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Cambridge University Library


Make yourself an instant book using anything you have lying around that you want to recycle – or just use a piece of printer paper.  You’ll end up with a basic form of a little book – six pages plus a front and back cover to fill with poems, art or even publish a zine.  You can experiment using different sizes of paper.

Suitable for ages 6-15 years

What you need:

A sheet of lightweight paper (but you can use any kind of paper)

A pair of scissors

A ruler (or a bone folder)


Step-by-step instructions:

1. Fold your piece of paper horizontally, and open. Use a ruler or bone folder to flatten each fold you make as you go.

2.Fold your paper lengthways, and open.

3.Fold the two open ends up to the middle, front and back.  Then open those folds.

4.Using your scissors, cut a slit from the middle to the fold (as shown in the video).

5.Grasping both sides of the middle from the slit, pull apart and down.

6.Fold it into a book form.


Things to think about when making your book:

1. Your pages will not line up perfectly.  This happens because of the thickness of the paper and it’s okay.

2.You can round the corners of the book if you want a different look.


Date: Wednesday, 22 July, 2020 to Monday, 31 August, 2020