The Stanley Sadie Archive was donated to the University Library in 2013 and is an important addition to the Library's music collections. Stanley Sadie (1930-2005) studied in Cambridge and went on to become an eminent musicologist, music critic and editor. His many fields of interest include opera, Mozart, Handel, J.C. Bach and Boccherini.
The archive includes: materials relating to Sadie’s years in Cambridge, manuscript scores for research and publication, newspaper review cuttings books, reviews in journals, correspondence with colleagues, musicologists, prominent people, research and correspondence relating to editions of music, programme and record sleeve notes, lecture texts, BBC broadcast scripts and recordings, materials relating to the editorship of Grove, contracts, correspondence and accounts, and materials that illuminate Sadie’s working methods. The archive has been catalogued and can be consulted in the manuscripts department. A short handlist is available and the full catalogue can be explored on ArchiveSearch.
For enquiries please contact music@lib.cam.ac.uk or manuscripts@lib.cam.ac.uk