The Cambridge University Libraries Decolonisation Working Group (whose members include student, academic, library, and museum representatives) put together a very introductory reading list about decolonisation, which we launched in February 2023.
The list is for everyone in the University, whether they are exploring decolonisation for the first time or are keen for refresher reading at a further stage. The aim of the reading list is to provide people with a few pointers to texts and bibliographies about decolonisation rather than to provide an exhaustive list.
We know that people will have different ideas about what should appear on a list like this and know that there are gaps. The list currently contains titles that the DWG’s members have identified as useful reading, and we are very happy to receive suggestions of additions and alterations. We aim to keep the list fairly short, with probably no more than 60 entries all told.
If you are keen to see a particular book or other resource added or would like to suggest other changes, please email details to The DWG will review suggestions on a regular basis.
The reading list can be seen by those with Raven access here: and by those without here: