Offprint from Acoustique musicale : Marseille 27-28-29 Mai 1958. Colloques internationaux du Centre national de la recherche scientifique ; 84 (Paris, 1959) 11 p. |
P340:1.b.26.120 | FOKKER, A.D. Multiple antanairesis. Offprint from Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Series A. ; v 66, no. 1, 1963. p. 1-6. |
M661.d.95.7 | GRAVESANO : Musik, Raumgestaltung, Elektroakustik. Arsviva Verlag, 1955. |
M590.b.90.8 | HÁBA, A. Neue Harmonielehre ... Fr. Kistner, 1927 (m) |
MRS.31.39 | HAUER, J.M. Vom Melos zur Pauke, Band I. Universal E., [1925?] |
MRS.31.38 | HAUER, J.M. Vom Wessen des musikalischen. V. der Schlesinger'schen ... c1923 |
MRS.31.37 | HAUER, J.M. Vom Wessen des musikalischen. Waldheim‑Eberle A.G., 1920 |
MRS.31.40 | HINDEMITH, P. Unterweisung im Tonsatz (theor. Teil). Schott's S., 1937 (a) |
MRS.31.41 | LEIBOWITZ, R. Introduction à la musique de douze sons. L'Arche, c1929 (a) |
MRS.31.1001 | LEIBOWITZ, R. Qu'est ce que la musique de douze sons?. Dynamo, 1948 (m) |
MRS.31.42 | MOLITOR, P.G. Diatonisch-rhythmische Harmonisation. Breitkopf & H., 1913 (n) |
P409.c.6. | NEIGHBOUR, O. Evolution of twelve‑note music. Extr. RMA proceedings, 1955 |
P409.c.96 | PERLE, G. [Review of] George Rochberg. The Hexachord and its relation to the 12-tone row. Bryn Mawr, Pa.: Theodore Presser, Co., 1955. viii. 40p. Offprint from The Journal of the America Musicological Society, v. 10, 1957, p. 55-59. |
M580.b.95.3 | PERLE, G. Serial composition and atonality ... Faber and Faber, c1962 |
MRS.31.43 | PERSICHETTI, V.Twentieth‑Century Harmony ... W.W. Norton, c1961 |
MRS.31.44 | RIMSKY-KORSAKOV, N. Principes d' orchestration, I ... Max Eschig, 1914 (a) |
MRS.31.45 | RIMSKY-KORSAKOV, N. Principes d' orchestration, II ... Max Eschig, 1914 |
MRS.31.46 | RUFER, J. Komposition mit zwölf Tönen. Max Hesses, c1952 (a) |
M590.c.95.2 | SCHOENBERG, A. Structural functions of Harmony. Williams and Norgate, 1954 |
MRS.31.47 | SCHOENBERG, A. Harmonielehre, III. Vermehrte ... Universal E., c 1922 (a) |
MRS.31.48 | SEARLE, H. Twentieth century counterpoint ... Williams and Norgate, 1954 (a) |
M630.c.95.6 | BARTOLOZZI, B. New sounds for woodwind. OUP, 1967 |
MRS.31.49 | SCHAEFFER, P. à la recherche d'une musique concrète. E. du Seuil, c1952 |
MRS.31.50 | EMMANUEL, M. Accompagnement modal des Psaumes. Janin Frères, 1913 |
MRS.31.51 | FORSYTH, C. Orchestration. 2nd ed. Macmillan and Co., 1944 (a) |
MRS.31.52 | WELLESZ, E. Neue Instrumentation. Max Hesses, 1928 |
MRS.31.53 | WELLESZ, E. Neue Instrumentation, II Teil. Max Hesses, 1929 |
M634.d.95.1 | SCHULLER, G. Horn technique. OUP, 1962 |
MRS.31.54 | BLADES, J. Orchestral percussion technique. OUP, 1961 (i) |
MRS.31.55 | LEWER, S.K. Electronic musical instruments. Electr. engin. mon., [1946?] (e) |
MRS.31.56 | SCHERCHEN, H. Lehrbuch des Dirigierens. J.J. Weber, c1929 (m) |
M700.c.95.54 | *KOBBÉ, G. Kobbé's complete opera book. Putnam and Co., c1976 (i) |
MR405.d.90.1 | DENT, E.J. Opera. Ill. by Kay Ambrose. Penguin, 1940 |
MR405.d.90.2 | DENT, E.J. Opera. Ill. by Kay Ambrose. Rev. and repr. Penguin, 1949 (i) |
MRS.31.57 | HANSLICK, E. Moderne Oper. Allg. Ver. für Deutsche Litteratur, 1900 |
MRS.31.58 | HASKELL, A. Ballet ... Rev. ed. Penguin, 1951 |
MRS.31.59 | EISLER, H. Composing for the films. Dennis Dobson, c1947 (m) |
MRS.31.60 | TOVEY, D.F. Essays in musical analysis : chamber music. OUP, 1944 (m) |
MRS.31.61 | ADORNO, T. Dissonanzen. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, c1956 |
MRS.31.62 | ADORNO, T. Philosophie der neuen Musik. J.C.B. Mohr, 1949 (m) |
M824.c.95.4 | COPLAND, A. Music and imagination ... New American Library, 1959 (paperback reprint) |
MRS.31.63 | DENT, E.J. Terpander, or, Music and the future. Kegan Paul, [1940?] (i) |
MRS.31.64 | HÁBA, A. Von der Psychologie der musikalischen ... Universal E., [1925?] |
MRS.31.65 | JEANS, J. Science & Music. Repr. CUP, 1953 |
M574.c.95.229 | *RUBINSTEIN, M. Music to my ear ... Quartet Books, 1985 (i) |
M816.c.95.1 | SCHERCHEN, H. Nature of Music. Dennis Hobson, c1950 (2 copies) |
MRS.31.66 | THORPE, W.H. Bird‑song : the biology of vocal communication ... CUP, 1961 (i) |
M818.c.90.12 | WOOD, A. Physics of Music. Methuen & Co., 1944 (m) |
MRS.31.67 | ZUCKERKANDL, V. Sound and symbol ... Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1956 (a) |
Boosey & Hawkes. Newsletter. No. 8 & 13 | |
Boosey & Hawkes. Verlagsnachrichten, nr 39-40, 42-45, Okt. 1981-Juli 1984 | |
Boosey & Hawkes. Nota bene. Nr. 711, 20-21, 24. April 1987-1992 | |
MRS.31.68 | C.I.C.C.M. (1st : 1948 : Prague). Hudba národu. S.C.S., 1948 |
MRS.31.441 | Dance and dancers, v. 21 no. 11 (November 1970) and v. 22 no. 1 (January 1971) |
MRS.31.1002 | Elektronische Musik, NWDR, Jahrgang 6 Nr. 1/2 (1954) |
MRS.31.1006 | Foyer. no. 1 (1951) |
MRS.31.445 | Gramophone. v. 42, no. 500, January 1965. |
MRS.31.69/1-8 | Gravesaner Blätter, J. 2, H. 5 (August 1956) ‑ J. 4, H. 14 (1959) (e) |
MRS.31.437 | Incontri musicali : quaderni internazionali di musica contemporanea. Numero 3, Agosto 1959 |
P409.c.96 | Journal of the American Musicological Society. vol 6, no. 1, Spring 1953 |
P409.c.56 | Journal of the I.F.M.C., vol. 15 (1963) ‑ vol. 16 (1964) |
L409.c.1212 | *'Mitteilungen der Paul Sacher Stiffung' Nr. 2 (Januar 1989) (m) |
P409.c.26 | 'The Music Review', vol. 17, no. 1 (February 1956) |
P409.c.106 | 'The Musical Quarterly', vol. 27, no. 4 (Oct. 1951); vol. 43, no. 2 (Apr. 1957) |
MRS.31.438 | *Musicalia : rivista internazionale di musica. Anno 1, n. 1, febbraio 1970 |
P409.c.50 | 'Notes' (June 1967) |
P409.c.116 | *'Perspectives of new music', vol. 1 no. 1 (Fall 1962); vol. 1 no. 2 (Spring 1963); vol. 3 no. 1 (Fall‑Winter 1964); vol. 13 no. 2 (Spring-Summer 1975) |
MRS.31.70/1-7 | Die Reihe, 1 (Elektronische Musik, c 1955) ‑ 7 (Form‑Raum, c1960) (m) |
MRS.31.435 | Revue musicale. 1957. Vers une musique expérimentale / sous la direction de Pierre Schaeffer |
MRS.31.71/1- | The Score. Nos. 6, 10-14, 16-18, 20-27 (two copies of 6 & 24) |
MRS.31.439 | Sonda : boletín cuatrimestral interno de Juventudes musicales de Madrid. 2, febrero, 1968 |
L409.c.212 | Sonorum speculum: mirror of Dutch musical life. 31, Summer 1967. |
MRS.31.72 | *Tempo. Nos. 11 (June 1945); 69 (Summer 1964)(d); 98 (1972)-100 (Spring 1972); 107 (December 1973); 139 (December 1981); 152 (March 1985) |
MRS.31.440 | Twentieth century music : the official journal of the Society for Twentieth Century Music. Vol. 1, no. 3, March 1952. |
MRS.31.73 | Rectophot |
MRS.31.74 | EMI tape recorder TR50 |
MRS.31.75 | EMI tape recorder TR51 |
MRS.31.76 | Manual of the Ferrograph |
MRS.31.77 | UHER Royal de luxe [instruction manual] |
MRS.31.78 | Grundig Concert-Boy 1100 |
MRS.31.81 | CONCISE Oxford dictionary of current English. 4th. ed., rev. repr. Clarendon P., 1958 |
Ant.c.89.64 | OXFORD dictionary of quotations. 4th. impr. Oxford University Press, 1944 |
783.c.91.1 | ORDWAY, E. Synonyms and antonyms. Repr. George G. Harrap & Co., 1936 |
MRS.31.79 | GOWERS, E. Plain words : a guide to the use of English. HMSO, 1948 |
MRS.31.80 | ROGET, P.M. Thesaurus of English words and phrases. Repr. Penguin, 1956 |
9760.d.358 | STRUNK, W. Elements of style. Macmillan, c1959 |
MRS.31.82 | TIBBITTS, E.L. English Stress Patterns. W. Heffer & Sons, c1967 |
9000.c.484 | LANGENSCHEIDT's concise German dictionary ...6th. ed. Hodder and Stoughton, 1967 |
1891.9.57 | LEWIS, C.T. Latin dictionary for schools. Repr. Clarendon Press, 1889 (1953 repr.) |
767.c.96.12 | ALLEN, W.S. Vox latina : a guide to the pronunciation ... CUP, 1965 |
MRS.31.83 | ROVIRA i VIRGILI, A. Diccionari català-castellà ... A. López, 1913 |
DICCIONARI enciclopèdic català. Ed. red. Salvat Editors, [193-?] (o) | |
MRS.31.84 | CALLEJA, S. Dicc. manual de la lengua española. Ed. il. Calleja, [190-?] |
730.c.95.51 | EMPSON, W. Structure of complex words. Chatto & Windus, 1951 |
Ant.d.89.54 | SAMPSON, G. Concise Cambridge history of English literature. CUP, 1941 |
1907.6.186 | AESCHYLUS. Seven plays in English verse. L. Campbell, tr. OUP, 1906 (1938 repr) |
Cam.d.947.5 | ARISTOPHANES. Frogs : the Greek text ... D.W. Lucas, tr. Bowes & Bowes, 1947 |
CCD.4.92 | APULEIUS. Golden Ass. R. Grave, tr. Penguin Books, 1950 |
MRS.31.85 | HERODOTUS. Penguin Herodotus. A. J. Evans, ed. Penguin books, 1941 |
Ud.8.4454 | HOMER. Iliad. E. V. Rieu, tr. Penguin Books, 1950 |
9706.d.601 | HOMER. Odyssey. E.T. Shaw (Lawrence of Arabia), tr. OUP, 1940 |
MRS.31.86 | HOMER. Odyssey. E. V. Rieu, tr. Penguin Books, 1945 |
9706.d.673 | SOPHOCLES. Theban plays ... E. F. Watling, tr. Repr. Penguin Books, 1949 |
MRS.31.87 | XENOPHON. Persian expedition. R. Warner, tr. Repr. Penguin Books, 1951 |
MRS.31.88 | WADDELL, H. Mediaeval Latin lyrics. Repr. Penguin Books, 1964 |
9720.d.640 | CHAMBERS, E.K. Oxford book of sixteenth century verse. Clarendon Press, 1932 |
9720.d.1200 | AUDEN, W.H. Oxford book of light verse. Repr. OUP, 1962 (o) |
MRS.31.89 | AITKEN, J. English letters of the XVIII century. Penguin books, 1946 |
MRS.31.90 | AITKEN, J. English diaries of the XIX century 1800‑1850. Penguin books, 1944 |
MRS.31.91 | DAVIES, H.S. Poets and their critics ... Penguin books, 1943 |
MRS.31.92 | EMPSON, W. Seven types of ambiguity. Repr. Chatto and Windus, 1949 (m) |
MRS.31.93 | HOLROYD, S. Emergence from chaos. Victor Gollanz, 1957 (m) |
MRS.31.94 | KERMODE, F. Sense of and ending : studies ... OUP, 1967 (m) |
MRS.31.95 | LEAVIS, F.R. Common pursuit. Repr. Penguin books, 1962 (a) |
L999.c.3.303 | LEAVIS, F.R. Common pursuit. Repr. Penguin books, 1969 (a) |
9720.c.1751-1752 | LEAVIS, F.R. Selection from 'Scrutiny', vol. 2. CUP, 1968 (e) |
MRS.31.96 | LEAVIS, F.R. Two cultures? ...Pantheon books, c1963 (i) |
700:1.c.90.27 | RICHARDS, I.A. Principles of literary criticism. 2nd ed. Routledge, 1926 repr. 1960 |
MRS.31.97 | SHORT stories from 'The New Yorker'. Victor Gollanz, 1951 |
MRS.31.98 | STEVENS, W. Necessary angel : essays... Faber and Faber, c1951 (m) |
MRS.31.99 | TRILLING, L. Beyond culture ... Secker & Warburg, c 1966 (m) |
MRS.31.100 | TRILLING, L. Liberal imagination : essays ... Secker and Warburg, 1951 (a) |
MRS.31.101 | HAZLITT, W. Lectures on the English comic writers ... J.M. Dent, [1910?] (m) |
MRS.31.102 | WADDELL, H. Wandering Scholars. 7th. ed. Constable, 1958 (m) |
9700.d.3857 | WRITER'S dilemma : essays ... OUP, 1961 |
1965.7.5250 | BALDWIN, J. Another country. Corgi books, c1963 |
9450.c.674 | BEHAN, B. Hold your hour and have another. Corgi books, 1965 |
1906.6.1239 | BORROW, G. Bible in Spain, or, the journeys ... Henry Frowde, 1906 |
1891.6.143 | BROWNING, R. Pocket volume of selections from poetical works. Smith etc., [1890] pr1898 |
MRS.31.103 | CARROLL, L. Alice's adventures... and Through the looking-glass. Ill. Macmillan, 1958 (m) |
9720.d.3226 | CARROLL, L. Annotated Alice : Alice's adv. and ... Ill. Penguin books, 1965 |
1946.7.1742 | CHAUCER, G. Canterbury tales. H. L. Hitchins, ed. Ill. John Murray, 1946 |
1959.7.2599 | CHEKHOV, A. Plays. E. Fen, tr. Repr. Penguin Books, 1960 |
1950.7.5728 | CHESTERTON, G.K. Innocence of Father Brown. Penguin books, 1950 |
1951.7.4295 | CONRAD, J. Rescue : a romance of the shallows.Penguin books, 1950 |
1949.7.2347 | CONRAD, J. Romance (Collected edition ...) SF [190-?] (o) |
1963.7.5456 | CONRAD, J. Secret agent : a simple tale. Penguin books, 1963 |
9720.c.839 | CORNFORD, F. Collected poems. Cresset Press, 1954 |
1963.7.4128 | CUMMINGS, E.E. Selected poems 1923-1958. Penguin books, 1963 |
9720.c.1196 | CUMMINGS, E.E. 73 poems by e. e. cummings. Faber and Faber, c1963 |
9720.d.1901 | DAY LEWIS, C. The colloquial element in English poetry. |
1951.7.4348 | DAY LEWIS, C. Selected poems. Penguin books, 1951 |
9720.c.4926 | DAY LEWIS, C. Hope for poetry. 8th ed. Repr. with a posts. Basil Blackwell, 1947 |
MRS.31.108 | DAY LEWIS, C. Overtures to death and other poems. 2nd. pr. Jonathan Cape, 1939 (o) |
9720.d.1890 | DAY LEWIS, C. Poems 1943-1947. 3rd. pr. Jonathan Cape, 1949 |
730.d.94.28 | DAY LEWIS, C. Poetic image. Jonathan Cape, 1947 |
1945.7.622 | DAY LEWIS, C. Poetry for you. Basil Blackwell, 1944 (8th impression 1947) |
9720.d.1484 | DAY LEWIS, C. Word over all. 4th. pr. Jonathan Cape, 1945 |
S727.c.95.9 | DEFOE, D. Moll Flanders. G. A. Aitken, intr. Repr. Dent & Dent, 1958 (o) |
1950.7.5759 | DONNE, J. Selection of his poetry. J. Hayward, intr. Penguin books, 1950 |
8720.d.415 | ELIOT, G. Adam Bede (Novels v. 1). New ed. William Blackwood and Sons, [1896] |
ELIOT, G. Middlemarch : a study of provincial life. New American Library, 1964. INCOMPLETE | |
8720.d.416 | ELIOT, G. Mill on the Floss (Novels v. 2). New ed. William Blackwood and Sons, [1896] |
8720.d.417 | ELIOT, G. Scenes of clerical life, (Novels v. 4). William Blackwood and S., [192-?] |
727.c.95.14 | ELIOT, T.S. Selected essays. Repr. Faber and Faber, 1966 (m-not by RG) (o) |
1951.7.4345 | ELIOT, T.S. Selected poems. Repr. Penguin books, 1951 |
S721.c.95.44 | ELIOT, T.S. Cocktail party. 2nd pr. Faber and Faber, 1950 |
9720.c.484 | ELIOT, T.S. Four quartets. 8th. pr. Faber and Faber, 1950 |
S100.c.93.12 | ELIOT, T.S. Idea of a christian society. 3rd pr. Faber and Faber, 1939 |
MRS.31.105 | ELIOT, T.S. Notes towards the definition of culture. 3rd pr. F.&F., 1949 (m) |
1953.7.5775 | ELIOT, T.S. Three voices of poetry. National Book League, 1953 |
MRS.31.104 | ELIOT, T.S. Use of poetry and the use of criticism. 2nd pr. F.&F., 1950 (m) |
1946.7.4180 | FALKNER, J.M. Lost stradivarius. Penguin books, 1946 |
1950.7.339 | FRY, C. Venus observed. OUP, 1950 |
1947.7.418 | FRY, C. Phoenix too frequent : a comedy. 2nd pr. OUP, 1949 |
1930.6.181 | GALSWORTHY, J. In chancery [The Forsyte saga]. London book, [1930?] |
1955.7.3383 | HEMINGWAY, E. For whom the bell tolls. Repr. Penguin books, 1964 |
9700.d.2191 | HOUSMAN, L. Angels and Ministers. Jonathan Cape, 1921 |
1950.7.5720 | HUXLEY, A. Music at night and other essays. Penguin books, 1950 |
1966.7.6207 | ISHERWOOD, C. World in the evening. Penguin books, 1966 |
1962.8.3543 | JAMES, H. Notebooks of Henry James. F. O. Mathiessen ... ed. OUP, 1961 |
1963.8.4191 | GILBERT, S. James Joyce's 'Ulysses'. Penguin books, 1963 |
S727.c.94.12 | CAMPBELL, J. Skeleton key to 'Finnegans Wake'.3rd pr. F.&F., 1959 |
MRS.31.106 | HART, C. Structure and motif in Finnegans Wake. Faber and Faber, 1962 (m) |
MRS.31.107 | KINGSLEY, C. Heroes, or, Greekfairy tales ... new ed. ill. Macmillan, 1876 |
1914.6.683 | LAMB, C. Best of Lamb. E.V. Lucas, ed. Methuen & Co., 1923 (o) (a-not RG) |
9600.d.114 | LAWRENCE, D. H. Twilight in Italy. 2nd pr. 1924 |
1938.7.5195 | LEAR. E. Lear omnibus. R. L. Megroz, ed. Hutchinson's b.f.y.p., [194-?] |
1961.7.3742 | LEE, L. Laurie Lee (Pocket poets). Studio Vista, c1960 |
1971.7.5483 | LEE, L. As I walked out one midsummer morning. Ill. Penguin books, 1969 |
1961.7.5183 | *LEE, L. Cider with Rosie. Repr. Penguin books, 1985 |
Ud.7.2412 | *LEE. L. Rose for winter. Penquin books, 1971 |
1945.7.1233 | LEWIS, A. Ha! Ha! among the trumpets : poems in transit. George Allen, 1945 |
1947.7.1380 | LODWICK, J. Twenty east of Greenwich, or, ... William Heinemann, 1947 |
MRS.31.109 | MACDONALD, B. Egg and I. 8th. pr. J.B. Lippincott, c1945 |
MRS.31.110 | MACLEISH, A. J.B. 12th pr. 1958 |
9720.c.297 | MACNEICE, L. Earth compels. 3rd pr. Faber and Faber, 1947 |
9720.c.227 | MACNEICE, L. Poems 44. 5th pr. Faber and Faber, 1946 |
9720.c.490 | MACNEICE, L. Springboard : poems 1941-1944. 2nd pr. Faber & Faber, 1945 |
1951.7.4302 | MARQUAND, J.P. H.M. Pulham Esquire. Penguin books, 1951 |
MRS.31.111 | MICHAUD, J. Symphonie fantastique : diablerie ... UMA Press c1949 (i) |
1954.7.4336 | ORWELL, G. Nineteen eighty-four. Repr. Penguin books, 1969 |
MRS.31.112 | POE, E.A. Tales grotesque. Collins Clear-type Press, [189-?] |
1950.7.1653 | POUND, E. Selection of poems. 4th. pr. Faber and Faber, 1946 (o) |
1965.7.5953 | ROBBE-GRILLET, A. Jealousy. John Calder, 1965 |
MRS.31.113 | SACKVILLE-WEST, E. Rescue. B. Britten. H. Moore, ill. S. and W., 1945. (i) |
1951.7.1401 | SALINGER. J.D. Catcher in the Rye. Hamish Hamilton, 1951 |
1904.7.167 | SCOTT, W. Ivanhoe. Nelson, [190-?] |
1949.7.4467 | SITWELL, E. Alexander Pope. Penguin books, 1948 |
724.c.94.36 | SITWELL, E. Notebook on William Shakespeare. Macmillan, 1948 |
S727.d.93.38 | SASSOON, S. Old century and seven more years. Faber and Faber, 1938 |
MRS.31.114 | SHAKESPEARE, W. Works of W.S. with life ... 'Albion' ed. Frederick Warne, 1890 |
MRS.31.115 | SHAKESPEARE, W. Tragedy of Coriolanus. Penguin books, 1947 (a) |
MRS.31.116 | SHAKESPEARE, W. Pericles. Repr. J.M. Dent, 1946 (a) |
MRS.31.117 | SHAKESPEARE, W. Taming of the shrew. Penguin books, 1951 (a) |
MRS.31.118 | SHAKESPEARE, W. Tragedy of Macbeth. Repr. Penguin books, 1961 (a) |
1948.7.2391 | SHAKESPEARE, W. Troylus and Cressida. Penguin books, 1947 |
1909.6.768 | SHAKESPEARE, W. Twelfth night. Blackie & Son, [194-?](o) (m-not RG) |
718.c.92.9 | SHERIDAN, R.B. Plays & poems (v. 3 only). R. C. Rhodes, ed. Basil Blackwell, 1928 |
9720.c.694 | SPENDER, S. Edge of being. Faber and Faber, 1949 |
MRS.31.119 | *STEINBECK, J. Burning bright. Pan, 1970, 1976 reprint. |
MRS.31.120 | STOREY, D. This sporting life. Penguin books, 1962 |
MRS.31.121 | SWIFT, J. Portable Swift. C. van Doren, ed. Viking Press, 1961 (m) |
1963.7.4091 | TRILLING, L. Middle of the journey. Penguin books, 1963 |
1907.5.160-161 | TROLLOPE, A. Small house at Allington (v. 1) John Lane, 1906 |
1964.8.962 | VIDAL, G. Julian. Heinemann, c1964 |
1951.7.863 | WAUGH, E. Helena. Chapman, 1950 |
MRS.31.122 | WORDSWORTH, W. Prefaces and essays on poetry. D.C. Heath & Co., c1892 (m) (o) |
748:35.d.95.20 | BRECHT, B. Kalendergeschichten. Rowohlt, 1953. |
MRS.31.124 | BRECHT, B. Flüchtlingsgespräche. Suhrkamp, c1961 (e) |
MRS.31.125 | BÜCHNER, G. Werke und Briefe. Iminsel‑Verlag, 1949 (a) |
MRS.31.126 | DÜRRENMATT, F. Grieche sucht Griechin ... Ullstein Bücher, 1962 |
MRS.31.127 | Goethe. BIELSCHOWSKY, A. Goethe, el hombre y su obra. R.Sarró, pr. Scientia, 1944 |
9746.d.78 | Goethe. SCHWEITZER, A. Goethe. Adam and Charles Black, 1949 |
MRS.31.128 | Goethe. GESPRÄCHE mit Goethe. J.P. Eckermann. Wilhelm Goldmann V., [1957?] (m) |
MRS.31.129 | Goethe. GOETHE im Gespräch. E. Grumach. Fischer Bücherei, 1960 (m) (e) |
XXVII.6.1- | GOETHE, J.W. Goethe's Werke. Voll. Aus... 19. Band. Gotta'schen Buchh., 1828 |
MRS.31.130 | GOETHE, J.W. Weimarer Dramen. 1. Teil. DTV, 1963 (a) |
MRS.31.131-132 | GOETHE, J.W. Faust ... 2 v. S. Fischer, [1902-1903] |
MRS.31.135 | GOETHE, J.W. Faust. Urfaust. Paralipomena. Ö.V.B.W., 1946 |
1949.7.4564 | GOETHE, J.W. Faust. P. Wayne, tr. Part 1. Penguin books, 1949 |
MRS.31.136 | GRASS, G. Blechtrommel. [6. Aufl?]. Fischer Bücherei, 1963 |
MRS.31.134 | GRILLPARZER, F. Arme Spielmann. Kunstverlag Anton Schroll, [1920] |
MRS.31.133 | GRILLPARZER, F. Meeres und der liebe Wellen. S. Fischer, [1903?] |
MRS.31.137 | HAECKER, T. Essays. Kössel Verlag, c1958 (m) |
9004.d.657 | HAECKER, T. Tag- und Nachtbücher. 3. Aufl.Kössel Verlag, c1959 (m) |
MRS.31.138 | HÖLDERLIN. Hyperion oder ...Fischer Bücherei, 1962 |
MRS.31.139 | KAFKA, F. Amerika. Fischer Bücherei, 1965 (m) |
MRS.31.140 | KAFKA, F. Briefe an Milena. Fischer Bücherei, 1966 (a, Poldi G.) |
MRS.31.141 | KLEIST, H. von. Heinrich von Kleist in Selbstzeugnissen ... Rowohlt, 1960 |
MRS.31.144-146 | KNABEN WUNDERHORN. Arnim & Brentano. Rütten & Loenig, 1966 (3 v.) |
Uc.8.1028 | KRAFT, P. Gedichte. Kurt Wolff, 1915. |
MRS.31.142 | KRAUS, K. Letzten Tage der Menschheit ... Die Fackel, [1926?] |
MRS.31.147 | KRAUS, K. Literatur und Lüge. H. Fischer, Auswahl. DTV, 1962 |
MRS.31.143 | LICHTENBERG, G.C. Aphorismen. Manesse Verlag, c 1958. (m) |
MRS.31.148 | LORENZ, A. Schattenreiter. Eduard Wancura Verlag, c1958 |
382:5.c.95.210 | LORENZ, K. Sogenannte Böse ... 2. Aufl. Dr. G. Borotha-Schoeler V., c1964 |
CCD.30.1056 | MANN, T. Meerfahrt mit Don Quijote. Insel-Verlag, 1956 (m) |
MRS.31.151-158 | NIETZSCHE, F. Nietzsches Werke. Taschen-Ausg. Alfred Kröner, 1919.
MRS.31.159 | NIETZSCHE, F. Also sprach Zarathustra. Alfred Kröner Verlag, [1918?] |
MRS.31.160-161 | RILKE, R.M. Ausgewählte Werke. Insel V., 1938 (2 v.) |
MRS.31.148 | SCHLEGEL, F. Anfangsp. des christl. Nachdenkens. 2. Aufl. Hans Sachs, 1917 |
755:37.c.90.33 | STRINDBERG, A. Beichte eines Toren. 26. Aufl. Georg Müller, 1918 (marked "243a" not by RG) |
755:37.c.90.34 | STRINDBERG, A. Inferno Legend. 10. Aufl. Georg Müller, 1917 (marked "24.75" not by RG) |
738:47.c.95.56 | NOVELIST as a philosopher : studies in french fiction 1935-1960. OUP, 1962 |
MRS.31.162 | ROBBE-GRILLET, A. Pour un nouveau roman. Gallimard, c1967 (a) |
739:45.d.90.37 | ALAIN. Histoire de mes pensées. 17e éd. Gallimard, 1950 (n) |
9735.d.231 | APOLLINAIRE, G. Chois de poesies. A.M. Bowra, pr. Horizon, 1945 |
739:45.d.95.528 | ARTAUD, A. Ouvres complètes. Gallimard, [1962?] (3 v.) (n) |
738:45.d.95.104 | AYMÉ, M. Uranus. 25e éd. Gallimard, 1948 (CUL has 84e éd of 1951) |
738:4.c.90.19- | BALZAC, H. Comèdie humaine. L. Conard, 1913? |
Leigh.d.5.648 | Beaumarchais. RICHARD, P. Vie privée de Beaumarchais. Hachette, 1951 |
MRS.31.163 | Camus. DURAND, A. Cas Albert Camus ... Fischbacher-Hachette, 1961 (e) |
P900:2.c.26.89 | Camus. HOMAGE a Albert Camus. 'NRF'8e année, no. 87 (1 mars 1960) |
MRS.31.164 | Camus. HOURDIN, G. Camus le juste. 2e ed. rev et au. E. du CERF, c1960 |
701:03.d.4.64 | Camus. LEBESQUE, M. Albert Camus par lui même. Ed. du Seuil, 1963 |
MRS.31.165 | Camus. LEBESQUE, M. Albert Camus in Selbstzeugnissen ... Rowohlt, c1960 |
MRS.31.166 | Camus. LUPPE, R. Albert Camus. E. universitaires, 1954 |
738:47.d.95.235 | Camus. SIMON, P.-H. Presence de Camus. La renaissance du livre, c1961 (n, p.) |
738:47.c.95.50 | Camus. THODY, P. Albert Camus 1913‑1960. Hamish Hamilton, c1961 |
739:45.d.95.33 | CAMUS, A. Actuelles : chroniques 1944‑1948. 6e éd. Gallimard, 1950 (n) |
739:45.d.95.34 | CAMUS, A. Actuelles II : chroniques 1948‑1953. 17e éd. Gallimard, 1953 |
739:45.d.95.617 | CAMUS, A. Carnets : mai 1935‑ février 1942. Gallimard, c1962 (n) |
738:45.d.95.210 | CAMUS, A. Chute. 115e éd. Gallimard, 1956 |
MRS.31.167 | CAMUS, A. Discours de Suède 4e éd. Gallimard, 1958 |
739:45.d.95.234 | CAMUS, A. Envers et l'endroit. 29e éd. Gallimard, 1958 |
737:45.d.90.132 | CAMUS, A. état de siège. 2e éd. Gallimard, 1948 |
737:45.d.90.132 | CAMUS, A. état de siège. 15e éd. Gallimard, 1948 (n) |
739:45.d.95.23 | CAMUS, A. été. 38e éd. Gallimard, 1954 (n) |
MRS.31.168 | CAMUS, A. Exil et le royaume. 30e éd. Gallimard, 1957 (m) |
MRS.31.169 | CAMUS, A. Homme révolté. 112e éd. Gallimard, 1954 (a) |
737:45.d.95.16 | CAMUS, A. Justes. 44e éd. Gallimard, 1957? |
MRS.31.170 | CAMUS, A. Lettres à un ami allemand. 4e éd. Gallimard, 1948 |
737:45.d.90.133 | CAMUS, A. Malentendu... Caligula. 62e éd. Gallimard, 1947 (n) |
MRS.31.171 | CAMUS, A. Mythe de Sisyphe. 61e éd. Gallimard, 1953 (m) |
739:45.d.95.71 | CAMUS, A. Noces. 14e éd. Gallimard, 1950 (n) |
MRS.31.173 | CAMUS, A. Peste. Livre de Poche, 1962? |
MRS.31.172 | CAMUS, A. Plague. S. Gilbert, tr. Repr. Penguin books, 1960 (m) |
MRS.31.174 | CAMUS, A. Pest. Rowohlt, 1967 (e) |
not retained | CAMUS, A. Pest. Rowohlt, 1968 |
MRS.31.175-177 | CHATEAUBRIAND, F.‑R. Mémoires d'outre‑tombe. Le livre de poche, c1961 (3 v.) |
1956.7.874 | DUMAS, A. Count of Monte Cristo. Collins, 1955 |
MRS.31.178 | FOUCAULT, M. Histoire de la folie à l'age classique. U.G.E., c1961 (m) |
1945.7.2439 | FOURNIER, A. Grand Meaulnes. Barnard & Westwood, 1944 |
MRS.31.179 | GIDE, A. Journal 1889‑1939. Gallimard, 1948 (m) |
MRS.31.180 | GIONO, J. Lettre aux paysans ... Bernard Grasset, c1938 (n, partially) |
MRS.31.182 | GRENIER, J. Illes, suivi de Inspirations ... Gallimard, c1947 [ex. no. 319] (n) |
MRS.31.181 | LA FONTAINE, J. de. Fables. Le livre de poche, c 1964 |
MRS.31.284 | LE SAGE, A.R. Historia de Gil Blas de Santillana. 2a ed. Salvatella, 1883 |
MRS.31.184 | LAUTREAMONT, C. de. Chants de Maldoror ... La jeune parque, 1947 (n) |
MRS.31.318 | Mallarme. MICHAUD, G. Mallarme : l'home et l'oeuvre. 2e ed. Hatier-Boivin, c1958 (m) |
S735.d.94.11 | MALLARME, S. Oeuvres completes. Gallimard, c1945 |
1944.7.2268 | MALLARME, S. Poésies ... HÉRÉDIA, J. Trophees. Barnard, [194-?] |
MRS.31.185 | MALRAUX, A. Espoir. Gallimard, 1965 |
MRS.31.183 | MARTIN D'ARAGON. Breviaire de Martin d'Aragon. J. Porcher, pr. Nomis, [195-?] |
MRS.31.186 | MAUROIS, A. Art de vivre. Livr. Plon, 1939 |
MRS.31.187 | MAUROIS, A. Mémoires. Flammarion, ed., c1948 |
S735.d.93.18 | MONTAIGNE, M. de. Essais. Gallimard, c1950 |
MRS.31.188 | [NILSSON miniature series of French literature, 190-?]: BALZAC, H. de Colonel Chabert; |
MRS.31.189 | BAUDELAIRE, C. Paradis artificiels |
MRS.31.190 | BRETE, J. de la Conte bleu; LA |
MRS.31.191 | BRUYERE, Caracteres |
MRS.31.192 | CONSTANT, B. Adolphe |
MRS.31.193 | CREBILLON fils. La sopha |
MRS.31.194 | DIDEROT, D. Neveu de Rameau |
MRS.31.195-196 | LACLOS, C. Liaisons dangereuses 2 v. |
MRS.31.197 | LONGUS, Daphnis et Chloe |
MRS.31.198 | MUSSET, A. de. Rolla |
MRS.31.199 | REGNIER, H. de. Vacances d'un homme sage |
MRS.31.200-201 | Poe. BONAPARTE, M. Edgar Poe : étude psychanalytique. Denoel et S., c1933 (2 v.) |
739:45.d.95.111 | PONGE, F. Grand recueil. Gallimard, c1961 |
MRS.31.202-203 | Proust. PAINTER, G. D. Marcel Poust : a biography. Chatto & Windus, 1961 (2 v.) (a) |
736.d.92.3 | PROUST, M. Pastiches et mélanges. 54e ed. Gallimard, 1958? |
MRS.31. 203-218 | PROUST, M. À la recherche du temps perdu. NRF.
MRS.31.219 | PROUST, M. Contre Sainte-Beuve. Gallimard, c1954 (m) |
1943.7.2371 | RIMBAUD, A. Plus belles oeuvres. Barnard & Westwood, 1943 |
739:45.d.95.51- | SAINT-JOHN PERSE. Oeuvre poétique. ed. rev. et cor. Gallimard, c1960 (2 v.) |
738:45.d.90.197 | SARTRE, J.-P. Âge de raison. 108e ed. Gallimard, 1950 |
738:45.d.90.198 | SARTRE, J.-P. Mort dans l' âme. 79e ed. Gallimard, 1949 |
738:45.d.90.227 | SARTRE, J.-P. Nausée. 29e ed. Gallimard, 1947 |
S735.d.95.194 | SARTRE, J.-P. Saint Genet comedien et martyr. 18e ed. Gallimard, c1952 (n) |
MRS.31.224 | VALERY, P. Discours de reception à l'Académie F. Gallimard, 1927 (m) |
MRS.31.220 | VALERY, P. Ecrits divers sur Stephane Mallarmé. Gallimard, 1950 |
736:45.d.90.83 | VALERY, P. Etudes pour Narcisse. Ed. des Cahiers libres, 1927 [478] |
MRS.31.225 | VALERY, P. Eupalinos ou l' architecture ... 24e ed. Gallimard, c1924 (m) |
MRS.31.221 | VALERY, P. Idée fixe. 14e ed. Gallimard, c1934 (b) (m) |
MRS.31.222 | VALERY, P. Idée fixe. Gallimard, c1961 (m) |
739:45.d.90.102 | VALERY, P. Mélange. Gallimard, 1943 (n, p.) |
MRS.31.223 | VALERY, P. Mon Faust (ebauches). 43e ed. Gallimard, c1946 (m) (n, p.) |
736.d.92.39 | VALERY, P. Monsieur Teste. 9e ed. Gallimard, c1929 |
MRS.31.226 | VALERY, P. Morceaux choisis : prose et poesie. Gallimard, 1930 (m) (n, p.) |
MRS.31.227 | VALERY, P. Pièces sur l'art. 24e ed. Gallimard, c1934 (m) |
MRS.31.228 | VALERY, P. Regards sur le monde actuel. Libr. Stock, D. et B., c1944 (a) |
739:45.d.90.101 | VALERY, P. Rhumbs. Gallimard, 1933 [copy no. 1022] |
MRS.31.229 | VALERY, P. Varieté. 6e ed. Gallimard, c1924 (a) |
MRS.31.230 | VALERY, P. Varieté II. 10e ed. Gallimard, c1930 (m) |
MRS.31.231 | VALERY, P. Varieté IV. 8e ed. Gallimard, c1938 (m) |
MRS.31.232 | VOLTAIRE. Romans. Le livre de poche, c1961 |
745:68.d.90.1 | ANTOLOGIA de poetes catalans moderns. Societat catalana d'edicions, 1914 |
MRS.31.233 | CATALUNYA : antologia de la poesia patriòtica ... Genalitat de C., [1934] |
MRS.31.234 | LLEGENDARI catala. C. Riba, ed. Editorial catalana, 1920 (m) |
MRS.31.235 | BENGUEREL, X. Testament. Ayma, 1955. |
MRS.31.236 | BROSSA, J. Poemes civils. Editorial RM, 1961 (i) |
MRS.31.451 | BROSSA, J. Or I sal. J. Horta, 1963 (Quaderns de teatre; 13) |
MRS.31.237 | CARDO, C. Nit transparent. La Paraula cristiana, 1935 (n) |
MRS.31.238 | CARNER, J. Tres diumenges. Grau Sala, ill. L'Oreneta (i with an ill.) |
MRS.31.239 | FOIX, J. V. Lloms transparents. Edicions 62, 1969 |
MRS.31.240 | FOLCH i CAMARASSA, R. Visita. 2a ed. Selecta, c1965 |
MRS.31.1003 | GASSOL, V. Mirages. Ed. de la Clairefontaine, 1950 [255] |
MRS.31.241 | OLLER, N. Pilar prim. Selecta, [1947] (m)(o) |
MRS.31.242 | OLLER, N. Febre d'or. Selecta, [1955] (m)(o) |
745:74.d.95.4 | PLA, J. Carrer estret. 3a ed. Selecta, 1962 |
MRS.31.243 | RIBA, C. Moment musical. Llibr. Catalonia, 1936 |
MRS.31.244 | RUSIÑOL, S. Català de 'La Mancha'. 3a ed. Selecta, 1947 (m) |
MRS.31.245 | RUSIÑOL, S. Catalan de La Manche. Libr. Plon, 1923 (m) |
745:74.c.95.8 | SALVAT-PAPASSEIT, J. Poesies. 1a ed. completa. Ariel, 1962 |
745:74.d.90.37 | VERDAGUER, J. Atlàntida : poema (vol. 1). Llibr. Catalònia, 1928 (n, p.) |
1965.7.6563 | CANETTI, E. Auto da fé. C.V. Wedgwood, tr. Penguin books, 1965 |
MRS.31.246 | DANTE A. Comedia (I). A. Febrer, tr. C. Vidal, ed. Libr. A. Verdaguer, 1828 (i) |
not retained | GUARESCHI, G. Don Camillo und die Rothaarige. Albert Müller, c1969 |
1942.7.1371 | Machiavelli. SFORZA, C. Living thouths of Machiavelli. Cassell, 1942 |
MRS.31.248-261 | METASTASIO, P. Opere. A spese di Francesco Pisoni, 1780-1782 (14 v.) (o) |
743:11.c.95.1 | BRENAN, G. Literature of the Spanish people. CUP, 1951 |
MRS.31.247 | VOSSLER, K. Literatura española Siglo de Oro. Lucero, 1941 (m) |
743:21.d.90.1 | OXFORD book of Spanish verse : XVIIIth C.-XXth C. 2nd ed., repr. J.B. Trend. Clarendon Press, 1942 |
MRS.31.263 | Poesía española. (vol. 1). D. Alonso, ed. Signo, 1935 (i)(a)(o) |
MRS.31.262 | 'Revista de Occidente', año I, 2a época, no. 6 (septiembre 1963) |
744:6.d.95.3 | ALFONSO X. Antología de ... A. G. Solalinde, ed. 3a ed. Espasa‑Calpe, 1946 |
9743.d.1291 | ALBERTI, R. Poesía 1924‑1930. Cruz y Raya, 1934 (n., p.) |
other editions in CUL | AZORÍN. Ruta de Don Quijote. 2a ed. Losada, 1941 (b) |
MRS.31.264 | BAROJA, P. Intuición y el estilo. Biblioteca nueva, 1948 (n, p.) |
MRS.31.265 | CALDERÓN, P. Mojiganga de la muerte. AALA, 1927 [147, J.M. Trend] |
S744:3.c.9.10 | Cervantes. ARBÓ, S.J. Cervantes. Ed. del Zodíaco, c1945 |
MRS.31.266 | CERVANTES, M. de. Comedias : Trato de Argel ... Calpe, 1922 (a) |
744:27.d.90.20 | Cervantes. MADARIAGA, S. de. Guía del lector del 'Quijote'. Ed. Sudamericana, c1943 (o) |
1961.8.2952 | Cervantes. MADARIAGA, S. de. Don Quijote : an introductory essay ... rev.ed. OUP, 1961 (e) |
MRS.31.267 | Cervantes. MENÉNDEZ PIDAL, R. Aspecto en la elaboración del 'Quijote'. 2a ed. aum. La Lectura, 1924 |
MRS.31.268-274 | CERVANTES, M. de. Don Quijote de la Mancha. Bossange y Masson, 1814 (7 v. lacking v. 2) |
MRS.31.275 | CERVANTES, M. de. Don Quijote de la Mancha. Espasa-Calpe Argentina, 1940 (e) |
MRS.31.276-278 | CERVANTES, M. de. Don Quixote of the Mancha. T. Shelton, tr. Macmillan and Co., 1908 (3 v.) (a)(o)(e)(n, p.) |
1951.7.4349 | CERVANTES, M. de. Don Quixote. J.M. Cohen, tr. Penguin books, 1950 |
MRS.31.425 | ESCHEGARAY/CHAPI. Gigantes y cabezudos. R. Velasco, 1905 [Libretto] |
MRS.31.279 | GARCÍA LORCA, F. Federico García Lorca (1899-1936) : vida y obra ... Hispanic Inst., 1941 (a) |
MRS.31.281 | GARCÍA LORCA, F. Cinco farsas breves ... Losada, 1953 |
MRS.31.282 | GARCÍA LORCA, F. Libro de poemas. Impr. Maroto, 1921 (i) |
MRS.31.280 | GARCÍA LORCA, F. Romancero gitano (1924‑1927). 5a ed. Espasa‑Calpe, 1935 |
Ud.8.2307 | García Lorca. HONIG, E. García Lorca. Jonathan Cape, 1969 |
9743.c.20 | García Lorca. TREND, J.B. Federico García Lorca. Cambridge, 1951. |
1922.7.2642 | Vida de Lazarillo de Tormes. H.J. Chatyor, ed. Manchester U.P., 1935(reprint) |
MRS.31.283 | MADARIAGA, S. de. Toisón de oro ... Ed. Sudamericana, 1940 (i) |
743:01.d.1.32 | MORETO, A. Teatro. Ed. de 'La Lectura', 1922 (n) |
744:35.d.85.11- | PÉREZ GALDÓS, B. [Episodios nacionales] : 19 de marzo y el 2 de mayo. Bailén. Libr. Sucesores de Hernando, 1922 (o) - damaged, title page removed |
9743.d.1340(7) | [RAMOS CARION, M./CHAPI. El rey que rabio : zarzuela] [Libretto] |
743:01.d.1.20 | ROJAS, F. de. Celestina. Ed. 'La Lectura', 1913 (v. 1.) |
Hisp.7.89.17- | ROJAS, F. de. Celestina. E. Krapf, 1900 (v. 2.) |
743:27.c.90.2 | SANTILLANA, M. de. Prose and verse. J.B. Trend, ed. Dolphin Bookshop, 1940 |
MRS.31.285 | TERESA, de A., S. Su vida. 2a ed. Espasa‑Calpe Argentina, 1946 (m) |
9743.d.94 | Unamuno. BAREA, A. Unamuno. Bowes & Bowes, 1952 |
9743.c.20 | Unamuno. TREND, J.B. Unamuno. R.I. Severs, 1951 |
MRS.31.286 | UNAMUNO, M. de. Ensayos (II). Publ. de la Residencia de Estudiantes, 1916 (m) |
MRS.31.287 | UNAMUNO, M. de. Ensayos (III). Publ. de la Residencia de Estudiantes, 1916 (m) |
MRS.31.288 | UNAMUNO, M. de. Ensayos (VI). Publ. de la Residencia de Estudiantes, 1917 (m) |
MRS.31.289 | UNAMUNO, M. de. Ensayos (V). Publ. de la Residencia de Estudiantes, 1917 (m) |
MRS.31.290 | UNAMUNO, M. de. Ensayos (VI). Publ. de la Residencia de Estudiantes, 1918 (m) |
MRS.31.291 | UNAMUNO, M. de. Ensayos (VII). Publ. de la Residencia de Estudiantes, 1918 (m) |
MRS.31.292 | UNAMUNO, M. de. Amor y pedagogía. Espasa‑Calpe Argentina, 1940 |
MRS.31.293 | UNAMUNO, M. de. Del sentimiento trágico de la vida. 3a ed. E-C. A., 1939 |
MRS.31.294 | VALLE-INCLÁN, R. del. Jardín umbrío. Losada, 1940 |
MRS.31.295 | VEGA, L. de Fuenteovejuna. Peribáñez ... Mejor alcalde ... Losada, 1942 |
MRS.31.296 | ANTHOLOGY of Islamic literature. J. Kritzck, ed. Penguin books, c1964 (m) |
MRS.31.297 | ANTHOLOGY of Japanese literature ... D. Keene, ed. Penguin books, c 1968 (m) |
MRS.31.298 | SUZUKI. D.T. Zen Buddhism. W. Barret, ed. Doubleday Anchor books, c1956 (m) |
841:1.c.95.11 | HENDERSON, H.G. Introduction to Haiku. Doubleday Anchor books, c1958 |
1956.8.1845 | FROM Thales to Plato. T.V. Smith, ed. 2nd ed. Phoenix books, 1956 |
1956.8.1846 | FROM Aristotle to Plotinus. T.V. Smith, ed. 2nd ed., 1956 |
9180.d.3108 | LEFF, G. Medieval thought : St. Augustine to Ockham. Penguin books, 1958 |
Ud.1.952 | PASSMORE, J. Hundred years of philosophy. Penguin books, 1968 |
MRS.31.299 | AGE of analysis : 20th c. philrs. 3rd pr. M. White, ed. Mentor book, 1957 (a) |
53:7.d.90.12 | ALLEN, W. Timeless moment. 2nd pr. Faber and Faber, 1947 |
MRS.31.300 | HOUSE, H. Aristotle's Poetics. C. Hardie, pr. Rupert Hart-Davis, 1956 (m) |
1954.6.151 | ARISTOTLE. Nichomachean ethics. D. Ross, tr. OUP, 1954 |
1961.7.5203 | AUGUSTINE, St. Confessions. R.S. Pine-Coffin, tr. Penguin books, 1961 |
180.d.96.10 | AUSTIN, J.L. Sense and sensibilia. G.J. Warnock, ed. Clarendon Press, 1962 |
1957.7.3289 | AYER, A.J. Problem of knowledge. Penguin books, 1956 |
9180.d.2162 | BEAUVOIR, S. de. Pour une morale de l'ambig. 9e ed. Gallimard, 1947 (n, p.) |
198.c.96.20 | BENNET, J.G. Witness : the story of a search. Hoder and Stoughton, c1962 |
MRS.31.301 | BERGSON, H. Creative mind. Wisdom Library, c1946 (m) |
MRS.31.302 | BERGSON, H. Two sources of morality and religion. Doubl. anchor books, c1954 (m) |
MRS.31.303 | BERGSON, H. Matière et mémoire. 11e ed. Libr. Félix Alcan, 1914 |
9200.c.1250 | BERLIN, I. Two concepts of liberty. Clarendon Press, 1958 (m) |
460:3.c.95.2 | BERRILL, N.J. Man's emerging mind. Dennis Dobson, 1958 |
1960.7.4494 | BRONOWSKI, J. Common sense of science. Penguin books, 1960 |
9180.d.1933 | BRONOWSKI, J. Identity of man. Penguin books, 1967 |
MRS.31.304 | BUBER, M. Between man and man. D.G. Smith, tr. 2nd pr. Fontana Library, 1963 (m) |
9100.d.5759 | BUBER, M. Eclipse of God : studies ... Victor Gollanz, 1953 |
180.c.96.255 | BUBER, M. Knowledge of man. M. Friedman, pr. George Allen & Unwin, 1965 |
192.c.95.29 | CARNAP, R. Meaning and necessity ... Enl. ed., 2nd pr. Phoenix books, 1958 |
MRS.31.305 | CHARDIN, P.T. de. Phenomenon of man. J. Huxley, pr. 5th. pr. Collins, 1960 (m) |
1942.7.165 | CHURCH, R. Plato's mistake. George Allen & Unwin, 1941 |
MRS.31.306 | CIORAN, E.M. Précis de décomposition. Gallimard, c1949 (a) |
MRS.31.307 | COPLESTON, F.C. Aquinas : an introductory ... Penguin books, 1955 (m) |
180.c.95.156 | COPLESTON, C.F. Contemporary philosophy : studies... Burns & Oates, 1956 |
MRS.31.308 | CORNFORD, F.M. Before and after Socrates. CUP, 1932 (m) |
MRS.31.309 | DICKINSON, G.L. Plato and his Dialogues. Penguin books, 1947 (m) |
9003.d.4201 | ESSAYS in philosophical psychology. D.F. Gustafson, ed. Macmillan 1967 (a-not Gerhard) |
8180.d.87 | FLINT, R. Vico. William Blackwood and Sons, 1884 |
1955.7.4712 | FLUGEL, J.C. Man, morals and society. Penguin books, 1955 |
9180.d.1761 | FREEDOM and the will. D.F. Pears, ed. Macmillan, 1963 |
1953.7.4047 | GALLIE, W.B. Peirce and Pragmatism. Penguin books, 1952 |
MRS.31.310 | GAUNT, W. Aesthetic adventure. Penguin books, 1957 (m) |
MRS.31.311 | HAECKER, T. Metaphysik des Fühlens. 2. Aufl. Im Kösel V., 1955 (a) |
MRS.31.312 | HAECKER, T. Schönheit. 3. Aufl. Im Kösel V., 1953 (a) |
MRS.31.313 | HAECKER, T. Vergil : Vater des Abendlandes. 7. Auf. Im Kösel V., 1952 |
MRS.31.314 | HAECKER, T. Was ist der Mensch?. Ullstein Bücher, 1959 |
180.c.95.225 | HAMPSHIRE, S. Thought and action. Chatto and Windus, 1959 |
MRS.31.315 | HEIDEGGER, M. Introduction to Metaphysics. R. Manheim, tr. Anchor b., 1961 (m) |
MRS.31.316 | HEISENBERG, W. Physyk und Philosophie. Ullstein Bücher, 1961 (m) |
746:15.d.95.5 | HELLER, E. Disinherited mind. Bowes & Bowes, [1952?] |
MRS.31.317 | HERACLITUS. Doctrines philosophiques. Libr. F. Alcan, 1931 (m) |
206.d.96.12 | HOBBES, T. Leviathan. J. Palmenatz, ed. 4th pr. Collins, 1969 |
MRS.31.324 | HUIZINGA, J. Homo ludens : ... play element in culture. Beacon Press, 1955 |
9100.d.6960 | HUME, D. Hume on Reigion. R. Wollheim, ed. Collins, 1963 |
MRS.31.320 | HUXLEY, Perennial philosophy. Chatto & Windus, 1946 (a) |
MRS.31.325 | JAMES, W. Will to believe and other essays. Dover, 1956 |
MRS.31.321 | JAMES, W. William James : a selection ... Penguin books, 1950 (m) |
MRS.31.322 | JASPERS, K. Reason and Existenz : five lectures. Routledge & Kegan P., 1956 (m) |
1876.6.604 | JEVONS, S. Logic. Ill. Macmillan and Co., 1876 (1926 printing) |
MRS.31.323 | KOESTLER, A. Watershed : a biography of Johannes Kepler. Anchor books, 1960 |
MRS.31.326 | KIERKEGAARD, S. Fear and trembling ; The sickness unto death. Doubleday Anchor, 1955 |
62:53.c.90.4 9(1st printing) | KIERKEGAARD, S. Journals ... A. Dru, ed., tr. 2nd pr. OUP, 1951 |
MRS.31.329 | KIERKEGAARD, S. Point of view, etc. OUP, 1939 |
MRS.31.328 | LANGER, S.K. Feeling and form : a theory ... Routledge & Kegan P., 1953 (m) |
MRS.31.327 | LANGER, S.K. Introduction to symbolic logic. 2nd ed., rev. Dover P., 1953 (m) |
1969.7.5329 | LANGER, S.K. Philosophy in anew key. 10th pr. New American Library, 1959 (a) |
1964.7.5773 | LAO TZU. Tao te ching. D.C. Lau, ed. Repr. Penguin books, 1967 |
32.7.84 | LAO TZU. Simple way : ... Tao‑Teh‑King. W.G. Old, tr. W. Rider & Son, 1913 (o) |
MRS.31.330 | LAWRENCE, N. Whitehead's philosophical development ... U.Calif.P., 1956 (a) |
MRS.31.332 | LECLERC, I. Relevance of Whitehead. George Allen and Unwin, c1961 (m) |
MRS.31.331 | LECLERC, I. Whitehead's metaphysics. George Allen and Unwin, c1958 (a) |
9180.d.2315 (later edition) | LEIBNIZ, G.W. Philosophical writings. Repr. J.M.Dent, 1951 |
MRS.31.333 | LICHTENBERG, G.C. 2x2=3, oder, Vom fruchtbaren Zweifel. V. der G.W.G., c1952 |
MRS.31.334 | LICHTENBERG, G.C. Spässeund Probleme. A. Langen‑G. Müller, 1954 |
MRS.31.335 | MALCOLM, N. Ludwig Wittgenstein : a memoir. Repr. OUP, 1959 |
MRS.31.336 | MASSé, P. Plan ou l'anti‑hasard. Gallimard, c1965 |
MRS.31.337 | MEDAWAR, P.B. Art of the soluble. Repr. Methuen & Co., 1967 (a) |
MRS.31.338 | MEDAWAR, P.B. Induction and intuition in scient. tho. Methuen & Co., 1969 (m) |
MRS.31.339 | MERLEAU-PONTY, M. éloge de la philosophie ... Gallimard, c1960 (a) |
MRS.31.340 | NEEDHAM, J. Great amphibium ... Student Christ. Mov. Press, 1931 (o) (m) |
379.d.93.6 | NEEDHAM, J. Order and life ... CUP, 1936 - (e) with card from Heffers dated 26/11/1961 saying "This is now available" -- (o) and with former owner's name "Dr. L.E.R. Picken" |
MRS.31.341 | NEEDHAM, J. Time: the refreshing river. 2nd pr. George Allen & Unwin, 1948 (m) |
340:15.c.90.3 | NEEDHAM, J. Sceptical biologist. Chatto & Windus, 1929 |
1954.7.4363 | NOWELL‑SMITH, P.H. Ethics. Peguin books, 1954 |
S180.c.95.78 | OGDEN, C.K. & RICHARDS, I.A. Meaning of meaning. 10th ed. R.& K.P., 1953 |
MRS.31.342 | ORTEGA Y GASSET, J. Deshumanizacion del arte. 6a ed. Rev. de occ., 1960 (m) |
MRS.31.343 | ORTEGA Y GASSET, J. España invertebrada ... Calpe, 1921 (a) |
MRS.31.344 | ORTEGA Y GASSET, J. 'Espectador', 1 (mayo 1916) (m) |
MRS.31.345 | ORTEGA Y GASSET, J. 'Espectador', 2 (mayo 1917) |
MRS.31.346 | ORTEGA Y GASSET, J. 'Espectador', 3 (mayo 1921) (m) (n, p.) |
MRS.31.347 | ORTEGA Y GASSET, J. Meditaciones del Quijote. 2a ed. Calpe, 1921 (m) |
MRS.31.348 | PALTER, R. Whitehead's philosophy of science. U. Chicago P., c1960 (m) |
1931.6.321 | PASCAL, B. Pensées. Repr. J.M. Dent, 1948 |
MRS.31.349 | PHYSISCAL basis of mind ... P. Laslett, ed. Basil Blackwell, 1952 (m) |
1962.8.3542 | REFLECTIONS on Art ... S.K. Langer, ed. OUP, 1961 |
MRS.31.350 | REVOLUTION in philosophy. G. Ryle, pr. Macmillan, 1956 (m) |
MRS.31.351 | RUSKIN, J. Eagle's nest. George Allen, 1905 |
9200.d.2599 | RUSSELL, B. Authority and the individual. 2nd pr. George Allen & Unwin, 1955 |
184.c.96.270 | RUSSELL, B. Autobiography ... : 1872‑1914. George Allen and Unwin, c1967 |
1953.7.5058 | RUSSELL, B. Mysticism and logic ... Penguin books, 1953 |
MRS.31.352 | RYLE, G. Plato's progress. CUP, 1966 (m) |
MRS.31.353 | SARTRE, J.-P.Being and nothingness. Methuen & Co., 1957 |
196.c.94.206 | SARTRE, J.-P.Imaginaire : psychologie ... Gallimard, c1940 |
739:45.d.90.245 | SARTRE, J.-P.Situations, I. 34e éd. Gallimard, 1951? |
739:45.d.90.246 | SARTRE, J.-P.Situations, II. 15e éd. Gallimard, 1948 |
Misc.7.89.126 | SCHOPENHAUER, A. Studies in pessimism. T.B. Sauders, sel. Repr. G.A. & U.,1937 |
9180.d.1683 | SCHRÖDINGER, E. Mind and matter. CUP, 1958 |
1955.7.3334 | SHERRINGTON, C. Man on his nature. Penguin books, 1955 |
194.c.94.6 | STEVENSON, C. Ethics and language. Repr. Yale University Press, 1960 |
1964.8.2859 | THODY, P. Jean-Paul Sartre : a literary and political ... Hamish H., 1964 |
MRS.31.354 | THORPE, W.H. Ciencia hombre y moral. Labor, 1967 (a) |
1965.6.6392 | TOULMIN, S. & GOODFIELD, J. Architecture of matter. Penguin books, c1962 |
1967.7.6077 | TOULMIN, S. & GOODFIELD, J. Discovery of time. Penguin books, 1967 |
MRS.31.355 | WADDINGTON, C. H. Scientific attitude. Penguin books, 1941 (m) |
727.c.96.159 | WALL, B. Headlong into change : an autobiography ... Harvill Press, 1969 (e-receipt for this book) |
MRS.31.356 | CABAUD, J. Simone Weil : a fellowship in love. Harvill Press, c1964 (m) |
739:45.d.95.132 | WEIL, S. Cahiers, I. Libr. Plon, c1951 |
739:45.d.95.132 | WEIL, S. Cahiers, II. Libr. Plon, c1953 |
62:2.c.95.3 | WEIL, S. Connaissance surnaturelle. 12e éd. Gallimard, 1950 |
Leigh.c.8.94 | WEIL, S. Enracinement : prélude ... 25e éd. Gallimard, 1952 |
707:13.c.95.5 | WEIL, S. Source grecque. Gallimard, 1953 |
352:2.c.90.16 | WEYL, H. Philosophy of mathematics and natural science. Princeton U.P., 1949 |
180.c.93.43 | WHITEHEAD, A.N. Adventures of ideas. CUP, 1947 (o-owned by Warren Wallace)) |
MRS.31.357 | WHITEHEAD, A.N. Adventures of ideas. epr. Penguin books, 1948 (m) |
MRS.31.358 | WHITEHEAD, A.N. Dialogues ... as rec. by L. Price. Max Reinhardt, 1954 (m) |
MRS.31.359 | WHITEHEAD, A.N. Modes of thought. CUP, 1956 (m) |
MRS.31.360 | WHITEHEAD, A.N. Process and reality. Harper & Row, 1960 (m) |
9340.d.802 | WHITEHEAD, A.N. Science and the moden world. CUP, 1927 (e-newspaper cutting from 1925) |
MRS.31.361 | WHITEHEAD, A.N. Symbolism : its meaning and effect. CUP, 1958 (m) |
9180.c.773 | WITTGENSTEIN, L. Lectures and conversations. C. Barrett, ed. B. Blackwell, 1966 |
184.c.95.156 | WITTGENSTEIN, L. Philosophische Untersuchungen. B. Blackwell, 1958 |
MRS.31.362 | YOUNG, J.Z. Doubt and certainty in science. Clarendon P., 1951 (m) |
196.c.95.356 | BROWN, N.O. Life against death ... Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1959 |
MRS.31.459 | CASSIRER, E. Language and Myth. S.K, Langer, tr. Dover Publications, c1949 |
1960.7.4487 | COHEN, J. Chance, Skill, and luck ... Penguin books, 1960 |
MRS.31.363 | CREATIVE process : a symp. B. Ghiselin, ed. 3rd. pr. New Amer. Libr., 1958 (m) |
MRS.31.364 | FREUD, S. Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens. 11. Aufl. Int. Psyc. V., 1929 |
S180.d.93.10 | FREUD, S. Unbehagen in dr Kultur. Internationaler Psychoanalytischer V., 1930 |
MRS.31.429 | FREUD, S. Vorlesungen ... 3. Fehlleistungen ... 2. Aufl. Int. Psyc. V., 1922 |
S180.d.92.8 | FREUD, S. Zukunft einer Illusion. Internationaler Psychoanalytischer V., 1927 |
1954.7.4364 | HADFIELD, J.A. Dreams and nightmares. Penguin books, 1954 |
MRS.31.365 | HINTON, J. Dying. Repr. Penguin books, 1968 (a) annotated by Poldi |
1957.7.4399 | HUNTER, I.M. Memory : facts and fallacies. Penguin books, c1957 |
S180.c.95.21 | JUNG, C.G. Psyhology and alchemy. F.C. Hull, tr. Routledge and Kegan P., 1953 |
MRS.31.367 | KOESTLER, A. Gespenst in der Maschine. W. Wagmuth, tr. 2. Aufl. F. Molden, 1968 |
MRS.31.366 | LANGUAGE : selected readings. R.C. Oldfield ..., ed. Penguin b., 1968 (m)(e) |
9180.d.1324 | MORAN, C.M. Anatomy of courage. Constable, 1945 |
9180.d.2004 | NATURE of emotion. M.B. Arnold, ed. Penguin books, c1968 |
1950.7.5638 | RHINE, J.B. New frontiers of the mind. Penguin books, 1950 |
1954.7.3333 | RHINE, J.B. Reach of the mind. Penguin books, 1954 |
MRS.31.452 | TAS, J. Psychical disorders among inmates of concentration camps and repatriates. Reprinted from the Psychiatric quarterly, v. 25, October 1951, p. 679-690. |
1960.7.4583 | WHYTE, W.H. Organization man. Penguin books, 1960 |
MRS.31.368 | BALL, H. Flucht aus der Zeit. V. Josef Stocker, 1946 (a) |
MRS.31.369 | BALL, H. Folgen der Reformation. V. von Duncker & Humblot, 1924 |
MRS.31.424 | BIBLE. Holy ... containing the O. and N. Testaments. T. Nelson, [1898?] (i) inscribe to and by Grace Violet Hicklin |
MRS.31.423 | BIBLE. Holy ... containing the O. and N. Testaments. OUP, [190-?] (i) |
BSS.212.F69.19 | BIBLE. Santa ... Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento. Sociedades Bíblicas u., 1948 |
1962.7.3973 | DESERT Fathers. H. Waddell, tr. Collins, 1962 |
MRS.31.370 | ELIADE, M. Sacré et le profane. Gallimard, c1965 |
1957.7.4373 | FRAZER, F.G. Golden bough ... vol. 1. Abr. ed. Macmillan, 1957 |
1957.7.4374 | FRAZER, F.G. Golden bough ... vol. 2. Abr. ed. Macmillan, 1957 |
MRS.31.371 | MARITAIN, J. Religion et culture. 2e ed. Desclée de Brouwer, c1930 (i)(o) |
47:1.d.95.29 | MCKELWAY, A.J. Systematic theology of Paul Tillich. Lutterworth Press, c1964 |
MRS.31.460 | RITCHIE, A.D. Civilization, science and religion. Penguin books, 1945 (m) |
834:1.d.95.177 (later edition) | SONG of God. S. Prabh., C. Isherwood, tr. 6th. pr. New American Libr., c1959 |
1963.7.4039 | SPENCER, S. Mysticism in world religion. Penguin books, c1963 |
MRS.31.372 | STUDIEN zum Mythus des XX. Jahrhunderts. 'Kirchlicher Auzeiger ...' (Dez. 1934) |
MRS.31.373 | STUDIEN zum Mythus des XX. ... Nachtrag. 'Kirchlicher Auzeiger ...' (Dez. 1934) |
MRS.31.374 | LORIOT. Loriots grosser Ratgeber. Diogenes Verlag, c1968 |
220.c.95.363 | GALBRAITH, J.K. Affluent society. 5th pr. Hamish Hamilton, 1960 |
1964.7.5563 | GALBRAITH, J.K. Liberal hour. Penguin books, 1963 |
MRS.31.376 | JASPERS, K. Atombombe und die Zukunft des Menschen. DTV, 1961 |
MRS.31.375 | NEUMANN, J. MORGENSTERN, O. Theory of games and behavior. 6th pr. P.U.P., 1955 |
200:3.d.200.8 (later printing) | RIESMAN, D. Lonely crowd. Abr. ed., 5th pr. Yale U.P., 1962 |
1961.7.5090 | YOUNG, M. Rise of he meritocracy 1870‑2033. Penguin books, 1961 |
9240.d.580 | SNOW, C.P. Two cultures and the scientific revolution. Repr. C.U.P., 1960 |
MRS.31.378 | DEVILLERS, P. Was Mao wirklich sagte. Verlag Fritz Molden, c1967 |
MRS.31.377 | MARXISM in the modern world. M. Drachkovitch, ed. Stanford U. P., 1965 (a) |
200.d.96.35 | EDWARDS, E. Information transmission. Chapman and Hall, 1964 |
MRS.31.379 | MCLUHAN, M. Gutenberg galaxy. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1962 (a) (e) |
MRS.31.380 | MCLUHAN, M. Understanding media. Routledge & Kegan Paul, c1964 (a) |
9200.d.3008 | MCLUHAN : hot and cool. G.E. Stearn, ed. Penguin books, c1968 |
MRS.31.381 | WIENER, N. Human use of human beings. Doubleday Anchor books, c1954 (m) |
1951.7.4358 | UVAROV. E.B. ... Dictionary of science. Rev. ed. repr. Penguin books, 1958 |
1951.7.nnnn | ABERCOMBIE, M. ... Dictionary of biology. Rev. ed. repr. Penguin books, 1955 |
1966.7.6384 | ABERCOMBIE, M. ... Dictionary of biology. 5th ed. Penguin books, 1966 |
9340.a.128 | EXPLOSION of science : the physical universe. Thames & Hudson, c1967 (b) |
1960.8.2537 | ANDERSON R. Romping through mathematics.Faber and Faber, 1960 |
MRS.31.382 | ASSIMOV, I. Wellsprings of life. 1st pr. New American Library, 1961 |
MRS.31.383 | BAUMGARTNER, L. Gruppentheorie. 2. Aufl. Walter de Gruyter, 1949 |
1953.7.5561 | BELL, E.T. Men of mathematics, vol. 1. Penguin books, 1953 |
1953.7.5562 | BELL, E.T. Men of mathematics, vol. 2. Penguin books, 1953 |
379:1.c.95.129 | BERNAL, J.D. Origin of life. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, c1967 |
348:1.c.90.6 | COURANT, R. & ROBBINS, H. What is mathematics?. 7th. pr. OUP, 1956 |
1965.7.6383 | DARLINGTON, C.D. Genetics and man. c1966 |
MRS.31.384 | DE LATIL, P. Thinking by machine ... Y.M. Golla, tr. Sidwick and J., 1956 (a) |
MRS.31.385 | EDDINGTON, A. Nature of the physical world. J.M. Dent & Sons, 1935 (m) |
MRS.31.386 | FEATHER, N. Vibrations and waves. Penguin books, 1964 (m) |
MRS.31.387 | GERARD, R.W. Unresting cells. Harper & Brothers, 1961 |
1959.7.4926 | GRAY, J. How animals move : the RIC lectures 1957. Penguin books, 1959 |
Ud.5.64 | GREEN, J.A. Sequences and series. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1958 |
MRS.31.388 | HOFFMANN, B. Strange history of the quantum. Rev. ed. repr. Penguin b., 1965 (m) |
MRS.31.389 | KASTNER, E. Mathematics and the imagination. Repr. G. Bell & Sons, 1959 (m) |
MRS.31.390 | KELLER, A. Nicht mehr herzleidend. 6. wes. erw. Ausg. Lebensweiser V., c1959 (m) |
MRS.31.391 | MARCH, A. Physique moderne et ses théories. Gallimard, c1965 |
MRS.31.392 | MÜLLER, E. Gruppentheoretische und strukturanalytische untersuchungen der maurischen ornamente aus der Alhambra in Granada. Rüschlikon, 1944 (i) |
MRS.31.393 | POLYA, G. How to solve it : a new aspect of mathematical method. 2nd ed. Doubleday Anchor b., c1957 |
180.d.95.42 | REICHENBACH, H. Philosophy of space and time. M. Reichenbach, tr. Dover, c1958 |
1943.7.2369 | SAWYER, W. W. Mathematician's delight. Repr. Penguin books, 1954 |
MRS.31.394 | SAWYER, W. W. Prelude to Mathematics. Penguin books, 1955 (m) |
MRS.31.395 | SCHRÖDINGER, E. What is life? ... Doubleday Anchor books, c1956 (m) |
MRS.31.396 | SCHWAIGER, E. Laser-Licht von morgen ... Ehrenwirth, 1969 |
MRS.31.397 | SHANON, C. & WEAVER, W. Mathematical theory of communication. U.Ill.P., 1964 (m) |
MRS.31.398 | THOMPSON, D'A.W. On growth and form. CUP, 1966 (m) |
MRS.31.399 | WALTER, W.G. Living brain. Penguin books, 1961 (m)(d) |
ART | |
9400.a.93 | BICCHI, U. Art of the western world Spanish painting. Paul Hamlyn, 1965 [bb] |
MRS.31.400 | EHRENZWEIG, A. Hidden order of art ... Weidenfield and Nicolson, c1967 (a) |
MRS.31.401 | FISCHER, E. Necessity of art ... A. Bostock, tr. Penguin books, 1963 (m) |
727.c.95.124 | JONES, D. Epoch and artist ... H. Grisewood, ed. Faber and Faber, c1959 |
MRS.31.402 | LOOS, A. Trotzdem : 1900-1930. Brenner V., 1931 |
MRS.31.403 | ORS, E. d'. Trois heures au Musée du Prado. J. S., tr. Libr. Delagrave, 1939 |
1951.7.4366 | PEVSNER, N. Outline of European architecture. 2nd rev. ed.Penguin books, 1951 |
1949.7.4606 | READ, H. Meaning of art. Penguin books, 1949 |
MRS.31.404 | STOKES, A. Reflections on the nude. Tavistock Publications, c1967 (m) |
MRS.31.405 | WÖLFFLIN, H. Conceptos fundamentales en la historia del arte. J. Moreno V., tr. Calpe, 1924 |
1953.8.2053 | Exhibition of Mexican art. Tate Gallery. Arts Council, 1953. |
MRS.31.407 | CÉZANNE, P. Correspondance. J. Rewald, ed. Ed. Bernard Grasset, c1937 |
MRS.31.406 | CÉZANNE, P. Exhibition of paintings by ... (Tate Gallery, September 1954) |
MRS.31.1004 | CÉZANNE. A. Stokes, pr. Faber and Faber, [1947] (i) |
9400.b.255 | COLLINS, C. Paintings and drawings (1935-45). Counterpoint Publ., 1946 |
MRS.31.408 | COLLINS, C. Retrospective exhibition ... (Art Gallery, Nov.-Dec. 1959) |
9400.b.264 | COLLINS, C. Vision of the fool. Grey Walls Press, 1947 |
MRS.31.409 | Courbet. ZAHAR, M. Gustave Courbet. D.I. Wilton, tr. Longmans, Green and Co., 1950 (i) |
CCD.52.109 | CARTER, H. The Fell types : what has been done in and about them. OUP, 1968 |
MRS.31.433 | FERNANDEZ-SHAW, K. Altea y 30 mas -- pinturas de Kary Fernandez-Shaw. Galeria Polo & Bot, 196-. |
1949.7.3646 | GAUGUIN, P. Gauguin. A. Leclerc, pr. Hyperion press, [1949?] |
MRS.31.410 | GOYA, F. de. Caprices. J. Adhémar, pr. Fernand Hazan, 1948 |
Uc.6.230 | GOYA and his times (Royal Academy of Arts Winter exhibition, 1963-64) |
1954.9.230 | GOYA : drawings … etchings … lithographs. Arts Council, 1954. |
MRS.31.411 | KANDINSKY, V. Paintings by ... 1866-1944 (Tate Gallery, Jan.-Feb. 1958) |
S400:01.d.2.6 | Klee. KAHNWEILER, D.-H. Klee. Editions Braun & Cie, c1950 |
MRS.31.412 | KLEE, P. Pedagogical sketchbook. Frederick A. Praeger, c1953 |
S400:05.c.9.65-66 | KLEE, P. Thinking eye. (Notebooks, vol. 1). Lund Humphries, c1961 (o) |
MRS.31.434 | KLEE, P. Hanover Gallery presents Paul Klee, 1879-1940 : 19 June - 21 July 1956. |
S405:3.b.9.2 | KOKOSCHKA, O. Forty-eight plates ... J.S. Plaut, ed. ICA, [1948?] |
MRS.31.413 | LEONARDO, da V. Traité de la peinture. 9e ed. Libr. Delagrave, c1910 |
MRS.31.414 | Miró. SWEENEY, J.J. Joan Miró. Museum of Modern Art, 1941 |
S403:4.b.9.20 | MOORE, H. On sculpture. P. James, ed. Macdonald, 1968 (e- receipt to Mrs. P. Gerhard, from Heffers dated 16-6-68) |
MRS.31.415 | Picasso. ELUARD, P. A Pablo Picasso. Éditions des trois collines, c1944 |
9400.c.1170 | PICASSO. 4th. ed. (Tate Gallery, July-September 1960) (m-cirle round nos. 260 & 268, probably not in RG's hand) |
1930.6.593 | PABLO Picasso. [A. Bertram, intr.]. Studio Publications, 1930 (1943 printing) |
516:2.c.95.13 | MELLAART, J. Earliest civilizations of the Near East. Thames & Hudson, c1965 (e) |
MRS.31.416 | THIESS, F. Griechischen Kaiser : die Geburt Europas. Paul Zsolnay V., c1959 |
1955.7.4737 | GRAVES, R. Greek myths, vol. 1. Penguin books, 1955 |
1955.7.4738 | GRAVES, R. Greek myths, vol. 2. Penguin books, 1955 |
1951.7.4375 | KITTO, H.D.F. Greeks. Penguin books, 1951 (a-not RG) |
MRS.31.417 | LICHT, H. Sittengeschichte Griechenlands. Neu herausg. Rororo, 1069 |
1951.7.4354 | CAESAR, J. Conquest of Gaul. S.A. Hanford, tr. Penguin books, 1951 |
1962.7.3446 | CARCOPINO, J. Daily life in ancient Rome. Penguin books, 1956 |
1949.7.4560 | TACITUS, C. On Britain and Germany ... H. Mattingly, tr. Penguin books, 1948 |
523:3.c.95.15 | VRYONIS, S. Byzantium and Europe. Thames and Hudson, c1967 (i) (o?) |
9530.c.267 | HASKINS, C.H. Renaissance of the twelfth century. Meridian books, 1957 (CUL has later printing) |
1965.7.3304 | HUIZINGA, J. Waning of the Middle Ages. Penguin books, 1955 |
1937.7.4516 | POWER, E. Medieval people. Repr. Penguin books, 1939 |
Mor.53.66 | SOUTHERN, R.W. Making of the Middle Ages. Arrow books, 1959 |
540:1.d.90.2 | MAUROIS, A. Histoire d'Angleterre. 173e ed. Libr. Arthème Fayard, c1937 (n) |
1950.7.5635 | THOMSON, D. England in the nineteenth century, 1815-1914. Penguin books, 1950 |
MRS.31.418 | BAINVILLE, J. Histoire de France. 234e ed. Arthème Fayard,. c1924 |
S567.c.93.4 | COLLIER, B. Catalan France. J. M. Dent and Sons, 1939 (i to Poldi) |
RF.157.197-199 | SOLDEVILA, F. Història de Catalunya. Alpha, 1934-1935 (3 vol.) |
MRS.31.428 | AZAÑA, M. Veillée a Benicarlo. J. Camp, tr. 8e ed. Gallimard, c1939 |
MRS.31.419 | PATXOT i JUBERT, R. Guaitant enrera. 1952 (i) (b) (n, p.) |
RF.111.67 | ALTAMIRA, R. Story of Spanish civilization. P. Volkov, tr. Constable & Co., 1930 |
MRS.31.420 | BERTRAND, L. Histoire d'Espagne. 35e ed. Arthème Fayard, c1932 (n, p.) |
BSH.506.91 | BORROW, G. Zincali : an account of the gypsies of Spain. John Murray, 1908 |
MRS.31.421 | MAISKY, I. Spanish notebooks. R. Kisch, tr. Hutchinson, c1966 (m) |
1965.7.6412 | THOMAS, H. Spanish civil war. Rev. ed. Penguin books, c1965 |
9582.d.162 | TREND, J.B. Civilization of Spain. OUP, 1944 |
465:5.c.95.8 | RADIN, P. Trickster : a study in American Indian mythology. Rout.& K.P., 1956 |
664:5.c.95.18 | RAND, C. Puertoricans. OUP, 1958 (e-compliment slip from John Owen Ward) |
664:3.c.95.13 | THISTLETHWAITE, F. Great experiment ... CUP, 1955 (o) (m-not by RG) |
457.d.93.119 | CHAPMAN, G. Beckford. Jonathan Cape, 1940 |
459.c.96.193 | STANSKY, P & W. ABRAHAMS. Journey to the frontier : Julian Bell and John Cornford. Constable, c1966 |
1949.7.4509 | PEMBERTON, W.B. William Cobbett. Penguin books, 1949 |
578:72.c.95.8 | MCNEISH, J. Fire under the ashes : the life of Danilo Dolci. Hodder & S., c1965 (e) |
MRS.31.422 | *HAREWOOD, G. Tongs and the bones. Weidenfeld and N., c1981 (i) (e) |
S401:4.a.9.5 | HUSSEY, C. Life of Sir Edwin Lutyens. Country life Ltd., 1953 |
9415.c.597 | MALET, O. Marraine: a portrait of my grandmother. Heinemann, c1962 |
Ud.2.614 | PENOVSKY, O. Penovsky papers. 2nd ed. Collins, 1969 |
NON-MUSICAL PERIODICALS (complete copies) | |
MRS.31.1005 | Arts. No. 2. |
L999.c.3.78 | Chance: new writing and art |
MRS.31.436 | Cultura: organo de la Asociacion de alumnos y ex alumnos de la Escuela de mestria industrial [Valls]. Any 41, no. 285, enero de 1970 |
MRS.31.123 | Encounter, 41 (February 1957)(m) |
P900.b.40 | Encounter, 61 (October 1958)(e) |
Cam.c.21.62 | Eureka: journal of the Archimedeans. No. 20, October, 1957. |
Q718.c.16 | Horizon.
L727.b.241 | New departures. No. 2-3, 1960 |
P900.2.c.26.80 | Nouvelle revue française. 5e année no. 59, Nov. 1957 (uncut, except for the article by Pierre Boulez) |
L400.a.40 | Oeil no. 24, Noel 1956 |
L900.c.313.1- | Perspectives: literature, art music. Nmber 4, c1953 |
MRS.31.443-444 | Plays and players. v. 2 no. 11 (August 1955) and v. 5 no. 11 (August 1958) |
MRS.31.1007 | Revista Shell. Dicembre 1962. |
MRS.31.446 | Serra d'or. Any 9, no. 1, 15 gener 1967 |
MRS.31.447 | Serra d'or. Any 12, no. 125, 15 de febrer 1970 |
RCS.Per.2516 | Twentieth century, formerly The ninetenth century & after. Vol. 157, no. 936, February 1955. Cambridge number |
L900.c.89 | World review, new series 13 (March 1950) |
1973.11.326 | A Cathedral for our time: the metropolitan cathedral of Christ the King, Liverpool. 1967 |
MRS.31.427 | LE CORBUSIER. Poeme electronique. Paris, 1958. |
1968.11.168 | BUCKLE, R. Harewood: a new guide book to the Yorkshire seat … English Life Publications, [1968] |
1968.8.1554 | CONSUMERS' ASSOCIATION. Wills and probate. Counsumers' Association, 1967 |
Cam.c.975.6 | *OATES, J.C.T. Cambridge University Library : a historical sketch. 1975. |
MRS.31.448 | UNILEVER. Unilever films. Catalogue 1958-9 |
MRS.31.449 | UNILEVER. Unilever films. Catalogue 1960-61 |
Atlas.5.94.3 | HANDY Royal atlas of modern geography. W.& A. K. Johnston, 1944 [bb] |
1949.7.4572 | MOORE, W.G. Dictionary of Geography. Repr. Penguin books, 1950 |
Maps.d.31.01.1b | KENT, Sussex and Surrey (G1). Rev ed. S.E. Winbolt, ed. Penguin books, 1947 |
Maps.d.31.01.7 | SUFFOLK and Cambridgeshire (G7). C.J.W. Messent, ed. Penguin books, 1949 |
Maps.34.038.9 (1946) | EAST ANGLIA (Quarter‑inch map of GB; Sheet 9). Rev ed. Ordnance Survey, 1930 |
Maps.c.53(2).95.19 | MAP of Cambridge. PYE, [195-?] |
MRS.31.431 | OFFICIAL guide to th Docking rural district Norfolk. Home publishing, [194-?] (a) |
Atlas.7.96.213 | GEOGRAPHIA atlas of London and outer suburbs. Rev. ed. Geographia, [196-?] |
Maps.c.71.95.11 | GEOGRAPHIA greater London plan : south west. Rev. ed. Geographia, [196-?] |
MRS.31.429 | LONDON pocket atlas and guide. John Bartholomew, 1937 |
Maps.c.249.010 | BORDEAUX-BIARRITZ (Pneu Michelin; 78). Tourisme Michelin, [196-?] |
Maps.c.281.95.1 | MAPA de las carreteras de toda España. Foldex, [196-?] |
MRS.31.453 | MAPA de la Costa Brava. Teide, [195-?] |
1963.7.4088 | BRENAN, G. South from Granada. Penguin books, 1963 |
MRS.31.454 | CARTE de l'île de Majorque. 6e ed. Antonio Vich, [195-?] |
MRS.31.458 | *GATEWAY guide to Yugoslavia. Methuen & Co, c1966 (with label price "25p", i.e, bought after 1970) |
MRS.31.455 | OHIO and Michigan Tourgide map. Gulf, [ca. 1960] |
MRS.31.456 | OFFICIAL Ontario roadmap. Department of Highways, 1957 |
MRS.31.457 | ONTARIO. American Automobile Association, [ca. 1960] |
MRS.31.5 | HOMS, J. Gerhard. (Gent nostra; 92). Labor, 1992 |
MRS.31.3 | HOMS, J. Robert Gerhard y su obra. Universidad de Oviedo, 1987 (i) |
MRS.31.4 | HOMS, J. Robert Gerhard i la seva obra. Biblioteca de Catalunya, 1991 (i) |
MRS.31.2 | VENTURA I SOLÉ, J. Robert Gerhard ... (un vallenc universal). Castells, 1978 |