Introducing the Genizah Fragments Blog

The researchers of the GRU, toiling away with their noses to the manuscript coalface, are ideally placed to discover new and interesting fragments. Is that another scrap of Ben Sira? Maimonides’ handwriting? A join between two pieces, a drawing of a sailing boat, or an amusing stain? We discuss it over coffee, and chat about it in our office messaging system, and occasionally one might be written up for posterity in our long-running Fragment of the Month series. The others fall by the wayside. But no longer! We are happy to announce the launch of Genizah Fragments, the Blog of the Genizah Research Unit. This will be our main means of posting Genizah news, keeping you in touch with our manuscript discoveries, book announcements, and more, as part of the Littman Genizah Educational Programme.
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