The six large pieces (all oil on canvas) which were displayed by Ulyana Gumeniuk in the University Library are exhibited online below. To open a larger-scale image of any picture in a separate window, please click directly on the picture.
All images, reproduced by kind permission of the copyright-holder, are copyright Ulyana Gumeniuk.
Consumed/Mitochondria. (2010-2011. 239cm x 160cm)
Consumed/Ribosome. (2010-2011. 239cm x 160cm)
Pipes 3. (2012. 245cm x 225cm)
Entropy. 2012. (134cm x 215cm)
Pipes 4. (2012. 136cm x 210cm)
Pipes 2. (2010-2011. 225cm x 240cm)