The Temperley collection: First World War and interwar books in French
Donor : Harold William Vazeille Temperley (1879-1939)
Temperley (professor of modern history and master of Peterhouse) wrote widely on the diplomatic history of the early 20th century, including the Paris Peace Conference (1919), which he attended, and an 11 volume work on British documents on the origins of the war : 1898-1914. Temperley's donation to the Library reflects his professional interest, and focuses on the diplomatic history of the first world war and the inter-war period.
In particular, his donation of approximately 150 volumes, chiefly in French, features a number of books on Polish and Czechoslovak history. The books are dated generally between 1910-1935. Temperley died in 1939, and AE Scholfield (Librarian, 1923–1949) dated his entry in the Registry of Donations Received as 29 Aug.-3 Sept. 1939.
Donation : a collection of French First World War and interwar books, especially on Czechoslovak and Polish history, including the following selection :
- Beneš (E) : Souvenirs de guerre et de révolution (1914-1918), Paris, 1928 -- 539.c.92.770-771
- Handelsman (M) : La pologne... pendant la guerre (v.1), Paris, [19..] -- 249.b.48.1
- Kutizebra (S) : La question polonaise pendant la guerre mondiale, Paris, [?] -- 539.c.93.772
- Manger (JB) : Le triple entente, Utrecht, 1934 -- 534:1.c.90.23
- Nicolas II, emp. De Russie : Journal intime, 1914-1918, Paris, 1934 -- 586:8.c.90.7
- Rosetti (R) : Essais sur l'art militaire des roumains, Bucaresti, 1933 -- Uc.5.115
- Vermeil (E) : Les origines de la guerre, Paris, 1926 -- 537.c.92.441
- Lucien-Graux : Histoire des violations du traite de paix, Paris, 1921-7 -- 534:1.d.90.12-15
- Notovich (N) : La Russie et l'alliance anglaise, Paris, 1906 -- 534:1.d.90.17
- Ollivier (E) : Philosophie d'une guerre, 1870, Paris, 1910 -- 563:3.d.90.1
To identify the books of the Temperley collection, you can search for "Harold William Vazeille Temperley 1879-1939, former owner" in the library catalogue iDiscover.