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Caylin Smith

Head of Digital Preservation

Directorate: Digital Initiatives

Department: Digital Preservation


ORCiD: 0000-0001-6340-5708


Caylin Smith is Head of Digital Preservation for Cambridge University Libraries, where she set up the Digital Preservation team and leads an ambitious program to develop services for digital collections materials.

She is co-investigator of the Archive of Tomorrow project that investigates misinformation and preservation of online health information, and a member of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Peer Review College.

Caylin has a wealth of experience in digital collection management in libraries, archives, and museums in the United Kingdom, the United States, the Netherlands, and Canada.

Prior to joining the University of Cambridge, Caylin was Senior Project Manager of the UK Legal Deposit Libraries and Preservation Repository Manager at the British Library. She holds an MA in Heritage Studies from the University of Amsterdam and a BA (Hons.) in English (Cultural Studies) from McGill University.


Professional memberships

  • AHRC Peer Review College

Associated research projects

Archive of Tomorrow

A health-focused web archiving research project funded by the Wellcome Trust.

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Headline image © Alice the Camera / Cambridge University Library
Archive of Tomorrow header image © Alice the Camera / Cambridge University Library