Copying of items held in the Map Department is permitted subject to the restrictions of copyright and limitations imposed by the age, fragility or size of the original. Staff are happy to advise on the options that are available for a specific item, please speak to us in the Map Room or contact us if you have any imaging enquiries.
Imaging and Licensing
The Library's Digital Content Unit can provide and license high-quality digital images of items in the map collections for use in research, teaching and publications. The method by which an image can be taken depends on the age, fragility and size of the original and as such the costs for this can vary. The purchase of an image from the Library does not confer the right to reproduce it in publications, websites or broadcasts. To obtain a quotation for images and reproduction rights please complete the online imaging and permissions request form.
For readers who have access to the Library it is possible for us to provide A4 or A3 sized paper extracts from some of our sheet maps as well as paper copies from books and atlases subject to the restrictions of copyright and limitations imposed by the age, fragility or size of the original. Paper copies must be ordered, collected and paid for within the Library. We regret that it is not possible to accept remote orders for paper copies.
Self-Service Photography
Readers may use their own cameras to take still photographs of material in the Map Room. If you wish to take your own photographs you must first speak to staff on the desk and read the information sheets on self-service photography and copyright provided. Photographs may be taken for non-commercial research or private study only. General photography (e.g. of people, locations, reading rooms) is not permitted.
Cameras and camera phones must be hand-held, and must be set to 'silent'. SLRs, tripods, 'mini-pods', hand-held scanners and flash photography are not permitted.
Please note also that some collections are subject to restrictions and may not be photographed; staff will provide guidance on this.
Please see our full guidelines for further information.
Facilities, including a light table, are available for tracing sheet maps but permission must first be obtained from a member of staff. Readers should provide their own paper and pencils and must use the transparent sheets provided, between the map and the tracing paper, to protect the maps.