“What do you enjoy most about studying at Cambridge?”
“What do you find most frustrating about studying at Cambridge?”
These were two of the questions we asked students during the Futurelib ‘Student Learning Journey’ project, which took place between October 2017 and May 2018. A broad, in-depth, qualitative research exercise, the project aimed to uncover insights about the experience of taught students at the University of Cambridge that could be used to inform continued service design and delivery on the part of Cambridge University Libraries.
We feel that the insights gained through this work prove the value of conducting in-depth, qualitative research work with those people that are likely to encounter our libraries and services. It would have been difficult to arrive at this deep level of understanding through more traditional, quantitative methods and measures such as satisfaction surveys and usage statistics.
We look forward to sharing and discussing our work with those involved in various areas of education and student support at Cambridge, as we feel that some of our findings might be of interest to individuals outside of Cambridge libraries.
Download the full Student Learning Journey project report
Download the executive summary
[Accessible formats of Futurelib reports and documents are available on request: email futurelib@lib.cam.ac.uk]