Current projects
- Fragmentarium: Medieval manuscript fragments
- Creating new connections: shared digital curation of the Royal Commonwealth Society Southern African collections at Cambridge University Library
- Curious Cures in Cambridge Libraries
- Cambridge University Press Archive Project
- Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit projects
Previous projects
- Darwin Correspondence Project (ended Dec 2022)
- Ely Assizes Cataloguing Project (in collaboration with the Cambridgeshire Family History Society)
- The Polonsky Foundation Greek Manuscripts Project: a collaboration between the Universities of Cambridge and Heidelberg
- Codex Zacynthius - discovering the secrets of the oldest Greek New Testament catena manuscript (led by University of Birmingham project with Cambridge University Library as project partner)
- Darwin's Library Project
- The Electronic Music of Roberto Gerhard
- Incunabula Cataloguing Project (see project blog)
- Jardine Matheson Archive
- Navigating 18th Century Science and Technology: the Board of Longitude
- OCIMCO - Oxford and Cambridge Islamic Manuscripts Catalogue Online
- Papers of Siegfried Sassoon
- Printers' Papers Project
- Revealing Hidden Collections: Tai Buddhist Literature in UK and SE Asian collections
- Royal Commonwealth Society Film Collection
- Royal Commonwealth Society Photograph Project
- Royal Commonwealth Official Publications Project
- Royal Commonwealth Society—Wellcome Trust Research Resources Award to conserve and digitise the archives of two WWII civilian internment camps on Singapore, Changi and Sime Road
- 'The intellectual and religious traditions of South Asia as seen through the Sanskrit manuscript collections of the University Library, Cambridge' (AHRC-funded Sanskrit Manuscripts Project)
- Tower Project to provide online catalogue records for 'non-academic' 19th and early 20th-century books (see project blog)
- Wrongdoing in Spain, 1800–1936: Realities, Representations, Reactions
Image credit: papers from the Royal Commonwealth Society's Changi archives