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Cambridge University Library

Display of Genizah fragments
The Genizah fragments on display at the centre of the new British Museum exhibition 'Silk Roads'
By Melonie Schmierer-Lee on Fri 13 Dec 2024

The term ‘silk road’ likely conjures up images of a well-trodden track, somewhere in central Eurasia, walked by merchants and camels carrying exotic cargo. From the outset, the British Museum’s new major exhibition, Silk Roads, challenges this image with the addition of a single letter – this fabled route was no single road. It also involved much more than silk. Entering the exhibition gallery, the journey begins with cases of objects from Japan, the Korean peninsula, and Tang China, illustrating...


Has tags: British Museum, exhibition, Genizah Fragments, trade


T-S 20.54
T-S 20.54, a scroll of the Psalms with occasional Palestinian vocalisation.
By Drew Longacre and Melonie Schmierer-Lee on Wed 11 Dec 2024

Drew, you visited Cambridge this summer to look at Genizah Psalms fragments – tell us about your project.

I came to examine a dissertation here, and then stayed for an extra week to work on Psalms manuscripts for a critical edition of the Hebrew text of the Psalms for the HBCE (Hebrew Bible: a Critical Edition) series. Brent Strawn and I have funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities for a three-year project to produce the printed edition, and it will be accompanied by a digital edition too.

Which manuscripts will you include?

Thanks to our...


Has tags: Bible, codex, Dead Sea Scrolls, Genizah Fragments, Psalms, scroll, vocalisation


The Illustrated Cairo Genizah on sale at CUL
The Illustrated Cairo Genizah for sale in the University Library shop.
By Melonie Schmierer-Lee on Wed 13 Nov 2024

Yesterday evening, Nick Posegay and I stood in Heffers Bookshop before a supportive crowd of family, friends, and Genizah enthusiasts to speak about and officially launch 'The Illustrated Cairo Genizah'. The book marks the Genizah Research Unit's 50th anniversary, and celebrates the increasing public interest in the Genizah collection. It showcases over 300 of the Genizah's more eye-catching fragments, in 12 thematic chapters (Highlights, Bible & Judaism, Sketches & Illustrations, Letters, Magic, Science & Medicine, Arabic & Islam, Documents, Ketubbot, Education, Bookmaking...


Has tags: Book, Cambridge, Genizah Fragments


Professor Ben Outhwaite
Professor Ben Outhwaite
By Melonie Schmierer-Lee on Tue 1 Oct 2024

We are delighted to announce that Ben Outhwaite, Head of the Genizah Research Unit since 2006, has today become Professor Outhwaite – Professor of Genizah Studies. The appointment was announced in the Cambridge University Reporter of 31 July 2024, and comes into effect today, on the 1st October 2024. The appointment recognises...


Has tags: Cambridge, Genizah Fragments, GRU


T-S NS 305.198 and T-S NS 305.210
T-S NS 305.198 and T-S NS 305.210: Pages from a Christian Arabic Psalter
By Melonie Schmierer-Lee and Nick Posegay on Wed 19 Jun 2024

Nick, you’ve recently published an article about a Bible fragment.

That’s right. Two fragments in fact: T-S NS 305.198 and T-S NS 305.210. They join together to make a single bifolium from an Arabic psalter manuscript. So, a book of Psalms and other liturgical songs that would’ve been sung in Arabic church services. This page is the beginning of the ‘canticles’, a selection of songs from other parts of the Bible that Orthodox churches included at the end of their psalters. The first canticle here is from Exodus 15:1–120. It’s known as the ‘Song of the Sea’, the song...


Has tags: Arabic, Bible, Genizah Fragments, Q&A


Genizah scraps display box
Genizah scraps in their new display box
By Melonie Schmierer-Lee on Fri 7 Jun 2024

Cairo Genizah manuscripts are usually torn or damaged in some way. There are often pieces missing or words that are hard to read where the ink has rubbed or flaked away. But what happened to the missing pieces? Some of the scraps are kept in a crate in our manuscript storage area – blank or believed to be too damaged or fragmentary to be worth conserving, and picked several times over for anything worth assigning a class mark. Towards the bottom of the crate, the fragments become smaller and smaller, until they are just ink crumbs and dust: 'the dust of centuries' as Schechter once...


Has tags: conservation, Genizah Fragments, printed


T-S K22.16 P1
T-S K22.16 P1
By Marc Michaels on Fri 7 Jun 2024

My colleague, Estara Arrant posted an image on social media of one of the nine fragments that constitutes T-S K22.16, jokingly remarking that the streaky brown mess resembled a slice of toast.

As one might expect the catalogue entry on these fragments is short. Very short. It consists of one word - ‘illegible’. This of course piqued my interest. What was the ‘toast’ hiding? Also, I love a challenge. Thus, the day after the 2024 Ullendorff lecture, Estara brought the manuscript into the Genizah Unit and we set to work to solve the puzzle.

Whilst we refer to this as toast,...


Has tags: Genizah Fragments, Targum


The Illustrated Cairo Genizah book cover
The Illustrated Cairo Genizah: pre-order your copy today (for dispatch in October 2024)
By Nick Posegay and Melonie Schmierer-Lee on Fri 24 May 2024

We are very excited to announce that our new book, The Illustrated Cairo Genizah, is now available for pre-order! See to order.

2024 marks 50 years since the founding of the Genizah Research Unit at Cambridge University Library. To celebrate our 50th birthday, we are publishing a large coffee-table style book to share the highlights of the Cambridge Genizah Collections. 320+ manuscript images are presented over 12 thematic chapters, accompanied by facts, background, and answers to...


Has tags: Book, Genizah Fragments


Entrance to the exhibition
Entrance to the exhibition 'La Edad de Oro de los Judíos de Alandalús'
By Melonie Schmierer-Lee on Mon 20 May 2024

From 15 September 2023 to 31 March 2024, the Centro Sefarad-Israel in Madrid hosted a new bilingual Spanish-English exhibition ‘La Edad de Oro de los Judíos de Alandalús’ (The Golden Age of the Jews of Al-Andalus). In its 6-month run in the atmospheric brick-lined basement of the Centre, the exhibition received 15,000 visitors. For those who were not able to visit, a video tour (in Spanish) of the exhibition is...


Has tags: al-Andalus, exhibition, Genizah Fragments, Moses Maimonides


Divorce deed dated 1181 CE, T-S 10J2.34
By Marc Michaels on Tue 30 Apr 2024

As a Sofer STa”M (scribe) one of the tasks I undertake is to write giṭṭin – Jewish divorce documents – sadly, usually one or two a month for the last 25 years.

There are many giṭṭin in the Genizah and, as dated documents,1  with mention of the husband and wife and the ʿedim (witnesses) they provide a window into the society, bringing real people to the fore. However, whilst looking through these, one fragment caught my attention as it was not about the individuals,...


Has tags: divorce, Genizah Fragments, get, marriage, scribe


Mosseri III.232
Mosseri III.232: A autograph letter by Isaac Luria
By Ben Outhwaite on Sun 31 Mar 2024

The Genizah has preserved only a few glimpses of the life of the influential qabbalist Isaac Luria Ashkenazi, the Ari – הארי ז׳׳ל, 1534–72 CE.1 Similarly sparsely attested in the documentary record of the Genizah is his contemporary Joseph Karo, compiler of the Beṯ Yosef and the Šulḥan Aruḵ. Karo spent most of his later career in Safed – about forty years in fact – and was not therefore a firsthand participant in the Egyptian communities preserved in the Cairo Genizah. Luria, on the other...


Has tags: Genizah Fragments, Hebrew, Isaac Luria, Safed


Antonin A
RNL Ms EVR. Antonin B 154, recto left – from the Collections of the National Library of Russia
By Sacha Stern on Sat 2 Mar 2024

The Jewish calendar that is in almost universal use today, and in the Middle Ages was associated with the Rabbanites, was instituted at some point in the ninth century (its attribution to a Hillel in the mid-fourth century is a medieval tradition that has long been disproved in modern scholarship).1  It is a fixed calendar, based on a calculation. Its origins are yet to be fully understood, although some of its elements can be traced back to Talmudic sources. The fragment I present here reveals new ‘missing...


Has tags: calendar, Genizah Fragments, Russian National Library


Ship in the Suez Canal
Ship in the Suez Canal; contemporary photograph by the Lewis-Gibson sisters from the Westminster College collection.
By Catherine Ansorge on Mon 26 Feb 2024

The discovery of the Cairo Genizah manuscript fragments in the synagogue in Al-Fustat, Old Cairo, has already been well documented. In January 1897, Solomon Schechter, the Cambridge rabbinical scholar, made his first visit to the synagogue subsequent to information given to him by the twin sisters Agnes Lewis and Margaret Gibson that these texts, stored there over centuries, could be of unexpected interest. The twins had visited Cairo briefly the previous year prior to the start of an expedition to look for manuscripts in Cairo and Jerusalem. On their return to Cambridge, they had, with...


Has tags: Agnes Lewis, Genizah Fragments, Margaret Gibson, Solomon Schechter


T-S AS 67.26 (verso): abbreviated Targum fragment
By Kim Phillips on Thu 8 Feb 2024

Among the most charming of the dozens of thousands of Bible fragments found in the Cairo Genizah,1 are the hundred or so in which the biblical text is written in some sort of shorthand, or abbreviated, manner.2 At least three different methods of abbreviation are found among these manuscripts. Sometimes, only the opening few words of each verse are written (the ‘Lemma Method’). The great pronouncement of comfort in the opening...


Has tags: Bible, FOTM, Genizah Fragments, serugin, Targum, vocalisation


Tastes of Heaven exhibition brochure
By Melonie Schmierer-Lee on Sun 29 Oct 2023

Food represents culture without boundaries with flavors, changing fashions, and personal preference all gaining expression in our plates. Celebrating the food culture of the Middle East, a new temporary exhibition 'Tastes of Heaven: Tales of the Arab Kitchen' – curated by Limor Yungman and Adi Namia-Cohen at the Museum for Islamic Art in Jerusalem – brings together cookbooks, artworks, travelers' literature, cooking, eating and drinking utensils, archaeological discoveries, historical...


Has tags: exhibition, food, Genizah Fragments




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