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2023-24: Emily Clarke, 'Georgette Heyer (1902-74) and the invention of the Regency'

2022-23: Toma-Jin Morikawa-Fouquet, 'The polymathic writings of Hirano Imao (1900-1986)'

2021-22: Joseph Bills, 'llustrated texts as living objects in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Japan', also joint winner of the ABA National Book Collecting Prize 2022

2020-21: Gabriel Duckels, 'Children's & Young Adult Literature and HIV/AIDS', also featured in Fine Books Magazine

2019-20: Joe Shaugnessy (Williams), 'Literature & Empire, 1890-1955'

2018-19: Matthias Gjesdal-Hammer, 'Contemporary Photobooks'

2017-18: Nikita Makarchev, '2x2=5:Protests and Experiments in Revolution-era Russian Poetry'

2016-17: Anthony Wilder Wohns, 'Exploring Remotest Asia'

2015-16: Edwin Rose, 'Popular natural history and natural philosophy of the eighteenth century’

2014-15: Tom Zille, 'German and English Literature of the Inter-War Period'

2013-14: Christopher White, 'Eugenics in the twentieth century'

2012-13: Chloe Stopa-Hunt, 'C’est la meme folie: Ménage Desmoulins in literature and history'

2011-12: Alessandro Bianchi, 'Japanese popular publications before the twentieth century'

2010-11: Basie Bales Gitlin, 'Canvassing books'

2009-10: Ian Heames, 'Small press poetry, mostly British'

2008-9: Boris Jardine, 'Modernism in print'

2007-8: Daniel Hagon, 'Primary sources in the history of mathematics and physics'

2006-7: David Butterfield, 'Landmarks of Classical scholarship'

How to enter

To enter, students should submit a list of their collection together with a short essay, explaining the theme and significance of the collection. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to talk about their collection to the judges. Applications for the 2024 prize are open and must be submitted by 7 February 2025. Entries should include:

(a) a completed application cover sheet (download in .pdf format or .doc format);
(b) an essay of not more than 500 words explaining the genesis of the collection, what its interest is to the owner, and ideas for future development;
(c) a bibliographic list of the books, with brief annotations (maximum 10 A4 sides in all, including the essay).

Informal enquiries are welcomed by Dr Liam Sims, Rare Books Specialist (tel: 01223 333123; Entries (in PDF or Word format) should be submitted by email to Please ensure that your name appears only on the cover sheet; essays are shortlisted anonymously.