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‘Companions Commonwealth Concert’ (1958) Journal of the Royal Commonwealth Society 1,4 p247

Gregory, L. (1972) ‘Fifth adventurous contingent to travel the Asian Highway’ Commonwealth Journal 16,3 p65-69

Gregory, L. (1979) Together Unafraid Robert Hale, London

Ingram, D. (1960) Partners in Adventure Pan, London

Macmillan, H. (1958) ‘Address by the Rt. Honourable Harold Macmillan’ United Empire 49,2 p50-55

Owen, E. ‘Planning Report on CISGO 1969 Zambia’ p1. Tours file 1969-71 Box RCS Archives

Prentice, R. (1969) ‘The inherent danger of continued affluence’ Commonwealth Journal 12,4 145-150, 145

Rosello, M. (2001) Postcolonial hospitality and the immigrant as guest Stanford University Press, Stanford

Salmon, E. (1936) ‘Behold our home’ United Empire 27 p601-604

Tate, D. (1967) ‘Impressions of the study tour to Australia and Singapore’ Commonwealth Journal 10,3 125-128

Tate, F. (1966) ‘Commonwealth Trade: the special role of the society’ Commonwealth Journal 3 85-86

Further reading

If you want to find out more about the historical and contemporary Commonwealth, as well as the Royal Commonwealth Society Collections, you may want to look at the following:

Barringer, T. (1994) ‘The Rise, fall and rise again of the RCS library’ African Research and Development 64 p1-10 provides an account of the Society’s Collection and its move to Cambridge University Library.

Gregory, L. (1979) Together Unafraid Robert Hale, London provides an account of the Comex expeditions, from the point of view of their founder, Lionel Gregory.

There are also two Comex websites: (an archived historical website)

Ingram, D. (1960) Partners in Adventure Pan, London, is an account which captures early optimism for the Commonwealth.

Mackenzie, J. (1998) ‘The Royal Commonwealth Society Library’ in Fox, P. (ed.) Cambridge University Library: The Great Collections Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, provides an overview of the collection.

Mayall, J. (ed.) (2010) The Contemporary Commonwealth Routledge, London, offers a new consideration of the modern Commonwealth.

May, A. (ed.) (2010) The Commonwealth and International Affairs: The Round Table Centennial Selection Routledge, London is an edited collection of Round Table articles which highlights changing political and academic views of the Empire and Commonwealth over the last century.

Noxolo, P. (2006) ‘Claims: A postcolonial critique of ‘partnership’ in Britain’s development discourse’ Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 27 p254-269 and Power, M. (2009) 'The Commonwealth, ‘development’ and post-colonial responsibility'. Geoforum 40 p14-24 offer a more critical account of the Commonwealth and development.


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