The Inter-Library Loans Department welcomes requests from overseas libraries.
Update: March 2023 until further notice: : We regret that (except for Eire), we will not be able to accept requests for physical loans.
We accept IFLA vouchers and British Library Billing Accounts as payments for international requests. Our standard charges are as follows:
IFLA Vouchers | British Library | |
Europe: Loans | 3.0 | £24.00 (+ BL Service Charge) |
Europe: Scan / PDF | 2.0 | £16..00 (+ BL Service Charge) |
Europe: Postal Photocopy | 2.5 | £20.00 (+ BL Service Charge) |
Rest of World: Loans | 4.5 | £36.00 (+ BL Service Charge) |
Rest of World: Scan / PDF* | 2.0 | £16.00 (+ BL Service Charge) |
Rest of World: Postal Photocopy | 2.5 | £20.00 (+ BL Service Charge) |
We regret that we are unable to accept any other forms of payment for inter-library loans from overseas libraries. However, if you only require a copy /scan, you may contact our Library's Digital Content Unit who will send you an estimate of costs. NB: This may be a slower service.
Lending Terms & Conditions
Cambridge University Library offers an eight week loan period from the date of dispatch, but all items are subject to recall if required by a Cambridge user. All loans are strictly "for use in library only", but in most cases copying is permitted if undertaken by a member of library staff and adhere's to UK Copyright Law.
We are also happy to offer renewals at no extra charge, providing the item has not been recalled. Please contact us by email if a renewal is required.
Items we are unable to lend
- Books in Rare /Special Collection classes (although we may be able to provide a photocopy if the item is out of copyright
- Books in reference classes
- Unsuitably bound items (spiral bound, ring-binder, loose-leaf, etc.)
- Digital materials (DVD-ROMs, CD-ROMs and Video/Audio cassettes)
- Manuscripts
- Special collections
- Newspapers
- Microfilms/fiche.
In addition: We are unable to provide copies from microfiche/film.
Cambridge Theses
Unfortunately, the Inter-Library Loans Department are unable to lend or copy from Cambridge Theses. However, individuals may be able to purchase a copy of a Cambridge Thesis by submitting a request for Imaging Services through the Digital Content Unit's online form. For more information about pricing, please visit the Digital Content Unit
Contact Us
Our contact details are as follows:
Inter-Library Loans
Cambridge University Library
West Road
Cambridge CB3 9DR
Telephone: +44 (0) 1223 333039 / 333080
All e-mail requests should be sent to