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The University Library's physical and electronic holdings are served by a number of catalogues.  These are listed below.  Please note that while most records for Slavonic material contain diacritics (for example, Łódź contains three), readers do not need to include diacritics when performing searches.  This includes diacritics representing the hard and soft signs found in Cyrillic (eg a search for объединённый in transliteration would be obedinennyi).  Please also note that records for books received in the past 10+ years written in a Slavonic language which uses Cyrillic include Cyrillic script fields in addition to standard transliteration.  Notes about Cyrillic issues are provided for each catalogue.


- contains catalogue records for physical books and periodicals and also ebooks and ejournals

- provides a single union catalogue for physical items in libraries across Cambridge

- searches subscribed eresources including ebooks, journals and databases, open access items in the University’s institutional repository and the electronic legal deposit collection

- general help page here

- always log in (top right-hand corner) when using iDiscover in order to see full results.

- Cyrillic advice: iDiscover does support searches in Cyrillic, bringing results for material whose catalogue records feature the Cyrillic script.  Note that the transliteration used for Cyrillic items within the electronic resources covered by iDiscover is not controlled by the Library, so trying a variety of transliterated versions of a term (eg застой as zastoi / zastoy / zastoj) is advisable


- The ArchiveSearch catalogue contains records for archives held in dozens of repositories throughout Cambridge

- New users are advised to read the ArchiveSearch LibGuide.

- Cyrillic advice: ArchiveSearch does not contain any records which feature Cyrillic.