NEW: Cartographic Resources LibGuide
Printed copies of all of the Map Department Information Sheets are available in the Map Department. They are also available via this web page as MS Word and [pdf] documents (click on the links below):
Buying Maps:
1A - Where to buy current maps and globes in Great Britain (Updated 22/11/2023) [pdf]
1B - Where to buy current maps outside of Britain (Updated 6/10/2021) [pdf]
1C - Where to purchase (or View) Soviet military mapping (Updated 27/9/2023) [pdf]
1D - Where to buy Ordnance Survey maps (Updated 27/5/2022) [pdf]
1G - Dealers in old maps and atlases (Updated 8/10/2021) [pdf]
Digital Maps:
1F - Digimap https://digimap.edina.ac.uk (Updated 18/10/2024) [pdf] An extended version is also available in html format
Map Libraries:
2A - Map collections in Cambridge (Updated 6/10/2021) [pdf]
2B - Map collections outside Cambridge (Updated 20/10/2021) [pdf]
General Printed and On-Line Resources:
3 - Cartographic resources (Updated 24/8/2021) [pdf]
3b - Map Department - General Introduction (Updated 7/9/2022) Provides an overview of the Map Department collections and services and summarises much of the information on the Map Department web pages. [pdf]
3c - Quick guide to the Map Room and its Collections (Updated 10/10/2024) [pdf]
Exhibition Guide:
4 - Unfolding Landscapes: Maps of Cambridgeshire from Elizabeth I to Elizabeth II. Finding out more [2003]
Cambridge University Library Map Catalogues:
5A - The Card Catalogue (Updated 6/10/2021) [For the information in html format] [pdf]
5B - Uncatalogued Collections (Updated 26/9/2023) [For the information in html format] [pdf]
5C - Searching iDiscover for maps and atlases (Updated 6/10/2021) [Or see iDiscover Quick Guides ; searching for maps and atlases and/or searching for books on cartography and gazetteers] [pdf]
Picture caption : Extract from 1:10,000 Soviet Military map of Cambridge, published in 1989, showing Cambridge University Library. Atlas.0.019.21(1).