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Cambridge University Library


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Online resources

Cambridge University Library's online resources and services are designed to complement the physical collection.

  • All University Library members have access to online resources whilst on site.
  • Current students and staff of the University of Cambridge can also access online resources from any location worldwide, with the exception of titles received through electronic legal deposit.

Discover how to find and use articles, journals, databases and books online


Electronic Legal Deposit

Electronic Legal Deposit books, journals and web content (ELDs) are exclusively available within the physical premises of Cambridge University Libraries in accordance with national legislation.

ELDs can be accessed in person via our ELD terminals in the Reading Room. Current staff and students may request a print-out of an article or chapter.



Our online LibGuides help you to:
  • find recommended resources for your subject, discipline or topic 

  • discover who to ask for help if you get stuck 

  • develop study skills to work more effectively and efficiently    


Our helpdesks

You can contact libraries staff via these helpdesks and we will get back to you as soon as we can. 

General enquiries
E-journals & e-resources
Raven login assistance
Information skills for undergraduates and taught Master's students
Scholarly communication and research skills
Open Access queries visit, email
Research Data Management queries visit, email
Subject-specific queries

Contact our Faculty and Department Libraries