The Map Department is home to the majority of Cambridge University Library's cartographic resources, from early printed and manuscript maps through to modern resources including Ordnance Survey digital map data.
The Map Room can be used by any member of the Library. Further information about the Room can be found on our Services page. Readers intending to use the Library in person for the first time should initially contact Reader Registration.
For more detailed information about the materials held in the Map Department see our Collections page. Help and advice on finding maps in the Library's catalogues can be found here.
A quick guide and introduction to the Map Room and its collections can be downloaded here.
Please be aware that catalogue entries for most of our collection can only be found in the Map Department's card catalogue and not on iDiscover (the Library's online catalogue) - pay us a visit, send us an email or give us a call.
Please contact a member of staff if you have any queries regarding the map collections.
NEW: Cartographic Resources LibGuide
Image credit: extract from