The following lists feature the most common publishers and printers in the Liberation Collection. They are not meant to be exhaustive. When the information is on the book, we recorded the address of both the publisher and the printer, which means that searches can be made to distinguish which books were published or printed (for instance) on Boulevard Haussmann or rue Garancière.
Éditions de Minuit (see blogpost) |
B. Arthaud |
Charles-Lavauzelle & Cie |
Charlot |
Éditions Albin Michel |
Editions Baudinière |
Editions Berger-Levrault |
Éditions de la Baconnière |
Éditions de la Liberté |
Editions de la Maison Française |
Editions du Livre français |
Éditions du milieu du monde |
Editions G.P. |
Éditions Médicis |
Éditions Pierre Seghers |
Éditions Pierre Trémois |
Éditions sociales |
Fasquelle éditeurs |
Flammarion éditeur |
Gallimard |
La Jeune Parque |
Les Éditions de Minuit |
Les Éditions du Cheval ailé, Constant Bourquin, éditeur |
Librairie Arthème Fayard |
Librairie Hachette |
Librairie Plon |
Marguerat |
Office français d'édition |
Payot |
René Julliard |
The following is a list of the most common printers in the Liberation Collection. There is some overlap with the list of publishers.
Aulard imprimeur clandestin des 'Éditions de Minuit' |
Draeger frères |
Imprimerie Curial-Archereau |
Imp. Crété |
Albert Kundig |
Typographie Plon |
Imprimerie moderne |
Imprimerie Chantenay |
Imprimerie Crété |
Imprimerie centrale |
Imprimerie Paul Dupont |
Imprimerie de Sceaux |
Berger-Levrault |
Établissements Busson |
Imprimerie Allier |
R. Bussière |
Chantenay |
Imprimerie de Montsouris |
Imprimeries Bellenand |
Imprimeries Mont-Louis |
Imprimerie Chaix |