The Really Popular Book Club is Cambridge University Libraries' book group. Everyone is welcome to come and discuss a really popular book with the group, library staff, and an expert on the novel. Hosted on Zoom, the book club is completely FREE and open to EVERYONE, people attend from all over the world.
The Really Popular Book Club celebrates the huge range of books at Cambridge University Library. We have more than 8 million books and as a legal deposit library we keep a copy of every book published in the UK, and have done since 1710.
To register for an upcoming meeting just click on a link below. Please come to as many book clubs as you like. Copies of all our book club reads are available to purchase from the Library Shop in our Entrance Hall.
Coming up!
25 February: Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters
3 April: Mr Loverman by Bernardine Evaristo
Each book club is hosted by a library staff member, and we are joined by an expert on the book (never the author) to help guide the chat. Before each club we’ll put three ‘thinking points’ to consider while you’re reading the book, and we’ll use this to help aide the chat. During each meeting there will also be the opportunity to vote via polls. The book club is about you, and everyone is welcome and encouraged to contribute but it's fine to listen in, too. If you want to make a point, give us a wave and we’ll come to you. Alternatively type it into Zoom’s chat function. If it’s your first time at the club don’t worry we’ll run through all this at the start.
You don’t have to have read the book to come to book club, but beware there will be spoilers!
Technical info
The Really Popular Book Club takes place on Zoom Meetings and there is no need to download any software. Simply click on the link we email you, ignore the prompt to download Zoom and instead click "If you cannot download or run the application, join from your browser” and select the hyperlinked text, "join from your browser". If you’ve already got the Zoom app downloaded, the link will open in that. If you want to participate with subtitles, switch on the 'Live Transcript' button which can be found on Zoom's control panel at the bottom of the window. Please note we don’t record the book club. If you have any other questions, please contact events@lib.cam.ac.uk.