Newspaper reviews of performances and articles about individual works of Roberto Gerhard, written by music critics and others. PART 4 - Multiple works
The list is based on the newspaper cuttings and copies of periodicals that are in the Roberto Gerhard Archive. It does not claim to be a comprehensive list of writings on Gerhard. This section includes reviews of concerts containing more than one work by Gerhard, and a miscellany of other articles, including obituaries.
Items with class marks beginning with “MS.” are located in the Manuscript Reading Room
Items with shelf numbers beginning with “MRS.” are located in the Music Reading Room (Anderson Room)
Many of the published periodicals are also available online through agencies such as JSTOR. Reviews in The Times newspaper are also available on their database (available through many University electronic data systems).
To find all references to a particular work or author, etc., use the “find” mechanism on your browser.
Harrison, Max
Schoenberg-Gerhard : Purcell Room / Max Harrison
Published in: 'The Times Saturday review' (27 October 1973), p. ??
Material: newpaper cutting
Notes: review of concert on October 26 1973
Work discussed: Concert for Eight
Work discussed: Fantasia, guitar
Work discussed: Libra
Work discussed: Capriccio
Quote from article: Concert for 8
Albet, Montserrat
Gerhard tenía razón / por Montserrat Albet
Published in: '??', ([1964?]), p. ??
Material: Printed copies (2)
Notes: review of concert on “viernes 7 de febrero en Barcelona” -- with a portraits of Roberto Gerhard and Xavier Turull
Work discussed: Concertos, violin, orchestra
Work discussed: Concertos, harpsichord?
Quote from article: Concierto para arpa
Work discussed: Audiomobiles, no. 2. DNA in reflection
Work discussed: Plague
Name mentioned: Turull, Xavier
Name mentioned: Ferrer, Rafael
Name mentioned: Orquesta Municipal
McCabe, John
Gerhard: creator in exile / John McCabe discusses the influences on
Roberto Gerhard and reviews the recording of his violin concerto and fourth symphony
Published in: 'Records and recordings' (February 1972), p. 44-45
Material: 2 leaves from printed copy (+ photocopy)
Work discussed: Concertos, violin, orchestra
Work discussed: Symphonies, no. 4 (New York)
Name mentioned: Neaman, Ifrah
Name mentioned: Davis, Colin
Name mentioned: BBC Symphony Orchestra
Del Mar, Norman
Gerhard as an orchestral composer : 'Ballet suite': Don Quixote (1940); 'Symphony': Homenaje a Pedrell (1941); Violin concerto (1942-5) / Norman del Mar
Published in: 'The Score and I.M.A magazine', no. 17 (September 1956), p. 13-19
Material: Printed issue
Notes: With musical examples
Work discussed: Don Quixote (suite no. 1)
Work discussed: Symphonies (Homenaje a Pedrell)
Work discussed: Concertos, violin, orchestra
Vlad, Roman
My first impressions of Roberto Gerhard's music / Roman Vlad
Published in: 'The Score and I.M.A magazine', no. 17 (September 1956), p. 27-34
Material: Printed issue
Notes: With musical examples
Notes: With a reproduction of the second movement of the Quartet, 'Capriccio'
Work discussed: Symphonies, no. 1
Quote from article: Recent symphony
Work discussed: Quartets, strings, no. 1
Quote from article: String quartet
Work discussed: Quartets, strings, no. 1. Capriccio
Mann, William
Delightful homage to Gerhard the Catalan of Cambridge / by William Mann
Published in: ['The Times' (April 1969)], p.??
Material: newspaper cutting
Notes: review of concert at the Queen Elizabeth Hall on 2 April 1969
Name mentioned: Queen Elizabeth Hall
Work discussed: Haiku
Work discussed: Fantasia, guitar
Work discussed: Sonatas, violoncello, piano
Work discussed: Nonet
Work discussed: Libra
Gill, Frank P.
Composer's both witty and wise / by Frank P. Gill
Published in: ['??' (1960?)], p. ??
Material: newspaper cutting
Notes: review of concert on 18 May 1960 in Wayne State University
Name mentioned: Forum for new music
Name mentioned: Wayne State University
Name mentioned: Grimes, Carolyn
Name mentioned: Schrott, Walter
Work discussed: Cancionero de Pedrell
Quote from article: Cancionero
Work discussed: Lament for the death of a bullfighter
Quote from article: Lament on a death of a bullfighter
Work discussed: Impromptus, piano
Quote from article: his three impromptus for piano
Work discussed: Concertos, harpsichord
Quote from article: a tape recording of his composition for harpsichord, percussion and string orchestra
Gerhard's Catalan songs : Miss Sophie Wyss
Published in: [The Times, 30 October 1956], p. 3
Material: newspaper cutting
Notes: review of concert on 27 October 1956 in the Northern Polytechnic Theatre, London, N.7.
Name mentioned: Wyss, Sophie
Name mentioned: Dennington, Arthur
Name mentioned: Modern Symphony Orchestra
Work discussed: Cançons populars catalanes (orchestra)
Quote from article: popular Catalan folksongs for soprano and orchestra
Composer's 10 hopping points
Published in: ['??' (February, 1961)], p. ??
Material: newspaper cutting
Notes: review of first performance on 8 February 1961
Name mentioned: BBC Symphony Orchestra
Name mentioned: Schwarz, Rudolf
Name mentioned: Royal Festival Hall
Work discussed: Symphonies, no. 3 (Collages)
Henderson, R. L.
Precision of Gerhard's mind and ear / R.L.H.
Published in: 'The Daily Telegraph' (Friday, 6 March 1970), p. 16
Material: Photocopy of newspaper cutting (very faded)
Notes: review of 'Memorial concert' on 5 March 1970
Name mentioned: Purcell Room
Name mentioned: Neaman, Ifrah
Name mentioned: Bradshaw, Susan
Name mentioned: Whittaker, Douglas
Name mentioned: Manning, Jane
Name mentioned: Harker, Roland
Work discussed: Gemini
Work discussed: Nonet
Work discussed: Capriccio, flute
Work discussed: Cantares
Quote from article: Seven Spanish songs for voice and guitar
Work discussed: Libra
Sadie, Stanley
Gerhard's mastery / by Stanley Sadie
Published in: 'The Times' (Friday 6 March 1970), p. ??
Material: newspaper cutting + photocopy (nearly unreadable)
Notes: review of the Memorial concert on 5 March 1970 in the Purcell Room
Name mentioned: Macnaghten Concerts
Name mentioned: Park Lane Group
Name mentioned: Atherton, David
Name mentioned: Whittaker, Douglas
Name mentioned: Manning, Jane
Name mentioned: Neaman, Yfrah
Name mentioned: Bradshaw, Susan
Work discussed: Libra
Work discussed: Gemini
Work discussed: Nonet
Work discussed: Capriccio
Work discussed: Cantares
Widdicombe, Gillian
Gerhard / Gillian Widdicombe
Published in: 'The Financial Times' (Friday 6 March 1970), p. ??
Material: photocopy of newspaper cutting (feint)
Notes: review of 'Memorial concert' on 5 March 1970
Name mentioned: Purcell Room
Name mentioned: Neaman, Ifrah
Name mentioned: Bradshaw, Susan
Name mentioned: Connolly, Justin
Work discussed: Nonet
Work discussed: Cantares
Work discussed: Capriccio
Work discussed: Gemini
Work discussed: Libra
Work discussed: Leo
Walsh, Stephen
Music / Stephen Walsh
Published in: ['The Observer' (Sunday 25 March 1973)], p. ??
Material: photocopy of newspaper cutting (incomplete)
Notes: review of 'EBU's Festival Hall concert in his memory' on 19 March 1973
Name mentioned: Neaman, Ifrah
Name mentioned: Wilde, David
Name mentioned: Davis, Colin
Name mentioned: BBC Symphony Orchestra
Work discussed: Gemini
Work discussed: Libra
Work discussed: Leo
Work discussed: Concert for Eight
Work discussed: Symphonies, no. 4 (New York)
Shelf mark: MS.Gerhard.42.19 (NB pasted to sheet with another general article)
Simmons, David
London music / by David Simmons
Published in: Musical Times, May 1973, p. ??
Material: Photocopy of printed issue –
Notes: review of 'EBU's Festival Hall concert in his memory' on 19 March 1973
Name mentioned: Neaman, Ifrah
Name mentioned: Wilde, David
Name mentioned: Davis, Colin
Name mentioned: BBC Symphony Orchestra
Work discussed: Gemini
Work discussed: Libra
Work discussed: Leo
Work discussed: Concert for Eight
Work discussed: Symphonies, no. 4 (New York)
Coleman, Edwin H.
Roberto Gerhard's 'Collages' / Edwin H. Coleman
Published in: 'Musical events' (February, 1961), p. 19
Material: page from magazine
Notes: preview of the performance on 8 February 1961
Work discussed: Symphonies, no. 3 (Collages)
Name mentioned: Royal Festival Hall
Roberto Gerhard / Professor W.H. Thorpe writes
Published in: ‘The Times’, Wednesday 14 January 1970, p. 12
Material: newspaper cutting
Notes: supplementary letter to the obituary
Homs, Joaquim
Record de Robert Gerhard / per Joaquim Homs
Published in: Serra d’or, Any XII, no. 125 (15 de febrer 1970), p. 69-71
Material: printed copy
Notes: obituary
Atherton, David
Gerhard : catalogue of works / compiled by David Atherton
Published in: 'The London Sinfonietta Schoenberg/Gerhard series' (October and November 1973), p. 107-120
Material: printed copy.
Davies, Hugh
Electronic music / Hugh Davies
Published in: 'Tempo', no. 139 (December 1981), p. [35]-38
Material: Printed issue
Notes: General title: 'Roberto Gerhard: a survey'
Notes: With a chronological list of the electronic music works
Notes: With bibliographic references
Donat, Misha
Thoughts on the late works / Misha Donat
Notes: General title: 'Roberto Gerhard: a survey'
Notes: With musical examples
Published in: 'Tempo', no. 139 (December 1981), p. [39]-43
Material: Printed issue
Work discussed: Symphonies, no. 4 (New York)
Work discussed: Concert for eight
Work discussed: Gemini
Work discussed: Leo
Work discussed: Libra
Orga, Ates
[Roberto Gerhard] : the works / Ates Orga
Notes: With a portrait of Roberto Gerhard with Federico Longas
Notes: With musical examples
Notes: With the text of 'Seven Haiku' and 'Cancionero de Pedrell' in original languages and English translations
Published in: 'The London Sinfonietta Schoenberg/Gerhard series' (October and November 1973), p. 76-86
Material: Printed issue
R. R.
Robert Gerhard : Vallenc, compositor I musicolèg.
Published in: ‘Cultura’, no. 285, enero d 1970, p. 14-18.
Material: printed issue
Notes: obituary
Scheda per Roberto Gerhard [i.e. brief biography and list of works]
Published in: Musicalia, Anno I, n. 1, febbraio 1970
Material: printed issue