A year of Genizah Fragments

It’s 5th May 2022 and the Genizah Fragments blog is one year old! In the past 12 months we’ve had exactly 100 posts, including 37 interviews with researchers and 8 book announcements and reviews. Almost 22,000 page views later, let’s take a look at what people enjoyed reading. The blog post with the most views was by Shulamit Elizur, on children’s education, and the interview with José Martínez Delgado about his work on al-Andalus was shared the most widely, as were posts on cheese, agunot, Saadiah Gaon, the Aleppo Codex, ink, and Ottoman Karaites. Interviews with Rebecca Jefferson, Amir Ashur, Nehemia Gordon, Gary Rendsburg, Miriam Goldstein and Lorenzo Bondioli also attracted a lot of interest. We’ve explored pirates, Arabic folk tales, shopping, war, Maimonides, neighbourhoods, paper production, conservation, Kiev, marriage, poetry, Karaite chronicles, refugees, slavery, witches, Qur’ans, Bibles, the Crusades, calendars, the discovery, and much more. Join me in blowing out the birthday candle on our birthday cake, as we look forward to another year of sharing research and announcing new discoveries. If you would like to write for the blog or tell us about an aspect of your research, write to us at genizah@lib.cam.ac.uk. To ensure you never miss a post, sign up on the blog’s homepage to receive email announcements whenever a new post is published.
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