It is the Library's general aim to make available on the open shelves most works of academic importance that are physically suitable. Nevertheless, this is not a library where browsing is either easy or very efficient. Only one third of the collections are on open access, and open access material is arranged not only by subject, but also by size and by date of publication. The classification scheme has been revised and expanded over the years, with the result that two books on an identical subject can be classified in different places. Many books in series, moreover, are arranged with the series rather than under subject. If you are looking for material by a specific author or on a specific topic, you should always approach your search via the name or subject catalogue. See the PDF "A Beginner's Guide to Newton"
The library has its own unique classification system, as a result it is very specific in some areas and very general in others. What follows, therefore, is an attempt to pinpoint those parts of the classification scheme which relate specifically to German-speaking countries.
German Literature (746-750)
As with the schemes for other major European languages, German literary texts are divided by genre and by period. Texts are followed by related criticism. If an author writes fiction, plays and poetry, his or her work will be classified in three different places. No division is made between the literature of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Period subdivisions are fairly arbitrary - To 1500, 1501-1750, 1751-1850, 1851-1945 and 1945-. German poetry is placed between 746.3 and 746.6, drama between 747.1 and 747.4, fiction between 748.1 and 748.4, and prose other than fiction between 749.1 and 749.4. Texts by, or criticism related to, Goethe are placed together between 750 and 750.85.
German History (570-575)
Classification of German history incorporates a fairly detailed chronological breakdown. Works on ancient and medieval Germany are placed between 570.8 and 570.95. Works on modern Germany are arranged as follows:
571:1 | General modern history. Sources. Documents | |
571:2 | 1519-1648 | Reformation and Counter-Reformation period |
571:22 | Biography | |
571:24 | 1519-1559 | Karl V. Peasants' War, 1524-1525 |
571:26 | 1530-1547 | Schmalkaldic League and war |
571:28 | 1618-1648 | Period of Thirty Years' War. For the war itself, see 533:26 |
571:3 | 1648-1789 | 17th and 18th centuries |
571:35 | 1789-1815 | Germany during the French Revolution |
571:4 | 1815-1914 | 19th century. For the period of the Great War, 1914-1918, see 537 |
571:42 | 1848-1871 | Period of Revolution. Austro-Prussian war, 1866. |
German Empire, 1871-1918 | ||
571:5 | History, general | |
571:52 | Sources and documents | |
571:54 | Biography | |
571:55 | Bismarck: Biography | |
571:57 | Writings. Speeches. Letters. Table-talk | |
571:6 | 1861-1888 | William I. Frederick III |
571:62 | 1888-1918 | William II. For social life and customs, 570:35; for the period of World War I, 1914-1918, see 537 |
571:7 | 1918-1990 | German Republic. Weimarer Republic |
571:73 | Biography | |
571:75 | 1933-1945 | Nazi Germany. Hitler. Third Reich. Nazi biography |
571:76 | 1945-1990 | General including Berlin question |
571:77 | West Germany, 1945-1990 | |
571:78 | East Germany, 1945-1990 | |
571:8 | 1990- | United Germany |
571:83 | Biography |
In addition to the above classes there are also classes devoted specifically to local history and geogrpahy (573:5-574:8). Works on Prussia are placed between 573 and 573:35. Books on Germany's constitutional history stand at 575-575:46. Works on the German colonial empire stand at 575:8-575:9.
Swiss History (605-606:9)
Swiss history follows a less detailed chronological division but is supplemented by detailed divisions for local history with the cantons and cantonal capitals alphabetically arranged between 606:4 and 606:7. Constitutional history stands at 606:9.
605:2 | Early, to 1291 | |
605:25 | 1291-1516 | Federation and independence |
605:28 | War against Swabian League, 1499 | |
605:3 | 1516-1798 | |
605:32 | Peasants' war, 1641 | |
605:36 | Biography, 16th to 18th centuries | |
605:38 | 1798-1803 | Helvetic Republic |
605:4 | 1803- | 19th century onwards |
605:42 | 1843-1847 | Sonderbund |
Austrian History (607-608:8)
The classification scheme for Austrian history follows a similar pattern to Swiss history: a chronological division followed by an area division for local history (608:1). Works dealing with the Austro-Hungarian Empire are also placed with Austrian history. Works on Austria's constitutional history stand at 608.8.
607:2 | Early, to 1521 | |
607:3 | 1521-1792 | |
607:36 | 1740-1780 | Maria Theresa, 1740-1780. For the war of Austrian Succession see 533:46 |
607:38 | 1792-1815 | Period of the French Revolution. For the Congress of Vienna see 562:9 |
607:4 | 1815-1918 | 19th century (incl. biography of Franz Josef I, 1848-1916) |
607:45 | Biography | |
607:47 | 1918-1938 | Republic of Austria |
607:48 | 1938-1945 | Anschluss with Germany |
607:49 | 1945- | Republic of Austria |