The University Library's physical French collections are complemented by a growing set of electronic resources including e-journals (such as those in the CAIRN French Studies Collection) databases of primary texts and criticism (such as Frantext or Classiques Garnier Numerique), ebooks (from various suppliers, including Amalivre ebooks) and online newspapers. Cambridge University Library subscribes to the academic version of Europresse, an aggregator which allows online access to many French and Francophone national and regional newspapers and magazines including Le Monde (from 2001), Le Figaro, Libération, L’Humanité, Les Echos, La Tribune ; Le Soir, Le Temps ; Le Parisien, Ouest-France, La Provence ; L’Express, Le Point, Marianne, L’Obs, Le Monde diplomatique etc. Thematically, Europresse titles cover the Humanities and Social Sciences, Politics, Law, Economics, Finance, Science, Environment, IT, Transports, Industry, Energy, Agriculture, Arts and culture (Lire, Le Magazine littéraire, Télérama…), Health, and event Sports (L'Équipe, France Football, Sport 24…). It also includes some TV and radio transcripts, biographies and reports, images, audio and video content.
A number of open access French and Francophone electronic resources (including those from the OpenEdition portal) are available through the library's catalogue iDiscover.
All purchased databases (accessible with a Raven password or by use of a University computer) and a few key open internet resources which relate to the study of France and the Francophone countries can be found here: A-Z Databases: Francophone Area Studies
Here is the general library page about e-resources and the one about e-books and e-journals available in Cambridge University Libraries.