The following equipment is available in the University Library, West Road building:
- Eight electrically operated, height-adjustable desks (four in the North Reading Room, three outside the main Reading Room; one in the Manuscripts Reading Room)
- Daylight table lamps
- A range of ergonomic chairs
- A PC with a 19-inch monitor provides access to the Library catalogue, electronic resources, the Internet and Microsoft Office
- Scanners
- An adjustable keyboard
- A trackball mouse
- An electronic video magnifier
- A computer with Dolphin Supernova software, which offers screen-reading and magnification facilities, and the Dragon Naturally Speaking voice-recognition package
- A portable induction loop is available from the Reader Services Desk in the Entrance Hall
- Reading rulers
- Wrist rests
- Handheld magnifiers
- Booksnakes (for weighing down pages in books)
Some of these facilities have been funded by a generous donation from the Abbey Charitable Trust, for which the Library is most grateful.