- Art
- Articles and Databases
- Citation Databases
- Dictionaries and Reference Works
- Early or Rare Books
- Full Text E-Books
- Language Learning Resources
- Library Catalogues and Guides
- Newspapers and Magazines
- UK or Europe Specific Japanese Studies Information
Early Photography of Japan
JAANUS: Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System
Japanese Woodblock Print Search
Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Art of Asia
Tokyo Museum Collection: Integrated Database Search for Metropolitan Museums
Articles and Databases
A-Z Databases (list of all database subscriptions for the University of Cambridge)
Art Research Center Database List (Ritsumeikan University)
Cambridge Core
CiNii Research (Japanese journal citations, articles, data, some full-text)
IRDB : Institutional Repositories DataBase (formerly JAIRO)
J-STAGE (Japanese electronic journals, some free full-text access)
Japan Center for Asian Historical Records
Shashin shuho 写真週報 (1938-1945 magazine, full-text. About Shashin Shuho.)
Japan Disasters Digital Archive
Kokkai search 国会会議録検索システム (minutes from plenary sessions and committee meetings in Diet)
National Institute of Japanese Literature (databases)
Nichibunken (International Research Center for Japanese Studies)
Nichibunken Databases
Nichibunken Open Access
WARP: Web Archiving Project (Japanese government documents / white papers)
See also University of Cambridge iDiscover
Citation Databases
Bibliography of Asian Studies
CiNii Research (Japanese journal citations, articles, data, some full-text)
Japanese Literature in Translation Search (日本文学翻訳書誌検索)
Web of Science
Zassaku PLus (Index of articles in Japanese magazines and journals)
ZETOC (Citation database from Jisc and the British Library)
Dictionaries and Reference Works
JapanKnowledge Lib (includes major dictionaries, encyclopedias, and anthologies.)
Jim Breen's WWWJDIC
Rikaichan (add-on for Firefox)
Rikaikun (extension for Chrome)
Early or Rare Books and Manuscripts
Cambridge Digital Library Japanese Works
Digitized Scrolls from the Japanese Manuscript Collection, 1158-1591 (komonjo at Harvard Law School)
Early Japanese Book Portal Database (Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University)
HathiTrust (Global Public Domain only)
Japanese Censorship Collection, Library of Congress
Komonjo (medieval Japanese documents at Princeton)
National Diet Library Digital Collections
Smithsonian Libraries: Japanese Illustrated Books from the Edo and Meiji Periods
Union Catalogue Database of Japanese Books (National Institute of Japanese Literature)
Waseda Kotenseki Sogo Database
World of the Japanese Illustrated Book: The Gerhard Pulverer Collection
Full Text E-Books
A-Z Databases: e-books (list of e-book subscriptions for the University of Cambridge; primarily Western languages)
Aozora bunko
Comic Walker (manga in Japanese, includes some free material)
Google Books
JapanKnowledge Lib (includes major dictionaries, encyclopedias, and anthologies)
Maruzen eBook Library (contact japanese@lib.cam.ac.uk to request new titles)
National Diet Library Digital Collections
See also University of Cambridge iDiscover
Language Learning Resources
Japanese films playlist on Box of Broadcasts
Comic Walker (manga in Japanese, paid service with some free material)
Crunchyroll (Japanese-language anime and dramas; translated manga)
italki (find language exchange partners & private teachers, paid service with some free functions)
Japanese Language, Japan Foundation London
Kanji Koohii: Remember the Kanji
Language Centre, University of Cambridge (study materials and options for speaking practice)
Learn Japanese: Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese
Memrise (vocabulary)
Quizlet (vocabulary flashcards)
Sail (practise by speaking to Japanese senior citizens, paid service with free trial)
Viki.com (East Asian dramas, including some Japanese shows.)
Library Catalogues and Guides
AMES Faculty Library: Japanese Studies Selected Online Resources
CiNii Books (search Japanese-language books at Cambridge)
Jisc Library Hub Discover (search over 100 UK and Irish academic, national & specialist library catalogues)
NDL (National Diet Library) Search
NDL Research Navi (guide to researching any topic related to Japan)
UK Union Catalogues of Japanese Books
Union Catalogue Database of Japanese Books (National Institute of Japanese Literature)
University of Cambridge iDiscover (includes books and e-resources)
For older Japanese books at the University Library, see also the following:
- Eric Ceadel: Classified catalogue of modern Japanese books in Cambridge University Library (1961) (book in the East Asian Reading Room at FD.22:1.1)
- Nozomu Hayashi and Peter Kornicki: Early Japanese books in Cambridge University Library (1991) (book in the East Asian Reading Room at FD.22.28. Romanised title index.)
Newspapers and Magazines
Factiva (articles from over 30,000 publications in 28 languages. In advanced search, select Japanese or choose from a list of publications in Japan.)
Asahi Shimbun Cross-Search (Asahi Shimbun, 1879 to present. Full-text searchable from 1985; prior years in facsimile.)
Maisaku (Mainichi Shimbun, 1872 to present. Includes 週刊エコノミスト = Weekly Economist.)
Nikkei Telecom 21 (Nihon Keizai Shimbun, 1876 to present. Full-text searchable from 1988.)
PressReader (Current Japanese news (Mainichi Shimbun) and magazines (43 titles as of April 2021). Requires Cambridgeshire Libraries account or other UK public library account.)
World News Connection (English translations of articles, 1995 to 2013 only)
Yomidasu Rekishikan (Yomiuri Shimbun, 1874 to present. Recent years full-text searchable; prior years in facsimile.)
In addition to the subscription archives above, see newspaper websites for limited free coverage:
UK or Europe Specific Japanese Studies Information
NACIRA : National Committee for Information Resources on Asia
UK Union Catalogues of Japanese Books