The Protolib II project was conducted, alongside the Tracker project, to supplement the findings of the first Protolib project. Protolib II concentrated on site-level design, this involved applying the original Protolib findings and conducting additional research in order to investigate what spaces might be needed to support library user needs and behaviours at the main sites across the University.
Research methods included a digital diary study conducted over three weeks with 41 members of the University. Participants were interviewed in-depth after the study, allowing us to further explore their working habits and routines, which activities they were conducting in library and non-library spaces and how these activities fitted into their wider lives at Cambridge. An analysis of the existing library spaces at the University was conducted, based on the 'intensity gradient' framework outlined in the first Protolib project report, and suggestions were made as to how current space provision could be re-evaluated to support Cambridge library users in the future.
Download the full Protolib II project report
Download the executive summary
[Accessible formats of Futurelib reports and documents are available on request: email futurelib@lib.cam.ac.uk]