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Department of Applied Mathematics & Theoretical Physics


Helen Mason retired (in September 2017) as a Reader in Solar Physics in Department of Applied Mathematics & Theoretical Physics (DAMTP). Helen is famed for her work in solar physics, particularly in understanding the ultra-violet and X-ray emissions from the atmosphere of the Sun, and has been at the forefront of major international solar missions throughout her career. She is passionate about scientific outreach to the public, especially young people, and relentlessly travels the country to tell school children about astronomy. In 2010 she was chosen as one of the six 'Women of Outstanding Achievement' by the Institute of Physics, and in 2014 was honoured with the award of an OBE for services to Higher Education and Women in Science, Engineering and Technology. During the last couple of years she has been working on the Principia educational project linked to Tim Peake's flight on the International Space Station. In 2016 she became a Research Council Public Engagement Fellow and is working on a project which takes scientists and artist into schools 'Sun,Space and Art'.

Date of Birth/Death: