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Library filing cabinet

Dr Sarah Gilbert

Project Cataloguer, Curious Cures in Cambridge Libraries

Directorate: Research Collections

Department: Rare Books and Early Manuscripts


Sarah is a Project Cataloguer for the 'Curious Cures in Cambridge Libraries' project, and a researcher specialising in the production and use of manuscripts in medieval north-western Europe. Sarah's particular research interests include: the production and use of manuscripts in Latin copied in England c. 1000-1300 (including their palaeography, decorative elements, and codicology etc); medieval cryptography; manuscript bindings from antiquity to the present.

Associated research projects

Curious Cures in Cambridge Libraries

A project to conserve, catalogue and digitise medieval medical recipes, funded by the Wellcome Trust.

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Headline image © Alice the Camera / Cambridge University Library
Collection items featured:
Curious Cures manuscript: CUL MS Dd.6.29 (ff. 27v-28r)