Roberto Gerhard's notebooks
Last updated 5th September 2007. Please notify the Music Department (email: of any amendments or corrections
A handlist of the contents of the notebooks held by the Cambridge University Library compiled by Margarida Estanyol in 1993 under the direction of Richard Andrewes.
[1939? or later]
77 leaves ; 30cm
Commercially issued notebook with blue cover. With a label inside the front cover: 'Toute la papeterie, Couteau, 135 Bo. St. Germain 6e'. Squared paper
Autograph in pencil
f. 1 [Cutting] 'Releasing Spaniards in Tunisia', 5th April 1943
f. 1-8 [Book reviews. Kurt Pahlen's 'Historia gráfica universal de la música'. Draft] Supersticions: la música en la vida humana. Sta Cecilia (p.57) ...
f. 8v-62v [Blank]
f. 76-71v [Retablo de Maese Pedro. Draft. Spanish] Cuenta el cronista de esta grande y verdadera historia ... La obra ha sido presentada por J.S. con la narración basada en los correspondientes pasajes del inmortal libro de Cervantes.
f. 71-63 [Heritage of Spain. 14?. Draft] Spanish Zarzuela. Announcement. 1 Guridi: Caserío, parte 2a.
[194-? or later]
20 leaves ; 21cm
Commercially issued notebook with green cover. Lined and squared paper (rectos lined, versos squared)
Autograph in black ink and pencil
f. 1-15 [Felipe Pedrell. Draft. English] Few of my listeners...
f. 16-20v [Blank]
Most versos are blank, but some include revisions to the text.
[194-? - 1955]
20 leaves ; 26cm
Commercially issued notebook with green cover, with label: Supplied by W. Heffer & Sons, Ltd., 19 Sidney Street, Cambridge. Lined and squared paper (rectos lined, versos squared)
Marked on the cover by R.G. "1920694" and with brown label on cover marked by Poldi Gerhard "Theatre"
With a single leaf (of yellow squared paper) attached to the f.1
Autograph in black ink, pencil, red biro, and red and blue crayon
f. [0] [King Lear (1955). Notes for cymbals and timpani] Q 15A ...
f. 1 [Instruments list] Bass drum ... [Unidentified notes] GER 5911 / Theather Royal / Brighton
f. 1v-6 [Unidentified notes in ink (on electronic music)]
f. 6v-20v [King Lear (1955). Electronic music notes in red biro]
50 leaves ; 26cm
Commercially issued notebook: Cantab notebook, no. 3 ... required, W. Heffer & Sons Ltd., Sidney street, Cambridge. White paper.
Note on the v of face cover: "Symphony cut from 145 to 156".
Autograph in red biro, pencil, black ink, black biro and blue biro.
f. 1-6 [Étranger (1954). Radio script. French] Scene V. Me. Ils sont ...
f. 6v [Blank]
f. 7 [Unidentified numbering series] ...
f. 7v [at head of page the year] 1956 [Weil, Simone. Attente de Dieu. Quotation] Friendship is an equality made of harmony ...
f. 8 [Unidentified notes] Imagery, theme ...
f. 8v [Unidentified notes and quotations] Blacher's "variable meters" re-introduce ...
f. 9-13v [Unidentified notes and quotations] 30-III / Thrust & trajectory ...
f. 14-15 [Unidentified notes (On Schoenberg)] In defence of Schoenberg's and for that matter, Webern's use of Sonata ...
f. 15v [Blank]
f. 16-16v [Unidentified notes (on human communication)] A well-known film star has given a definition of the professional actor ...
f. 17 [Unidentified notes (on psychology)] I believe I'd have the support of modern psychology ...
f. 17v [Unidentified numbering series and bars] ...
f. 18 [Unidentified notes. Catalan and English] L'ànima que l'aguanta ...
f. 18v [Blank]
f. 19 [Don Quixote?] D. Quixote: there is such a resolve in him as how he is going to behave ...
f. 19v [Blank]
f. 20-21v [Morphology of 12-notes series?] I'm afraid there's a real danger that I may bore you to distraction ...
f. 20v [Blank]
f. 22-22v [Law of Copyright (1948). Quotations] "Copinger & Skone James ..."
f. 23 [Blank]
f. 23v-24 [Concrete and electronic sound composition?] It's almost incredible that / With literally... on tape, thanks to the magnetophone, ...
f. 24v [Blank]
f. 25-31 [Concrete and electronic sound composition?] (coming from f. 24?) On the oher [Chand, if the accent is in the "tonal", i.e. on the pitch structural organization ...
f. 31v [Blank]
f. 32-35 [Unidentified notes] Dr. Burney certainly puts the grumbles and ... in good company ...
f. 35v-38v [Unidentified notes (on 12-tone technique)] 1. In the works especially of Schoenberg and Webern ...
f. 39 [Unidentified numbering and bars series] Allegro animato ...
f. 39v [Unidentified fractions] 23/8 + 20/8 ...
f. 40 [Unidentified roman numbers series] VII Complete / VI Mouvement ...
f. 40v-41 [Blank]
f. 49v-41v [Barberillo de Lavapiés (Lamparilla)] The following is a synopsis of our clients views on the matters relating to the litigation about "Lamparilla" ...
[194-? or later]
50 leaves ; 26cm
Commercially issued pad of filing paper with punched holes: Challenge refill pad / plain / 80 leaves / 10 x 8 / ref. L7718. Blue cover. Perfect binding along top edge. White paper.
Missing leaves between f. 5-6, 7-8, 15-16, 25-26.
Autograph in blue, black, green and red biro.
f. 1 [List of personal and institutional names] Olga / Robert Pierrot ? Zillig / Fromm Music Foundation ...
f. 1v [Blank]
f. 2-5v [Talking to my Tanglewood students?. Draft] The notion that the creative artist is apt to sometimes play on the credulity of his audience ...
f. 6 [Miscellaneous quotations and statements] It is a mistery to me, I just don't know, how a layman can possibly assess the potentialities of serial technique...
f. 6v [Blank]
f. 7-9 [Unidentified writing. Draft. Spanish] Nuevas músicas. El ilustre Ortega y Gasset...
f. 7v [Blank]
f. 8v [3 quotations/pensées]
f. 9v [Unidentified notes] Lyricism demands, pressuposes ...
f. 10-10v [Set of instruments groups] [Unidentified notes] One movement Form; preferable because breaks act as mechanical interruption ...
f. 11 [Klee, Paul. The Thinking eye. Quotation] "In general the paths of the groping eye are free in space ..."
f. 11v-12v [Blank]
f. 13-14v [Unidentified writing (on pitch and proportions). Draft. Spanish] En rigor podría decirse que el músico opera con cantidad cualitativamente ...
f. 13v [Blank]
f. 15 [Blank]
f. 16-26 [Primitive folk music from Spain. Draft] Spanish folk music is often -and quite mistakenly- identified with that specifically Andalusian ...
f. 16v-26v [Blank]
f. 20 [Diagramm] 1-2-3-5-7-(9)-11 ...
f. 27-44 [Plague. Aleatory sound track? (see f. 28). French and English] [at head of page, rythmical values] 1 Chorus, spoken: Oran, Oran. 2 Narrator: Debout dans couloir ...
f. 27v-44v [Blank]
f. 45-50 [Blank]
[1954 or later]
55 leaves ; 23cm
Commercial issued Century notebook, eviro-binding, a John Dickinson product, Pat. no. 447.231. Red hard cover. White paper. Labeled "20" by Sasha Moorsom.
Autograph in pencil, blue crayon, red biro, blue biro, black ink, black biro.
f. 1-1v [Faces drawings, treble and bass clefs and staves]
f. 2 [Barberillo de Lavapiés. Characters] Barberillo/ Correpetiteur, Producer, Chorus master, Lamparilla, Paloma, Marguerita ...
f. 2v [Blank]
f. 3 [Faces drawings]
f. 3v [Blank]
f. 4-4v [Poems by Alberti, Garcés, J.R. Jiménez, Verdaguer and Carner]. Ruta. Por aquí por allá/a Castilla se va ...
f. 5 [Set of number series (written upside down page)]
f. 5v [Faces drawings]
f. 6 [Étranger / Camus. French] M/ reconnais l'odeur et la coleur du soir d'eté
f. 6v [Blank]
f. 7-8 [Escrits i apunts d'un compositor?. Draft?] La preocupació/ Fa alguns anys es ve extenent l'opinió / L'aplicació de la tècnica ...
f. 8v [Unidentified notes (on conceptual problems)] Conceptual problems. Pattern of our time / mathematics not concerned with what is but with what follows.
f. 9 [List of names of person and institutions] Winifried Züllich, Flämish Radio= Barberillo ...
f. 9v [Blank]
f. 10-18 [Contemporary musical situation. Draft] If I may be allowed a personal remark before coming to my theme I should like to say it is my firm conviction that...
f. 17v-18 [Definitions of words] Metaxa[?] / not self-expression / enjoy vicariously being creative, homo faber ...
f. 18v-20 [Unidentified writing (on harmony)] The Harmonic problem. The question of harmony / To say that Harmony is no longer functional in the sense in which tonal functions are understood ...
f. 21 [Jaspers, K. Reason and Existenz. Quotations] Jaspers p. 122 "What can be deliberately planned as an end, and what not"
f. 27v [Odd words] Commer-Musica Sacra
f. 19v-29 [Blank]
f. 55v-54 [Composition with 12 notes / Rufer. Notes on Searle's Preface] Basic shape / Searle in the Preface: the authoritative exposition ...
f. 54v [12-notes series staves]
f. 53v-37v [Étranger / Camus. Draft. French] Le jour de visite. Le parloir. Grande salle...
f. 40-41 [Blank]
f. 37-35 [Blank]
f. 35v-34 [Unidentified writing (on English language?)] Which sounds odd, admittedly, if one takes the words...
f. 33v [Some lectures by Webern?. Draft] The Webern lectures, which have been recently published by Dr. W.R, were delivered to a lay audience ...
f. 32-29v [Unidentified writing (on composition)] Principles of composition / I. Repetition II. Variation ...
57 leaves ; 23cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Century note book, eviro-binding, pat. no 447231, A John Dickinson product. Spiral binding. White paper.
Labeled "22" by Sasha Moorsom.
Autograph in red biro, blue biro, black ink, pencil.
f. 1-10 [Unidentified writing (on Berg and twelve-tone technique)] It is possible to have a surfeit ...
f. 11-31 [Reluctant revolutionary. Draft] They tell me there is an Arnold Schoenberg in Vienna who has completely revolutionized the laws of musical composition...
f. 32 [Schoenberg reminiscences. Draft] The man who has revolutionized contemporary music had nothing of a revolutionary himself...
f. 33 [Letter to the Editor of "Music Review". Draft] The Editor, Music Review, c/o Heffers, Cambridge...
f. 34 [Miscellaneous quotations] Pleasure and pain are not emotions ... - Annan
f. 35 [Songs by Spanish composers (13). List] Conxita- / 1. Jota, Nin...
f. 36 [Statements. Catalan] Form / Tres punts de vista: / a) overall - pattern ...
f. 36v-37 [Autobiographical notes] Poldi! I have started our biography...
f. 39v-40v [Functions of the series in 12-note technique?] Time and Tempo / In comparison with time, tempo is a fairly straitforward [sic] and unambiguous sort of a term...
f. 41v-42v [Unidentified writing (on English language)] As one who had to learn English from scratch, as an adult ...
f. 43-56 [Blank]
f. 56v-57v [Drawings]
[1952 or later]
55 leaves ; 23cm
Commercially issued notebook with red hard cover, labeled: Century note book, eviro-binding, pat. no. 447231. A John Dickinson product. Spiral binding. White paper.
Autograph in red biro, blue biro, black ink, blue and red crayon.
f. 1-6 [Domenico Scarlatti. Draft (f. 2v-3 written from 3 to 2v)] His latest biographer has declared Domenico Scarlatti a Spanish musician...
f. 7-8v [Barberillo de Lavapiés. Draft.] The meaning of "El Barberillo de Lavapiés" is, literally, the little barber of Lavapiés ...
f. 9 [Blank]
f. 10 [Unidentified writing (on Form). German] Atterlings ist ein Anfang in wohl kann leichtes zu [?] ...
f. 42v-11 [Developments in twelve-tone technique?. Draft] What has been going on in the field of 12-note music since Schoenberg and Webern?...
f. 43-55 [Unidentified work. Proofreading?] Vl I I...
48 leaves ; 23cm
Commercially issued notebook with red hard cover, labeled: Century note book, eviro-binding, pat no. 447231. A John Dickinson product. Spiral binding. White paper.
Autograph in pencil, black ink, blue biro, red biro.
f. 1 [Unidentified writings and quotations. German, English and Catalan] überorganisiert - dehydrated [?] - obsessió d'integritat
f. 2-30v [On Music in Ballet?. Draft] The musicians dilemma.- the aesthetic background...
f. 31-35v [Mann, Thomas. Doktor Faustus. Notes. German, English and Catalan] Thomas Mann's "Dr. Faustus" beingst Begriff 12-T-Musik- der ja im Mittelpunktu. Betrachtungen stehen soll...
f. 35v-43v [Miscellaneous quotations] Schbg "Es scheint mir dringend, meine Freunde vor Ortodoxie ..."
f. 44-45 [Unidentified writing (on twelve-tone technique)] The definition of tonality in terms and form ... The octave is innocent [see also: Adventures of Don Quixote. Spanish]
f. 45v-46 [Blank]
f. 46v-47v [Figures series]
f. 48-48v [Letter to an unidentified person. Draft (on The Duenna??)] Ich habe kürtlich von des ...
69 leaves ; 23cm
Commercially issued notebook with green cover. Binding with staples. White paper.
Autograph in pencil, blue biro, red biro, black ink.
Between f. 18-19, attached 4 single leaves (see also Gerhard.10.102)
Between f. 59-60, attached 3 cut leaves
f. 1-1v [Quotations] The Englishman is not quite himself ...
f. 1v-2v [Unidentified writing (on twelve-note composition). French and English] Here are a few remarks relating to the new problem ... Voici quelques considérations ...
f. 3-5 [Duenna. Proofreading?] P. 3 bar 25 THOSE (these) chanting fellows Brethren of the Deadly Sin
f. 6-10 [Unidentified writing (on self-expression)] Not self-expression. On the contrary: experience, adventure, is the driving force ...
f. 10v-53v [Heritage of Spain?. Draft] Ars Antiqua / Monody of early middle ages / secular repertory Catholic Kings / songs of the Sephardian ...
f. 54-55v [Blank]
f. 59ii-56 [Age d'Or, or, A Catalan in La Mancha / Rusiñol. Draft?] L'Age d'Or A Catalan in La Mancha [crossed out] / Introduction 1. Jail in Ciudad Real/ 2. Inn-Scene (Drink, Gambling, Soldier) ...
f. 59iii [Staves]
f. 60 [Coleridge, E.M. Quotation] a man with superlative imaginative and intellectual powers, but almost without the secret of execution.
f. 61 [Blank]
f. 64-62 [Unidentified writing (on twelve-note composition). German] Eher mehr als weniger. Denn -wie Stuckenschmidt* treffend bemerkt- ...
f. 66v-65 [Age d'Or, or, A Catalan in La Mancha / R] I / Barcelona - Semana Tràgica - 1909 ...
f. 67 [Unidentified writing] A direct hit has opened a large gaping hole into ...
f. 67v [Heritage of Spain. Series C?. Draft] Trend / Malraux-Goya / Madariaga D.Quixote ...
f. 68v-68 [Fingerings for cello. Catalan] Violonchelo / Doigté ...
f. 69v-69 [Use of timpani in Beethoven. Catalan]
59 leaves ; 23cm
Commercially issued notebook with brown cover. Patent no. 21924V. National Natty 300/4 series plain. Spiral binding. White paper.
Autograph in pencil, red biro, black biro, blue biro, black ink.
f. 1-4 [Unidentified writings. Spanish, English] Suelen afirmar algunos que la técnica 12, garantiza unidad. Error. Unidad mecánica sería, en todo caso...
f. 5-7v [Escrits i apunts d'un compositor. Draft. Catalan] La Bellesa, no hi ha cap artista que en sàpiga la definició...
f. 8 [Blank]
f. 8v [Étranger / Camus. List of characters] Conciere / Directeur / Meursault / ...
f. 9-22 [England, a musical life: a symposium. (Gossip). Draft] In a remarcable article appeared not long ago ...
f. 23 [Staves]
f. 24 [Cymbeline / Shakespeare?. Draft] II Imogen / III Wicked Queen / IV Cymbeline ...
f. 25-30 [Wozzeck / Büchner. Draft] The collecting Alban Berg's [crossed out] ...
f. 31-35 [Heritage of Spain. 5?. Draft] Abraham Abendand ha-Levi de Toledo (110- 80)...
f. 59v-38v [Étranger / Camus. Libretto. Draft. French] I / 1.) The interview 2.) The wake 3.) The burial ...
f. 38-36 [Etranger / Camus. Talk?. Draft. French] Le projet de prendre 'L'Etranger' pour sujet d'un opéra m'occupe depuis quelques mois
f. 35v [Unidentified list and timings] 1M1 Take 1 X / 1M1 Tak2 [sic] ...
53 leaves ; 23cm
Commercially issued notebook with green cover, missing the back part. Cantab spiral notebook. W. Heffer & Sons Limited, Sidney Street, Cambridge. White paper.
Autograph in red biro, pencil, black ink, red crayon, blue crayon, black
biro, blue ink, blue biro.
f. 1-8 [Developments in 12-note technique?. Draft] Should we say: 12-NOTE or 12-TONE music? ...
f. 8v [Blank]
f. 9-12 [Unidentified writing (on electronic music)] An entire number of the technical magazine of the Nord Westdeutscher Rundfunk has recently devoted ...
f. 13-15v [Unidentified list of page numbers and bar numbers?] p. 10 = 282-283-284-285 ...
f. 16 [Blank]
f. 16v-20v [Unidentified list of figures and staves]
f. 21 [Address] Customs and Excise Office ...
f. 21v [Blank]
f. 22 [Coplestone, F. Aquinas, p. 27. Quotation] On the 'nonsensicality' of the phrase: self-expression vid Copplestone ...
f. 22v [Blank]
f. 23-23v [Weyl, Hermann. Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science. Quotation] The objective world simply is, it does not happen ...
f. 24-25 [Blank]
f. 53v-51v [Unidentified writing (on harmonic functions)] Inspite of its name the old diatonic system was in reality a Monodic system.
f. 51-42 [Searle, H. Twentieth century counterpoint. Rufer, J. Komposition mit zwölf Tönen?. Quotations and analysis] Searl's analysis of Hindemith, chorded series cannot snake sense ...
f. 41v-35 [Unidentified writings (on art, philosophy and tonality)] No shock treatment for pips and pops of varying intensities ...
f. 40v [Poem to Poldi] For the wind and the rain, / the sailing clouds ... And, Lord, for Poldi: / Thank you, Lord.
f. 34-33v [Unidentified series of figures]
f. 32-30 [Unidentified writing (on intervals and 'ars combinatoria')] But this is precisely the algid moment which [crossed out] critics have rarely understood
f. 30-27v [Unidentified writings (on machines and man's limitations)] It is a truism that a man can barely lift his little finger without measure ...
f. 27-26v [Miscellaneous quotations] 'Music and cybernetics' / 'The structure of a sight'
f. 26-25v [Blank]
48 leaves ; 23cm
Commercially issued notebook with green cover, labeled: Cantab spiral notebook. W. Heffer & Sons Limited, Sidney Street, Cambridge. White paper.
Labeled "King Lear" in R.G.'s handwriting (red crayon).
Autograph in blue biro, black ink, red biro, black biro, blue biro.
f. 1-2 [Miscellaneous quotations] 'Gesang ist Dasein' Rilke Sonets to Orpheus
f. 2v-3 [Blank]
f. 21-3v [Functions of the series in twelve-note composition?. Draft] As you know, in Schoenberg's 'Method of composition' ...
f. 22v-21v [Autobiographical notes] Roberto Gerhard, the Spanish composer has been living in England since 1939 ...
f. 23 [Blank]
f. 23v [Sound and symbol. Draft] A book that's described on the jacket as a 'philosophy through music' ...
f. 26-24v [Falla. Draft. English] Manuel de Falla, the most renowned among of the Spanish composers of our time was born ...
f. 27-26v [Don Quixote. Programme notes?] The ballet 'Don Quixote' was composed in 1940-41.
f. 28-27v [Autobiographical notes] Roberto Gerhard settled in this country after he left Spain at the end of the civil war.
f. 28v-29v [Programme notes (LPO concert 1957.12.16). Draft] Manuel Ponce, the Mexican composer who was born in Fresnillo ...
f. 30-31 [Blank]
f. 48v-31v [Sound and symbol (Angst and the modern composer). Draft] Practically everybody agree ...
[1957 or later]
93 leaves ; 23cm
Commercially issued notebook. Cover missing. Binding with staples. White paper.
Autograph in pencil, red biro, blue ink, black biro, blue biro.
f. 1 [Unidentified writing (on the 'Reconquista'. French] Notre guerre civile du huit siècles, appelée vulgairement la Reconquista...
f. 2 [Concertos, violin. Rehearsal notes? (10-I-57)] Violin concerto, 10-I-57 ...
f. 3-8v [Zukerkandl, V. Sound and symbol. Notes] "Sound and symbol is a book addressed -I should say- not to musicians mainly ...
f. 9-15v [Miscellaneous quotations] Martin Lamm: 'Svedenborg' / Lassus: 'The lamentations of Jeremiah'
f. 16 [Blank]
f. 17-17v [Unidentified writing (on Strawinsky's 'Canticum Sacrum')] I wish to speak of Strawinsky's way of handling the twelve-note technique ...
f. 18-29 [Zukerkandl, V. Sound and symbol. Notes] XX Summary & Prospect / The outline a musical concept of the external ...
f. 30-32 [Unidentified writing] It is possible that a boldy comprehensive panoramic ...
f. 32v-41v [Unidentified writing] If you want to know more or [crossed out]
f. 42-90 [Blank]
f. 93v [Unidentified work for orchestra. Proofreading?]
f. 92v [Bibliographical quotations] Gombosi, Otto 'Machaut's Messe Notre-Dame'
f. 91v-91 [Drawings and notes] torn to pieces / vaticinations ...
[1967 or later]
67 leaves ; 23cm
Commercially issued notebook with brown cover, labeled: Sherwood note book, Boots Stationery department. Spiral binding. Lined paper. Attached there is a PRS sheet, blank.
Autograph in black biro, red biro, blue biro, green biro.
f. 1-5 [Unidentified work. Rehearsal notes?] Two meters : 5 and 3 (rests between structural units...
f. 6-17v [Unidentified writing (on variation as a principle of composition)] Variation, in the largest, most inclusive sense of word, is a principle of composition, the application of which aims at deriving ...
f. 18-20 [Sheherazade / J. López-Picó. English] Sheherazade, López-Picó ...
f. 20v-21 [Autobiographical notes] R.G. b. Sept. 1896 in Valls (Tarragona)...
f. 21v-22 [Quartets, strings, no. 1. Programme notes?. Catalan] El primer moviment del Quartet No.1 data del 1950, els altres tres, del 1955 ...
f. 22v-23v [Musa y música, hoy. Draft. English] Muse and Music today * (* Should have the title only in common with the essay in the Caracas "Shell" magazine.)
f. 24v-40v [Escrits i apunts d'un compositor. Draft. Catalan] Arribats a París la vigília de Nadal ...
f. 41-41v [Letter to an unidentified person (on Order of the British Empire concession). Draft] Sir / Thank you for your letter of November 23 in which you inform me of the Prime Minister intention to submit my name to the Queen with the recommendation that her Majesty ...
f. 42 [Page for John Cage] A page for John Cage / Claustrophilia...
f. 42v [Blank]
f. 43 [List of names] Brosa ...
f. 43v-44v [Accounts]
f. 45-47 [Letter to Mr. John Cruft (on the Concerto for orchestra). Draft] Dear Mr. Cruft /Many thanks for your letter of 9 June...
f. 48-67 [Blank]
f. 67v [Figures serie]
[1957, September, and later?]
26 leaves ; 20cm
Commercially issued notebook with grey cover. Binding with staples. White paper.
Labeled "5" by Sasha Moorsom.
Autograph in red biro, blue biro, black ink, black biro, pencil.
f. 1-2 [Unidentified writing (on symetry, time, light)] Symetry / the dairy and the rose ...
f. 3-3v [Unidentified writing (on causal analysis in music)] The exclusively causal analysis in music is wrong
f. 4 [Unidentified writing (talk at Cambridge University Music Faculty?). in blue biro] It's almost 20 years since I came and settled in Cambridge [crossed out page]
f. 4v-5 [Trulling, L. Langer, S. Quotations. in black ink and red biro] In a recent interview Lionel Trulling was understood to say ...
f. 6-7 [Unidentified writing (talk at Cambridge University Music Faculty?)] (cont. from f. 4) It is argueable wether it is wise or unwise for an artist to lecture on this subject ...
f. 7v-14 [Unidentified writings (on critics, rules, rythm & meter, mapping out territory in composition and action painting] The bloodymindedness of the ordinary newspaper critic ...
f. 11v-13v [Blank]
f. 12 Vital importance of novel ideas (Whitehead)
f. 14v-16 [Ortega y Gasset, J. La deshumanización del Arte. Arp, Hans. A Dada diary. Quotations] Ortega 'Deshumanización del Arte'. Remark on sociology ...
f. 17 [Notes on percussion] Percussion / ...
f. 18-18v [Unidentified writing (on missunderstanding and communication). Draft] The conditions for misunderstanding ...
f. 19 Microtauromáquia [sic]
f. 19v [Blank]
f. 20 [Audiomobiles?. Draft] The term 'musique concrete' is ridiculous twice over ...
f. 20v-21 [Chadwick, H. M. The Heroic Age. William, of Ockham. Quotations ??] What you gain on the swings you lose on the roundabouts ...
f. 21v-26v [Blank]
[1960? or later. 1968]
48 leaves ; 13x 21cm
Commercially issued notebook with blue cover, labeled: BBC. Sewn binding along top edge. Lined paper.
Labeled in P.G. "Important notes! Could be from Collage, not yet checked".
Missing leaves before f. 1 and after f. 48.
Autograph in black, green biro, red, violet and green enlighting labelers, black biro.
f. 1-13 [Symphonies, no. 3 (Collages)??. Description of electronic music contents in reels..] Band 1 / Band 1: 1'35 actual sound ...
f. 14 Ian Cotterell / Kensington House ...
f. 15 [Bars indications??]
f. 16 Cannobury 7419
f. 17-44v [Blank]
f. 48v [Unidentified work for orchestra. Amendments to the score??] P.1 bar 4 Xyl. add. upper B [natural] ...
f. 47v [Telegram to Johannes Norrby (1968?). Draft] ELT / Director Norrby ...
f. 46v [Blank]
f. 46 [Rythms]
f. 45i [Asylum diary. Notes on percussion] Asylum. xyl clusters ...
f. 45 [Concert for Eight??. Amendments on piano, guitar and percussion parts] Monday 6.30-45. / Konserhuset Hötorget 8 ...
33 leaves ; 21cm
Commercially issued notebook. Missing cover. Lined paper.
Autograph in black ink.
f. 1-3 [Leibowitz, R. Introduction à la musique de douze sons. Review draft??] As far as it goes L.'s treatise is / In spite of ... [crossed out]
f. 3v-33v [Blank]
[1968, 1969]
75 leaves ; 20cm
Commercially issued notebook with grey cover. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Labeled in P.G. "Rehearsal (notes during)" in P.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in green biro, black biro, red biro, red crayon, blue enlighting labeler. Rear cover also with notes.
f. 1-14 [Symphonies, no. 4 (New York)?. Rehearsal notes]
f. 15-21 [Concertos, piano. Revision notes (1969.01.03)] Revision Piano Concerto 3.I.1969
f. 22-57 [Blank]
f. 75v [Libra??. Rehearsal notes] Strings, divisi individually at random ...
f. 75-57v [Symphonies, no. 4 (New York). Rehearsal notes] [Staves] ...
Rear cover [Symphonies, no. 4 (New York)?. Rehearsal notes] Trombone gliss cluster ...
37 leaves ; 20cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: The Pelham exercise book. Binding with staples. Lined paper.
Autograph in black, blue biro, red biro.
f. 1-6v [Unidentified writing (on textural contrasts)] Anyway, texture-variations of texture and textural contrasts- is something ...
f. 7-17 [Escrits i apunts d'un compositor. Draft] La Dolors és el terror del matrimoni Miró. No hi ha dubte que és la nena qui porta la batuta ...
f. 17v-37v [Blank]
20 leaves ; 20cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Century notebook. Binding with staples. Great Britain map and arithmetical tables on the rear cover. White paper.
Labeled "19" by Sasha Moorsom. With a red ink spot in f. 1-4.
Autograph in black biro, blue biro, red biro, pencil, black ink.
f. 1-8 [Miscellaneous notes and diagrams (on rythm analysis, process, space and time, 'Inspired Imbecile', 'Calculating Boys of Darmstadt', open and closed forms, Intelligence (Bergson) and methodology]
f. 9-20 [Blank]
[1957 or later]
20 leaves ; 20cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Century notebook. Binding with staples. Great Britain map and arithmetical tables on the rear cover. White paper.
Autograph in red biro, blue biro, black ink, red crayon, yellow, green and violet crayon.
f. 1 'Good morning midnight' ca 10 m spare ...
f. 1v-4v [Good morning midnight??. Shots and timings]
f. 5 [Blank]
f. 6-13v [Unidentified work. Numbering of bars]
f. 14-20 [Blank]
f. 20 [Concrete and electronic sound composition?. Draft] I don't propose to make this a historical survey ...
18 leaves ; 20cm
Commercially issued notebook with blue cover, labeled: Atholl series exercise book, Collins no. 345. Binding with staples. White paper. Arithmetical tables on the rear cover.
Autograph in black biro.
f. 1-2 [Functions of the series in 12-note composition?] We have all heard about metal-fatigue.
f. 2v-18 [Blank]
18 leaves ; 20cm
Commercially issued notebook with blue cover, labeled: Atholl series, no. 345, Made in Great Britain. Binding with staples. White paper. Arithmetical tables on the rear cover.
On front cover: "Sound and Symbol", "4", in P.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in blue biro, red biro, black biro.
f. 1-18v [Sound and symbol. Draft] 'Sound and symbol'...
[goes to f. 2 in Gerhard.7.124]
18 leaves ; 20cm
Commercially issued notebook with blue cover, labeled: Atholl series, no. 345, Made in Great Britain. Binding with staples. White paper. Arithmetical tables on the rear cover.
On front cover: "Zuckerkandl", in P.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in blue biro, red biro.
f. 1 [Unidentified writing (on parts of time)] This is why one can so often have a convincing feeling ...
f. 2-18v [Sound and symbol. Draft] places in which things are,...
[comes from f. 18 in Gerhard.7.123]
50 leaves ; 20cm
Commercially issued notebook with orange cover, labeled inside front cover: Cantab notebook, No 1 ... Heffers & Son Ltd. Sidney Street, Cambridge. Binding with staples. White paper.
Labeled "7" by Sasha Moorsom. Labeled "2" by R.G.?. Labeled by P.G.: "Complete and 1 copy of each send to William and Susan, posted 26th. Marx 1981. P.G." [sic]
Autograph in blue biro, red biro, black biro.
f. 1 [Rowley, G. Principles of chinese painting. Quotation] When magic is the approach to the supernatural ...
f. 1v-2 [Blank]
f. 2v-7v [Unidentified writings (on miscellaneous subjects)] Trace the rise and growth
f. 8-27 [Unidentified writings (on science and philosophy)] Principle of exclusion / If you insist in knowing more and more ...
f. 28-31 [Unidentified writings (on Valéry, Dirac ...)] How empty is a vacuum tube? ...
f. 31v-33 [Unidentified writing (on problematicalness of teaching)] Problematicalness of teaching / Ignorance / Man diminishes himself if he has not got courage enough ...
f. 34-35 [Unidentified writing (on Trotsky and proletarian culture)] Trotsky: 'It is fundamentally wrong to oppose proletarians ...
f. 35v-50 [Blank]
1960, September [and later]
50 leaves ; 20cm
Commercially issued notebook with orange cover, labeled inside front cover: Cantab notebook, No 1 ... Heffers & Son Ltd, Sidney Street, Cambridge. Binding with staples. White paper.
Labeled "Sept. 1960" in R.G.'s handwriting. Labeled "8" by Sasha Moorsom.
Autograph in black biro, blue biro, red biro black ink, crayon proofs.
f. 1-8 [Some lectures by Webern. Draft] Webern Lectures / Stenogram. A thousand pities that the publication comes after the number of "Die Reihe" dedicated to Webern...
f. 10-21v [Thoughts on Art and Anarchy. Draft] The Reith Lectures (Edgar Wind) ...
f. 22- 30 [Unidentified writing (Irrelevant Art?). Draft] The artistic "illusion" effect is more than simple make-belief. Reality : Illusion = Actuality : Essence...
f. 31-32v [Unidentified writings or talks (on inconsistency, Edward Lear and the anatomy of 'cliché')] It's always rather disconcerting to be bold ...
f. 33-50 [Blank]
f. 50v [Scheme]
50 leaves ; 20cm
Commercially issued notebook with orange cover, labeled inside front cover: Cantab notebook, No 1 ... W. Heffer & Sons Ltd., Sidney Street, Cambridge. Binding with staples. White paper.
Labeled "6" by Sasha Moorsom.
Autograph in blue biro, red biro, black biro.
f. 1-2v [Unidentified writing (on etymology of 'classic', 'castus', 'morphology'...] Classic, f. Latin classis ...
f. 3-7 [Arber, A. The mind and the Eye. Dewey, J. Quotations] Dr. Arber (The Mind and the Eye
f. 7v-19v [Unidentified writing (on composition??)] Indispensability of / 1. Redundancy / 2. Randomness / 3. Rapture ...
f. 20-22 [Unidentified writing (on purpose of 12 N. Technique)] Purpose of 12 N. technique / Schbg has insisted in referring ...
f. 22v-26 [Miscellaneous quotations (Wittgenstein, Poe, Forster, Russell)] 'I'll teach you differences' ...
f. 27-28 [Diagrams]
f. 28v-29 [Blank]
f. 29-30 [Diagrams]
f. 30v-50 [Blank]
f. 50v [Diagrams explanation] Orange / Salmon pink / Flesh pink ...
1960, July [and later]
50 leaves ; 20cm
Commercially issued notebook with orange cover, labeled: Cantab notebook, No 1 ... W. Heffer & Sons Ltd., Sidney Street, Cambridge. Binding with staples. White paper.
Labeled "July 1960" inside front cover n R.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in blue biro, black biro, red biro, green biro.
f. 1-2 [Unidentified writing (on 'logos' and 'chaos'and random and randomness)] It is probably an impertinent question, at any rate an idle one ...
f. 3-5v [Grace notes and others] The important thing in the patterns is its physiognomy.
f. 6-8 [Unidentified writings (on life, 'thingness' and 'nothingness', Beethoven's 5th symphony and 'structure' definition]
f. 7v-14v [Miscellaneous quotations (Ortega, Schiller, Neuman, Melville, Camus)] Ortega, 'La deshumanización del Arte' (1925) ...
f. 15-16v [Unidentified writing (on inconsistency)] It's always rather disconcerting to have someone telling you that you are being inconsistent.
f. 17-33v [Tres records i una anècdota. Draft] Tres records i una anècdota/ Let me begin 34v-37 with the anecdote/ Primer l'anècdota. La conto tal i com me la solia contar la meva mare ...
f. 34 [Credo] I confess -unfashonabbly [sic]-: I believe in beauty.
f. 37v-50v [Blank]
76 leaves ; 20cm
Commercially issued notebook with grey-blue cover. Binding with staples. White paper.
Autograph in pencil.
f. 1-24 [Casals. Draft] I would not say that the Catalans have been too prompt and over-ready to taking Casals to their hearts in the past ...
f. 24v-76v [Blank]
36 leaves ; 20cm
Commercially issued notebook with grey cover, labeled inside front cover: Cantab notebook no. 5, W. Heffer & Sons Ltd. Sidney Street, Cambridge. Binding with staples. Lined paper.
Autograph in pencil, black biro, red biro, black ink, blue biro.
f. 1 Sound mountage patterns / lengthing shadows / Wasteland...
f. 2-10 [Retablillo de Don Cristóbal. Draft. English] Poet / Men and women, listen to me.
f. 10v-28 [Sound observed. I. Draft] Sound observed / Music is often compared to architecture...
f. 36v-35v [Figures]
f. 35-28v Tempo correlations
[1939, June]
68 leaves ; 22cm
Commercially issued notebook with brown-pink cover, labeled: Cortambert. Binding with staples. Squared paper.
Labeled "Very early scribbles either at the beginning of our arrival in England, 5 of June 1939" in P.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in black ink, pencil.
f. 1 [Ball, H. Byzantinisches Christentum. Quotations. German] Scala Paradisi / Hugo Ball "Byzantinisches Christentum" - Vida de S. Joan Climax ...
f. 1v-33v [Blank]
f. 34-34v? [Peers, E. A. Catalonia infelix. Criticism. Catalan] Allison Peers, "Catalonia infelix": injusta la sospita tocant els intel.lectuals catalans que han defensat la causa de la República i no han volgut abandonar Catalunya ...
f. 35 [Unidentified statements (on States non-intervention policy). Catalan] El principi no-intervencionista sembla irreprotxable des del punt de vista democràtic.
f. 36 Desplatonització
f. 37 [Unidentified statements (on comunism). Catalan] És curiós veure quina mena de paraules un idioma ha arribat a internacionalitzar ...
f. 38 [Unidentified statements (on anarchy). Catalan] Per temperament sóc anarquista, és a dir: místic.
f. 39-39v [Unidentified statements (on Franco's Spain). Catalan] Franco esverat del pacte germano-soviètic? Ningú a Europa pot tenir avui major comprensió per un 'pacte amb el diable'
f. 40 [Unidentified statements (on 'kako-ethos'and professional skills). Catalan] Kako-ethos, mala costum, vici, mania ... Comparat amb les nostres deformacions i limitacions professionals ...
f. 41 [Unidentified statements (on street citizens and quarters citizens). Catalan] Solidaritat, harmonització de l'individual amb el col.lectiu
f. 42 [Unidentified statements (on civilization). Catalan] No estem civilitzats encara, el que estem és nazificats, tots.
f. 43 [Unidentified statements (on propaganda services). Catalan] Els serveis de propaganda -i els que més elegantment s'anomenen d'informació ...
f. 44 [Unidentified statement (on optimism). Catalan] Els serveis de propaganda -i els que més elegantment s'anomenen d'informació ...
f. 45-45v [Unidentified statements (on 'christian charity' in the Archbishop of York lecture in Cambridge). Catalan] L'arquebisbe de York ha vingut a adreçar la paraula ...
f. 46 [Unidentified statements (on liberal economy and individual conscience)] Economia lliberal ... Quan la criatura passa pel seu zènit ...
f. 47-47v [Unidentified statement (on freedom)] Llibertat = dret d'autodeterminació. Marge d'actuació voluntària ... [crossed out]
f. 48 [Unidentified statements (on Don Quixote character)] Don Quixote pren molins de vent per gegants ...
f. 49 [Bainville, J. Histoire de France. Quotations] Jacques Bainville (Histoire de France): Une des plus grandes illusions ...
f. 49v-68v [Blank]
66 leaves ; 22cm
Commercially issued notebook with brown-green cover, labeled: Cortambert. Binding with staples. Squared paper.
Autograph in black ink, red and black biro.
f. 1-2 [Escrits i apunts d'un compositor. Draft] Meudon, 24-III-1939. Cartes de Cambridge (Prof. Dent i Trend) m'anuncien la possibilitat ...
f. 3-62 [Blank]
f. 66v-62v [Angst and the modern composer?. Draft] Dr. A. major concern is, no doubt, with the social significance ...
40 leaves ; 18cm
Commercially issued notebook with green cover, labeled: Atholl series, no. 333, Made in Great Britain. Binding with staples. Lined paper.
Autograph in blue and black biro.
f. 1-10 [Cherry orchard / Chejov. Notes on electronic music] Cherry orchard / reel 19 / 6 Axe strokes...
f. 10v-40 [Blank]
39 leaves ; 18cm
Commercially issued notebook with green cover, labeled: Atholl series, no. 333, Made in Great Britain. Binding with staples. Lined paper.
Autograph in black biro, corrections with blue biro.
f. 1-21 [Sound observed, I. Draft] Music is sometimes compared with arquitecture [sic]...
f. 21v-37 [Blank]
f. 37v D W Broadvent / Perception and communication
f. 38-39v [Blank]
46 leaves ; 18cm
Commercially issued notebook with brown cover, labeled: Cantab notebook No 1 ... W. Heffer & Sons Ltd. Sidney Street, Cambridge. Binding with staples. White paper.
Autograph in black ink, red biro, blue biro, pencil, crayon.
f. 1-7? [Pericles / Shakespeare. Notes on electronic music] Cambridge blue ? Reel I ...
f. 8-22? [Asylum diary / Lavant?. Notes on electronic music] Asylum / 1. 2 Asylum chords + 15" ...
f. 22v-23 [Cherry orchard / Chejov?. Notes on electronic music?] Axe strokes / 460. 63, 65, 66 ...
f. 23v-45 [Blank]
f. 43v [In P.G.'s handwriting the addition] 5 + 6 + 36 ...
f. 46v-46 [Klee, P. Mondrian, P. Quotations]
f. 45v [Symphonies (Homenaje a Pedrell) Pedreliana. Notes on instruments] Mix II - Mix I / Boxes / Pedrelliana / Timp...
34 leaves ; 18cm
Commercially issued notebook with brown cover, labeled: Cantab notebook, No 1... W. Heffer & Sons Ltd., Sidney Street, Cambridge. Binding with staples. White paper.
Autograph in black biro, blue biro.
f. 1 [Address] Coleman 43 Harewood Av. NW1 / Tel P.? 1346.
f. 2-3 [Unidentified work. Notes on electronic music] BAND I Yellow / Cut tone at beginning ...
f. 3v-17 [Blank]
f. 17v [Unidentified writing (on Rochberg, intervals and classification of series in 3 classes)] 1) Broken down multiplicity to 3 classes ...
f. 18-34 [Blank]
[194-? or later]
40 leaves ; 18cm
Commercially issued notebook with missing cover. Perfect binding along top edge. White paper.
Missing leaves between 4-5, 13-14, 15-16, 16-17, 28-29, 29-30, 30-31,
32-33, 39-40.
Autograph in blue biro, pencil, black ink.
f. 1-13 [Leibowitz, R. Introduction à la musique de douze sons. Review draft?. French, Catalan and English] Leibowitz, Int. a l. Musique de 12 S. / p. 20 Le doublement de l'octave ...
f. 14-17 [Unidentified writings (on acting?, flow-flux-tempo, artificiality)] Play the clown. - Exhuberance of animal life. - mad justification ...
f. 18-20 [Scheme and S.K. Langer quotations] A symbol which interests us also as an object ...
f. 20v-32 [Blank]
f. 40v-38v [Unidentified writing (on pastiche and conventional music)] How can music tak a subordinate position?
f. 34v-32v [Unidentified writing (on 'Sprechstimme' and patterns)] Can music help words as spoken?
47 leaves ; 18cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Century note book. Eviro-binding. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Labeled "One copy to William / " " " Susan" in P.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in black biro, blue biro. Single leaf between f. 16-17.
[There is a typed transcription of f. 1-18, not yet catalogued (see incomplete sets of leaves,
Notebook transcription 'A')]
f. 1-18 [Unidentified writing (on motion, meter-trains and pitch)] 1) Motion + displacement (within pitch-field) / 2) Motion without displacemnt ...
f. 19-21 [Unidentified writing (on Hoax and Paradox, and 'non-music'] Hoax and Paradox / hocus, v.t. take in, hoax / stupefy ...
f. 21v-47v [Blank]
40 leaves ; 18cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Century notebook. Eviro-binding. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Inside the front cover, P.G.'s note: "Property / P.Gerhard / 14, Madingley Rd. / Cambridge".
Autograph in blue biro, red biro, black biro.
f. 1-7 [Herdan, G. Language as choice and chance. Land, Edwin F. Experiments in colour vision. Quotations] G. Herdan. 'Language as choice and chance', Noordhoff N.V. 1956-Groningen ...
f. 7v-36 [Blank]
f. 40v-36v [Epithalamion. Amendments (3 June 1968)] Epithalamion / corrections 3 June 1968 / p. 4, Perc. 6, at 20 ...
49 leaves ; 18cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Century notebook, eviro-binding. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Labeled "1" by Sasha Moorsom.
Autograph in black ink, blue biro.
f. 1-22v [Concrete and electronic sound composition?. Draft] The new possibilities of recorded and electronically manipulated sound ...
f. 23 Ezra Pound
f. 24 [Definition of 'Athematic'] 'Athematic' is not a happy choice of word ...
f. 24v-49v [Blank]
23 leaves ; 18cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Century note book, eviro-binding. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Labeled "2" by Sasha Moorsom.
Missing leaves before f. 1.
Autograph in blue biro, black biro, red biro.
f. 1-2v [Unidentified writing (on L. Wittgenstein). English and German] 11:15 ... Expression / Wittgensteins proposition: Worüber man nicht sprechen kann ...
f. 3 [Symphonies, no. 4. Notes] There is not much I can say about my new Sym. and very little I do wish to say.
f. 4-5 [Unidentified writing and quotations (on John Cage)] Chance operations / (Fortuitism) / John Cage view a musical composition ...
f. 5v-6 [Fundamental particles] Fundamental particles / Matter - Energy - Causality (14) ...
f. 6v-10v [Unidentified work (on western music tradition)] Tradition = Innovation / The essential feature of western musical tradition ...
f. 11 [Poe, E. A. Rationale of verse??. Quotation] iambus: u -' enshine ... 'But scientific music* has no claim to intrinsic excellence ...
f. 11v-23 [Blank]
f. 23v [Staves and name] ... David L / Colad 4015
44 leaves ; 18cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Century note book, eviro-binding. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Labeled "1952" in R.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in pencil, red biro, black biro.
f. 1 [Drawing in red biro over thoughts with pencil] Man a rational animal? No, rather a being endowed with an infinite capacity...
f. 1v-3v [Miscellaneous thoughts] Rosseau's romantic idealization of the 'savage' and 'life in state of nature' ...
f. 4-5 [Miscellaneous quotations (Powell, Sitwell, Darwin)] Logistics / ...the impassivity of a man (Buster Keaton) for whom everything ...
f. 6-9v [Letter to R. G. Walford (on The Heritage of Spain). Draft] Many thanks for y. l of Oct. 17 and your offer in connection with the Third Programme's 'Spanish Music Schemes'.
f. 10 [Bibliographical notes] Karl Mannheim 'Essays on the Sociology of Knowledge
f. 11v [Unidentified writing (on symetry)] The principle of symetry is already expressed in the fourfold replicas ...
f. 12v-20 [La Merope / Terradellas. Draft. Catalan and Italian] Anassandro mata el rei Cresfonte ...
f. 21 [Unidentified quotations. German] Satz-Perioden -, 3 teilige Lied form...
f. 21v [Unidentified writing (on Charles Ives)] Charles Ives (1874-) / Polymusic 1001 / I. "Over the pavements (1906) ...
f. 23-25 [Unidentified quotations. German] Ton wiederholungen ...
f. 26-27 [Midsummer night's dream / Shakespeare. Draft] 4 / Stage empties - Black / Light comes on to the [ganze?] slowly - Forest / Puck: unespected appearance ...
f. 28 [La Merope / Terradellas. Draft. Italian] S. VII. Argia. Non più sola, Regina ...
f. 28v-29 [Miscellaneous notes (on organic life?)] 3 f. ... Work in progress ... All life as we know ... Self-linking capacity of the carbon atom
f. 30 [Unidentified writing (on eventuation)] 1. The dynamic quality of tone...
f. 31-33 [Blank]
f. 33v-35 [Unidentified notes and quotations] Bronowsky / New electronic machines achieve complexity like the human brain.
f. 36-42 [Blank]
f. 42v-43 [Notes on Opera. Catalan] Febrer 1713 Barcelona. Persona benestant, patró , Naples 1736 / Oratori Giuseppe riconosciuto (Metastasio) ...
f. 44v [Address] 4 Holmbusch Road / Putney S.W.15 ...
1961, June
48 leaves ; 18cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Century note book. A John Dickinson product. Eviro-binding. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Labeled "June 1961" in R.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in blue biro, black biro, red biro.
f. 1-5 [Miscellaneous quotations (on organization in philosophy and science)] June 1961 / Leibniz introduced the idea that 'entities which are the ultimate things, are in some sense procedures of organization.
f. 5v-48v [Blank]
58 leaves ; 13 x 20cm
Commercially issued notebook with brown cover, labeled: Cantab spiral binding shorthand notebook. W. Heffer & Sons Ltd. Sydney Street, Cambridge, tel. 58241. Lined paper.
Attached to the inside front cover, an article in a newspaper: "Experts Hail a 5 Hi-Fi cabinet". Numbered "1" in R.G's handwriting.
Autograph in pencil, black biro, blue biro.
f. 1 [Numbers series] 46 / 25 - 35 + ...
f. 2-6v [English Poetry] The roses of the temples of my love ...
f. 7 [List of names] Sackville, Gomis J.A., Bergson ...
f. 8 [Miscellaneous notes (unfinished)] Here is a musician speaking freely and in plain language of the things that concerned him most deeply in music:
f. 9-43 [Musa y música hoy. Draft. Spanish] Técnica e inspiración ...
f. 44-45 [Condolence letter to or about Núria Carreras Patxot. Draft. Catalan] Per unes ratlles de la Núria ens assabentem de la...
f. 45 [Unidentified writing (on Biology?). Draft. Spanish] Es curioso, dicho sea de paso, el valor de decisivo peldaño evolutivo de la biología ...
f. 46 Nací en Valls (Tarragona) en 1896.
f. 47-49 [Blank]
f. 58v-56v [Symphonies, no. 3 (Collages). Programme notes?. Draft. German] 'Collages' im Herbst 1960 komponiert als ein Auftrag der Koussevitzky Musical Foundation wurde ...
f. 58-56 [Blank]
f. 55-49 [Plague / Camus. Narrator text?. Draft. English] Oran, town without any trees ...
[1961?, and later]
59 leaves ; 13 x 20cm
Commercially issued notebook with green cover, labeled: Notebook 160 pages for shorthand reporters and schools. Spiral binding-always flat. Lined paper.
Autograph in black biro, green biro, red biro.
f. 1-2v [Unidentified writing (on re-composing and/or pastiche music)] Zarzuelas / Strawinsky once remarked that his transcriptions ...
f. 3-9 [Antología del folklore musical español. Criticism] 'Antología del folklore musical español', now available in four LP HISPAVOX records ...
f. 9v-10v [Blank]
f. 11v-19 [Unidentified work (timing of reels?)] 1 2M3 / 2 2M4 ...
f. 20-20v [Accounts for taxes?] April 62-62
f. 21 [Rythms] Dicen de un sabio que un dia, tan / pobre y mísero estaba, que solo se susten / taba ...
f. 22-24v [Letter to Mr. Abraham (on percussion indications). Draft] Dear Mr. Abraham / Many thanks for your note. I am sorry to hear that Mr. Pritchard ...
f. 25 [List of names] Leonard Stein ...
f. 25v-29v [Rythms and figures]
f. 30-34v [Unidentified work. Amendments] 63/ Fl. ...
f. 35-35v [Letter to Ronald Finch. Draft (signed Poldi)] Ronald Finch / 'tyleis' ... I was terribly sorry to have had to put you off ... Poldi
f. 36-40 [Alegrías?. Amendments] P.1 Allegro= [Crotchet] (not [crotchet with pitch])= 126 ...
f. 40 [List of names] Gilbert: phrasing for cadenzas Epithalamion ...
f. 41 [Unidentified note] From my ennemies I want truce. The war ...
f. 42 [Leo. Amendments] Leo / Cancel staves that are empty for a whole page!
f. 43 [Alegrías. Programme note?. Draft] 'Alegrías' was commissioned in 1941 by the Ballet Rambert.
f. 44-45v [Letter to ? (on the Wind Quintet). Draft] Many thanks for your letter of May. I'd love to come for the performance of my 'Quintet' and, even more, for the rehearsals.
f. 46 [Letter to Luis de Pablo? (on Libra). Draft. Spanish] Distinguido y querido amigo: Le agradezco muchísimo su amable carta ...
f. 46v [Symphonies, no. 3 (Collages). Timing for electronic music] 1) 2.32 ...
f. 47 [List of names] Colin / Mario / ...
f. 47v-48 [Unidentified work (Notes on percussion)] Sometimes a tap on a Cymbl is the most important ryth. point in a whole pattern.
f. 48v-58v [Blank]
f. 59 [Unidentified work (Notes on percussion)] b. 26 ...
49 leaves ; 13 x 20cm
Commercially issued notebook with brown cover, labeled: Cantab spiral binding shorthand notebook. W. Heffer & Sons Ltd. Sidney Street, Cambridge. Tel 58241. Lined paper.
Inscription inside the front cover: Independent Artists, Beaconsfield 1563...
Autograph in green biro, black biro, blue biro.
f. 1-4 [Unidentified work (timings of reels?] F / 1M1 1 1.38 2/3 ...
f. 4v-7 [Unidentified writings (on aleatory methods, automatism, charity and communication] I regard myself as a traditionalist [crossed out]
f. 7v-8v [Blank]
f. 9-13 [Schoenberg, A. Variations for Orchestra, op. 31. Analysis] 'Variations for Orchestra, op. 31'are the first orchestral work employing the 12-note technique ...
f. 14-16 [Unidentified writing (on Perfiles Biográficos series, Zarzuela and the arrangements of Fernández Caballero music)] Early during the last war ...
f. 17-49 [Blank]
f. 49v [Figures (Timings?)] 4: -5 : 8 ...
71 leaves ; 13 x 20cm
Commercially issued notebook with brown cover, labeled: Cantab spiral binding shorthand notebook. W. Heffer & Sons Ltd. Sidney Street, Cambridge Tel. 58241. Lined paper.
Labeled "Draft for Sound observed" in P.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in black biro, blue biro, pencil, green biro, red biro.
f. 1-1v [Blank]
f. 2 [Whitehead, A.N. Modes of thought. Quotations] "Modes of thought", Whitehead. The conceptual entertainment of unrealized possibility becomes a major factor in human mentality.
f. 2v [Blank]
f. 3-4, [Sound observed. II?. Draft] Sound observed. Can we agree as to what we mean by sound? ...
f. 4v [Blank]
f. 5-12 [Concertos, violin. Proofreading?] Violin concerto. Page 1. Piano, bar 5, slurred with hands...
f. 13-22 [Sound observed. II?. Draft] (cont. from f. 4) In my previous talk, I compared the writing of a musical score ...
f. 22v-23v [Blank]
f. 24-26 [Escrits i apunts d'un compositor?. Draft. English] During his stay in Barcelona (October 1931 May 1932) Schoenberg met Casals - more by chance that by design
f. 26v [Blank]
f. 27 [Escrits i apunts d'un compositor?. Draft. English] In one of Schoenberg letters to Zemlinsky ...
f. 31-35 [Unidentified writing (on talking about music)] I find that figurative elements ...
f. 35v [Blank]
f. 36-38 [Unidentified writing (on talking about music)] Although figurative elements in the painter's sense ...
f. 38v [Address and names] Mr. Johannes Norrby ...
f. 39-42 [Symphonies, no. 4 (New York). Notes and quotations] Help to the listener /No break ...
f. 42v [Blank]
f. 43-45 [Letter to Mr. Downes. Draft] Dear Mr. Downes, In reply to your letter of Nov. 1st. arriving this morning ...
f. 46-71 [Blank]
77 leaves ; 13 x 20cm
Commercially issued notebook with brown cover, labeled: Cantab spiral binding shorthand notebook. W. Heffer & Sons Ltd. Sidney Street, Cambridge Tl. 58241. Lined paper.
Labeled "10" by Sasha Moorsom.
Autograph in blue biro, black biro, green biro, red biro.
f. 1-5v [Unidentified writing (on Camus). French] Remarque sur la Révolte (Camus) ...
f. 6-8 [Letter to Mme. Camus. Draft. French] Chère Madame Camus, / Admirateur fervent de l'oeuvre et de l'esprit d'Albert Camus ...
f. 8v-9 [List of names] Ross Lee Finney / Roger Sessions / Leonard Bernstein ...
f. 9v [Philosopher's den / Herbert. Timings] The Philosopher's den / Music 1 ca-. 30" / 2 15" / ...
f. 10-19v [Primitive folk music from Spain. Draft] Flamenco, as practised by singers and guitar players in Andalusia ...
f. 20 [Unidentified text with rythm. English and French] The seasons are discriminated only in the sky ... Le changement des seasons ...
f. 20 [Nonet. Unidentified dates (performances?)] Nonet 17.Aug.1959 / 17 Au 1960 / 17 Nov. 1960
f. 21-22 [Letter to ?? (on Hymnody). Draft] Thank you very much for your kind letter ...
f. 22v [Blank]
f. 23-24 [Unidentified writing (on Schoenberg Variations and serial technique)] Hard to know what to tell the listener that would help ...
f. 24v-24 [Unidentified notes (instruments in reels?)] 1 Boxes 1 N.W. / 2. Fishes / Blockade / 4 Fishes / 5 Boxes + ...
f. 25 [Plague / Camus. Libretto?. Draft] After a few weeks things began to get out of hand ...
f. 26-27v [Unidentified writing (on synthetic and natural sound)] Both are used on equal terms nowadays. We no longer discriminate on purist grounds ...
f. 28-77v [Blank]
72 leaves ; 13 x 20cm
Commercially issued notebook with brown cover, labeled: Cantab spiral binding shorthand notebook. W. Heffer & Sons Ltd. Sidney Street, Cambridge. Tel 58241. Lined paper
Labeled "11" by Sasha Moorsom. Labeled "2" in R.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in blue biro, black biro, red biro, green biro.
f. 1- 17v [Plague / Camus. Libretto. Draft] Father Paneloux / Cèsar Frank - Vox humana / Calamity has come on you, my brethren [crossed out] ...
f. 18-19 [Heritage of Spain?. Series B programmes? (List of songs)] Castilla la Vieja / A lo pesau (Santander) / Pandereta, canción 2a / ...
f. 19v [Blank]
f. 20 [Plague / Camus. Libretto. Draft] All the same, it can be said that on the whole the prisoners of the plague ...
f. 20v [Letter to ?? (on Cádiz, La Viejecita and Gigantes y Cabezudos). Draft] William agreed that you should request from Transcription service ...
f. 21-22v [Primitive folk music from Spain?. Draft] To most music lovers, surely, Spanish Folk music means first and foremost ...
f. 23 [Letter to ?? (congratulations for a tape recording). Draft] I've just had a playback of the tape-recording made, I think, on Jan. 13.
f. 23v [Blank]
f. 24 [List of names] O.U.P. / Skowronek / Dorati / ...
f. 24v [Blank]
f. 25-28v [Plague. Programme notes?. Draft] 'It is as reasonable to represent one kind of imprisonment ...'. With this quotation from Defoe, Camus makes it ...
f. 29-32 [Gemini. Programme notes?. Draft] Duo concertante for Vl and Piano / What I had in mind ...
f. 32v-66 [Blank]
f. 66v [Unidentified writing (on 'musicis aloof Itness')] People would like to know wether there is any relatedness between musici aloof Itness ...
f. 67 [Blank]
f. 72v-69 [Plague. Printed score composer's note?. Draft] 1. Introduction / 2. The rat ... I have chosen nine episodes which epitomize ...
f. 68v-68 [Unidentified work. Rehearsal notes?] 2. before 1 / 1. cancel Nail-file ...
f. 67v [Unidentified talk (with George ??, on 'Collages'??] [See also incipits 00 and correspondence with Mosco Carner)] You ask: 'what were the images on the vision' which inspired you to this work
f. 66v [Unidentified writing. Draft (incomplete?)] People would like to know whether there is any relatedness between musicis aloof Itness ...
40 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with green cover, labeled: Atholl Series, No 323, Made in Great Britain. Binding with staples. Lined paper.
Autograph in black biro, black ink, blue biro, red biro.
f.1-34? [Composer and his audience. Draft] In a questionaire I was sent time ago there was one question which read something like this:...
f. 35 3 / threatening madness / a) sound high note + / b) piano sound.
f. 36-39v [Blank]
f. 40 [List of instruments] Fl, Ob. ...
f. 40v [Address and phonetic notes?] Mus. 1633 David Stone? ...
36 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with grey cover, labeled: Note book. Mayfair series. A John Dickinson Product. Binding with staples. Lined paper.
Labeled "6" on front cover.
Autograph in black biro, blue biro, green biro, red biro.
f. 1-2v [Miscellaneous notes (on Music of the Pueblo, percussion, Stockhausen and Metamorphoses)] Music of the Pueblo, Apaches and Navaho Indians ...
f. 3-4v [Groups of instruments list (in tapes?)] Fl. Cl. Gtr. Vl. Pf. Perc. ...
f. 5-5v [Miscellaneous notes (cont. from 2v)] concerning my own music ...
f. 6 [Unidentified writing (on percussion)] 1. Introduction. Long held notes Fl. or Cl. or both uniss ...
f. 6v-13v [Miscellaneous quotations (Carlyle, Mandelbrot, Valéry, etc.)] 'What with the labours of... and... what with the ardent genius ...
f. 14-22v [Notebooks justification. (see also Gerhard.7.109 between f.18-19)] The 'I' bores me. It's demanding appetite for self-contemplation ...
f. 22v [Symphonies, no. 5?? (Baglog)] 1970 Symphony (Baglog) / 'Taurus' 5 Brass? / Epithalamion / Symphony 5 / Lord Chaplin
f. 23-36v [Blank]
60 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with green cover. Binding with staples. Lined paper.
Autograph in black ink, pencil.
f. 1-19v [Vocabulary English-Catalan] extent - mesura / wear out - gastar-se ...
f. 20 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on the Spanish Civil war). Catalan] Front Popular, aquest calaix de sastre de liquidació democràtica ...
f. 20v-21v [Vocabulary English-Catalan] hogwash - aigüera? ...
f. 22 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on the Church, mysticism). Catalan] Misticisme : "escapada' de l'individu per l'escala de Jacob.
f. 23-24v [Vocabulary English-Catalan] juggle - prestidigitació ...
f. 25-25v [Bibliographic quotations. Catalan] Biblioteca: Hugo Ball: Bizantinisches Christentism...
f. 26-26v [Vocabulary English-Catalan] chill - escalfred ...
f. 27-27v [Miscellaneous thoughts (on war and peace, morality and poverty). Catalan] Sembla que la humanitat no és capaç d' efectuar canvis realment importants ...
f. 28-28v [Miscellaneous thoughts (on politics). Catalan] L'únic principi seriós en política sembla ser l'opor-tunisme...
f. 29-30v [Vocabulary English-Catalan] fiber (faiber) - fibra ...
f. 31-34v [Miscellaneous thoughts and quotations (on freedom). Catalan] Llibertat. Justinià: "naturalis facultas eius ... Facultat natural de fer cada u el que vulgui ...
f. 33v [Miscellaneous quotation (Wilde, on beauty)] the true refinement and perfect delicacy ...
f. 35-36v [Miscellaneous quotations (Conrad, G.B.S., on art)] Men shortsighted in good and evil / Conrad, Nostromo / ...
f. 37 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on dogmatism). Catalan] Típic del dogmàtic el queixar-se de que el seu adversari sembli no ésser capaç de dubtar del propi judici...
f. 37v-41v [Miscellaneous quotations (H. James, Melville's Moby Dick)] Where, for the complete expression of one's subject ...
f. 42-60 [Blank]
f. 60v [Vocabulary English-Catalan] waggon ...
[1961 or later]
44 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with blue cover, labeled: Lion Brand 6d. memo book. A John Dickinson Product. Ref. No 20111. Made in Great Britain. Binding with staples.
Labeled "book 17" in P.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in black biro, green biro.
f. 1 [Drawing]
f. 2-2v [Miscellaneous quotations (Bolloten, Montseny)] The Grand camouflage, Burnett Bolloten ... The men and women who stormed the convents (in Barcelona) burnt everything they found ...
f. 3 [Metronomical values]
f. 4 [Antiphon. Notes] Salvat Papasseit / the loin lies down / with the limb / (l'omelic amant amb/ l'omelic fragrant)
f. 4v-44 [Blank]
f. 44v [Figures]
1968, July
36 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Lion Brand cash book. A John Dickinson product. Ref. 20212. Made in Great Britain. Binding with staples. Cash lined.
Labeled "Notes, made during rehearsal for Epithalamion, conducter [sic] Norman del
Mar", on front cover.
Autograph in pencil, red biro, green biro, black biro.
f. 1-4v [Epithalamion. Rehearsal notes] Pfte b. 10 / 5/2 xyl. P...
f. 5-25 [Epithalamion. Rehearsal notes, 13rd. July, 1968] 13 July 1968. bar 2: add some chord 2 8es. highter Rf [?]... f. 14v-15 [Blank]
f. 26-36 [Blank]
20 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover. Binding with staples. Lined paper.
Autograph in black biro, blue biro.
f. 1-5 [Schoenberg reminiscences. Draft] The preface to Schoenberg "Treatrise of Harmony" opens with the sentence: "This book is what I learned from my pupils"...
f. 5v-6v [Unidentified work. Rehearsal notes] 4 after 1 sfzti throughout viola ...
f. 7-20 [Blank]
[1940 or later]
30 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Memo Book. British made. Binding with staples. Lined paper.
On rear inside cover: Roy Boulting, Flaxman, 4241, in R.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in red biro, black biro, pencil, blue biro, black ink.
f. 1-5v [Miscellaneous notes and quotations (Klee, Ezra Pound)] beam ... 'Andacht zum kleinen' Klee ...
f. 6-7v [Miscellaneous notes (on convention in composition?)] derivative convention: at what moment does a given convention become derivative? ...
f. 8 [Unidentified work for orchestra??. Amendments] 98 Cancel picc. ...
f. 23-29v [Blank]
f. 30-30v [Names and addresses] Karl Heinz Krahl / Intendant / Stadtheater- Zürich ...
[1947 or later?]
30 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Memo. Binding with staples. Lined paper.
R.G.'s notes in both inside covers.
Autograph in pencil, black ink, blue ink, blue biro, red biro, black biro.
f. 1 [Quotations (Johnson)] Glock western 0982 ... The rule of the three unities , spurious, non-Aristotelian ...
f. 2-3v [Maria Stuart / Schiller. Notes] Fotheringay - oppressed ...
f. 4 [Unidentified notes] Onward sweep / flow-on, loose sentences ...
f. 4v-5 [Quotations (Aristotele)] first reduce your story to a significant unified outline ...
f. 5v Percy Popkins
f. 6 [Dodecagrammes] 'Dodeccagrammes' / Program / Protogram / Prolegram ...
f. 6v [Unexpexted country / Wymark. Notes] 'The unexpected country' , Sasha Moorsom ...
f. 7 [Duenna / Sheridan. Notes for an unidentified score] The Duenna / Introduction Aria Dueña I. p. 75-85...
f. 7v-30 [Miscellaneous quotations and notes (Adorno, Mann, Marías, Russell and Bennett)] Egoteurs and rubbishers / Entropy of the Musical 'Univers' (Wiesegrund Adno) ...
f. 30-30v [Unidentified notes (on particles and mathematical signs)] 16 - 16?/ particle - antiparticle ...
40 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Memo. Binding with staples. Lined paper.
Inside front cover, in P.G's handwriting : R. Gerhard, 14, Madingley Cambridge.
Labeled "7" by [??].
Autograph with black biro, blue biro, pencil, red biro.
f. 1-1v [Unidentified notes (on Adorno and contemporary music)] Has W. A's catastrophic view of the contemporary music scene something to do with the fact ...
f. 2-3 [Quotations (Donne)] 'All historical generalizations are the defeat ot the ecupiricist ...'
f. 4-7 [Unidentified notes (on acoustics)] Unison 1:1 / mn third 6:5 / mj 3rd 5:4 ...
f. 7v-8v [Miscellaneous thoughts] Colour-gaudy / Power of origination ...
f. 9-40v [Blank]
37 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Memo. Binding with staples. Lined paper.
Labeled "9" by Sasha Moorsom. Missing leaf between f. 12 and 13.
Autograph in blue biro, black biro, red crayon, red biro, black ink.
f. 1-8v [Barberillo de Lavapiés. Notes on negatives ??] Barberillo negatives / Act II / pages 170-212 ...
f. 9-21v [Miscellaneous quotations (Mallarmé, Goya, Ortega, Werner, Kelvin (??), Toynbee, Newman, Braithwaite, Vain, Geoffries(??), Whitehead, Dartington)] The swing of the pendulum. After an excess of 'expressionism ... [Most of notes in red biro within this range concern twelve note series]
f. 22-37 [Blank]...
f. 37v [Divisions]
40 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Memo. Binding with staples. Lined paper.
Autograph in red biro, pencil, black ink, blue biro.
f. 1-4 [Unidentified notes (on The Tempest? (in red biro)] Struggling into consciousness / clear away some of the brushwood
f. 1-3 [Unidentified notes (on Ovid) in pencil] Shift of emphasis / exordium ...
f. 4v [Unidentified notes] Coda: the turning of the tide / watershed / creating motion ...
f. 5-6 [Miscellaneous quotations (W. James, Lawrence, Eliot, van der Rohe)]
f. 7-11v [Unidentified notes (on Beauty) and quotations (Bello, Cuervo, Westheimer)] The artist without faith must believe in calculation: beauty ...
f. 12 [Pause] 'Pause' / Sylvia Fisher story of Kleiber's trombone ...
f. 13-14 [Unidentified writing (on organization, rationality and time in music) in black ink] The hardest discovery for the musician to make ... ...
f. 15 [Concertos, harpsichord. Rehearsal notes? in red biro] Harpsichord concerto Strings muted at 20 ...
f. 14v-17v [Unidentified writing (on organization, order and chaos in music) in blue biro] Order-chaos: The highest lid can only be for compatibility ...
f. 21v-30 [Blank]
f. 40v-40 [Autobiographical notes. Chronology (1896-1942)]
50 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Century note book, eviro-binding, pat no. 447231. A John Dickinson product. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Labeled in R.G's handwriting on front cover: "1951".
Autograph in pencil, red biro, red crayon, green biro.
f. 1-50 [Duenna / Sheridan. Rehearsal notes (1951) in red biro and pencil] 24 tithgten [?] up / Narrator forward to bar 28.
f. 3v-4 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on opera and theatre)] To put the theatrical on drammatic aspect of opera ...
f. 32-33 [Heritage of Spain?. Draft] 1469 - after 1530 / Juan del Encina ...
46 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Century note book, eviro-binding, pat. no. 447231. A John Dickinson product. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Autograph in blue biro, red biro, black biro, black ink, pencil.
f. 1-11 [Heritage of Spain. 5?. Draft notes and quotations. German, English and Spanish] Besteht der Synagogah ...
f. 12-14 [Unidentified work. (Piano cues)] Piano cues to Stratford / 4-7 / ...
f. 15-17v [Celestina. Timings] 1 La Celestina (A) / Opening A. 20" ...
f. 18-19 [Accounts]
f. 19v [Hodgson, R. Quotation] Reason has moons, but moons not her's / Lie mirror'd on her sea / ...
f. 20-24 [Sound and symbol?. Draft] Souns per se - as single, isolated sound ...
f. 24v-27 [Zukerkandl, V. Sound and symbol. Quotations] Kinaesthesic / Kinesthesic / Zukerkandl, Victor: 'Sound and Symbol' (Music and the External World) Routledge & Kegan Paul, London ...
f. 27v-34v [Unidentified writing (on Chinese philosophy?)] Reason has pitfalls very much her own.
f. 35 flattening curve
f. 35v [Note on Thomas Mann] curly Thomas Mannish style, with a set of hot irons at hand ...
f. 36 [Unidentified notes (on alembication?)] against naturelness or, even, abandon: soigné ...
f. 36v-37 [House ground plan]
f. 37v [Kierkegaard, S. A. Journals?. Quotations] Sympara nekromenoi= the fellowship of the buried lives (Kierkegaard).
f. 38-38v [Unidentified writing (on process of composition)] A) total abdication of the will complete renouncement of choice ...
f. 39-41 [Blank]
f. 46v [Tirana del Zarandillo?. Notes in red biro] 1 1st Pair valse / 2nd Pair valse / 3rd pair Tirana / 3rd pair (dressed as Majos) ...
f. 45v-42v [Unidentified figures and alphabetical series]
f. 42-41v [Unidentified schemes] God / Man / Nature / Religion / Philosophy / Science / Art ...
19 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Century note book, eviro-binding, pat. no. 447231. Lion Brand, a Dickinson product. Lined paper.
Autograph in pencil, red crayon, blue biro.
f. 1-9v [Cymbeline / Shakespeare. Rehearsal notes] May 12th Rehearsals / May 9th Recording ...
f. 10-11 [Miscellaneous quotations (Henry James, Julian Huxley)] Henry James: '... the deep well of unconscious cerebration'
f. 12-11v [Coventry, Patmore. Quotation] Lovers put out the candles and draw the curtains when they wish to see the god and goddess ...
f. 12v-13 [Unidentified writing (on Tonadilla). Spanish] Tonadilla / seguidillas, boleras, tiranas, pregones callejeros, coplas de ciegos, estribillos de taverna ...
f. 13v [Rusiñol, S. Age d'Or, or, A Catalan in La Mancha?. Scheme] I / Intr. 1) Jail Ciudad Real ...
f. 14 [Heritage of Spain?. Series B programmes?] Basconia Navarra / Galicia Asturias / Santander León Castilla ...
f. 14v-15 [Blank]
f. 15v-16 [Heritage of Spain. 19. Draft] Barbieri, b. Madrid 1823, d. Madrid 1894. Conservatoire (14 años). Pedro Albéniz (piano)...
f. 16v-17v [Heritage of Spain?. 14?. Spanish] Zarzuela / Eglogas J.d E./ Farsas de los Fernandos ...
f. 19v [Le Corbusier.??. Quotation] Man lives on a sunlit planet ...
f. 19v-18 [Unidentified notes (on historicism)] Historicism. The first approach to a historistic mode of thought ...
1959, June
48 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Century note book, eviro-binding, pat no. 447231. A John Dickinson product. Lined paper.
Inside front cover in R.G.'s handwriting: "June 59".
Missing leaves between f. 41-42.
Autograph in black biro, blue biro, red biro.
f. 1-1v [Unidentified notes (on textures and rythm)] Soft/ slack, limp, flabby ...
f. 2-8 [Miscellaneous quotations (Valéry, Wiener, Whitehead, N. Lawrence)] Life: an ensemble of vast certainties and small surprises ...
f. 8v-9 [Miscellaneous definitions (on musical form, order and ostinato)] Musical form is sense of time / order is ancillary!
f. 9v [Blank]
f. 10-12 [Unidentified writing (on dimension of music)] Music has its beeing in a 3 dimensional medium.
f. 12v-48v [Blank]
40 leaves ; 15cm
Commercially issued notebook with blue cover, labeled: Victoria, nombre registrado. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Autograph in green biro, red biro, black biro.
f. 1-2 [Miscellaneous quotations (Waley, Gombrich)] ...glory flashes like sparks ...
f. 2v Now Barabbas was a publisher (title of a BBC programme on copyright)
f. 3-39 [Blank]
f. 39v [List of years?] 1890 / 1915 a 5 + 50 = 75 ... 'Beaux Arts Trio'
f. 40-40v [Unidentified work. Rehearsal notes?] 8 / 7.30 p.m. 98./ p. 72 ...
38 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with yellow cover, labeled: Memo book. Royal vernon line, S-550 Side open. S-551 End open. 48 lvs. U.S.A. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Autograph in blue biro, green biro, pencil, black biro, red biro,
black marker pen.
f. 1-3 [Miscellaneous thoughts and quotations (Musil, Churchill)] Social function of mature artist: to provoke change to help overcome resistance which change itself provokes.
f. 3v-4 [7 diameter Rose of the plus and minus parameters] 1. High - 2. Low ...
f. 4v-7 [Miscellaneous thoughts and quotations (Durrell, Whitehead)] (London) 'is greater than the sum of its defects.
f. 7v-9v [Unidentified work (Alegrías?) (notes on percussion)] 1 Small med. ...
f. 10-22 [Miscellaneous thoughts and quotations (G. Marcel, Sartre, Wittgenstein)] They take pride in not understanding - we naívely call it: the 'critical attitude'...
f. 22v [Symphonies, no. 2 (Metamorphoses). Notes] "Metamorphoses" (of Symphony 2) is a creative reworking of the composition, not a mere trakering...
f. 23 [Escrits i apunts d'un compositor. Draft. English] Back from the States after a semester "master class" teaching, I decided to consult a psychiatrist...
f. 24 [Unidentified notes (on time span)] Time spans of roughly less than two minutes ...
f. 24v-25 [Unidentified work. (Instrumentation and timing)] 1 Vlas (C string - highest position ...
f. 26 [Escrits i apunts d'un compositor?. Draft. English] Making notes, my cardiologist -in a mixture of policemen and fun- asks me: "How young are you" -I reached adulthood not very long ago and I am ready -I believe- for my position of man's inheritance ...
f. 26v-38v [Blank]
1961 August, 1967
44 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with yellow cover, labeled: Memo book. Royal vernon line. S-550 side open. S-551 end open. 48 lvs. U.S.A. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Labeled in R.G.'s handwriting on inside front cover: "August 1961".
Labeled "14" by Sasha Moorsom.
Autograph in blue biro, black biro, red biro, green biro.
f. 1 [Addresses] Lita & Alfred Kohn ... J.L. Sert ...
f. 1v-4 [Miscellaneous notes (free association of words)] Autonomous ...
f. 4v-5v [Unidentified notes (on 12 note series)] Continuous flow of eventuation - organic stream ...
f. 6 [Winter?, E. Quotation (on public taste)] On second thougts raised, in reality, a sociological problem ... [Eduard Winter??]
f. 6v-7 [Unidentified writing (on John Cage)] V 1967. "There is no substitute for wool[?]" and "You can't take the real thing" are the slogans that come most readily to mind when I think of John Cage...
f. 7v-8 [Unidentified notes (on hippie avant-garde)] The characteristic trait of the hippie avant-garde is that they don't believe in the future.
f. 8v [Lawrence, N. Whitehead's Philosophical Development. Quotations] It has been said of Whitehead ...
f. 9-44v [Blank]
39 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Memo book. Royal vernon line. S-550 side open. S-551 end open. 48 lvs. U.S.A. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Labeled "15" by Sasha Moorsom.
Autograph in black biro, blue biro, pencil, red biro.
f. 1-7v [Miscellaneous quotations (Berceo, Disraelis, Brecht, Büchner, Schopenhauer, Youden, Ribemont-Dessaignes, Breton, Valéry, Duchamp, Russel] Reina de los cielos, Madre del pan de trigo ...
f. 8-9 [John Cage. Draft of talk?] Silence. Cage is even more mistaken about silence than about sound.
f. 9v [Unidentified work. Rehearsal notes?] Gerald Gover / 97 S.Dr. with lower strings
f. 10-39 [Blank]
f. 39v [Numbers in Poldi Gerhard handwriting]
1961, September
44 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Memo book. Royal vernon line. S-550 Side open. S-551 end open. 48 lvs. U.S.A. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Labeled in R.G.'s handwriting on the inside front cover: 'Sept. 1961'
Autograph in blue biro, black biro, pencil.
f. 1-2v [Unidentified notes (on composers and recording engineers) in blue biro] The demands made on performers [recording?] by composers and by sound-and recording-engineers ...
f. 2-3 [Unidentified notes (on perfection) in black biro] the fleeting moment of promise of perfection ...
f. 4 [List of names] Hans Eisler / Oskar Kokoschka / Rudolf Kolisch ...
f. 4v-5 [James, H. The tragic muse. Quotations] 'The time far beyond others to do one's work ...'
f. 5v-6 [Unidentified notes (on the surface of music)] It is legitimate to speak of the surface of music: line ...
f. 6v [Miscellaneous thoughts (on the use of metaphor)] Not use metaphor to evade the point ...
f. 7 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on critics)] Pity the impotent critic. If you have nothing to say ...
f. 7v [Miscellaneous thoughts (on principles)] Unlike the Lady, the principle (and the bird Phoenix) are for burning: they rise from the ashes ...
f. 8-44v [Blank]
29 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Memo book. Royal vernon line, 15 ¢. S-550 side open. S-551 end open. 50 lvs. U.S.A. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Autograph in black biro, blue biro, red biro.
f. 1-2 [Miscellaneous notes (on dynamism)] Flux, kine dynamic / structural modelling ...
f. 2v-15v [Unidentified writing (on Webern and Schoenberg works)] Webern's Sonata form more a pious ...
f. 16 [Miscellaneous thoughts (unfinished)] The idea of composing a piece of music modelled on the medieval form ...
f. 16v-24 [Blank]
f. 25-28v [Unidentified writing (on organization and chance in composition)] Organization envolving in and with the process ... [see also Gerhard.9.106 and notebook transcription 'A' in unidentified incipits]
f. 29-29v [Symphonies, no. 3 (Collages)?. Programme notes?] The way in which recorded sound is used in this work, side by side with live orchestral sound, offers some analogy with the collage technique in painting.
22 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Century note book. Ref. No D22 Feint. Made in Great Britain. Binding with staples. Lined paper.
Labeled on front cover in P. G.'s handwriting: "Panel notes".
Autograph in blue biro. Lacking leaves between f. 10-11 and 12-13.
f. 1-12 [Composition competition?. Panel notes] Z. Tursky / Petite ouverture. Skilful, effective, national-flavoured confection, what the kapellmeister ordered...
f. 12v-22v [Blank]
49 leaves ; 15cm
Commercially issued notebook with green cover, labeled: Magic coil. Note book. 100 pages. CB-416 end. CB-614 side. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Labeled "12" by Sasha Moorsom.
Both inside covers with notes.
Autograph in red biro, blue biro, black biro, green biro.
[There is a transcription of fragment between f. 49v-37v]
f. 1-1v [Unidentified notes (on obvious)] Obvious / Basic assumption, on which we may easily agree...
f. 2-2v [Unidentified notes (on Parochialism)] Parochialism / To be first and foremost aware of one's difference with other people ...
f. 3 [Chinese proverb in blue ink] The right means used by the wrong man makes the right go wrong
f. 3-4 [Unidentified notes (on benevolence and ressentment)] One should feel deeply indebited to his true ennemy [sic] ...
f. 4v [Unidentified note (on symetry)] Symetry is the solution between two systems ...
f. 5-9 [Unidentified notes (on experiential time)] Experiential time. Music shows varying rate ...
f. 9v [Blank]
f. 10 [Function of the series in twelve-note composition?. Draft] The series in Webern ...
f. 10v [Notes indications] A - Eb ...
f. 11 Texture is a matter of tactics, structure a matter of strategy.
f. 12-14v [Unidentified notes (on expression of feeling in music)] The idea of expressing a feeling in music never occurs to me.
f. 15 [Pound, E. Essays. Quotation] 'All artists who discover anything make ...
f. 15v-18 [Function of the series in twelve-note composition?. Draft] Structural rythm / a simple necessity of time spans ...
f. 18v-20 [Unidentified work. Timing? Rehearsal notes?]
f. 20v-33 [Unidentified talk (on Wind quintet and Nonet. The composer and his audience?). Draft] 8.30 Monday Ch.M.H. / I am afraid there is little I can say about my own work. [At the top of leaf, text coming from next top leaf]
f. 33v-37 [Blank]
f. 49v-37v [Unidentified talk (on Wind quintet and Nonet. The composer and his audience?). Draft] I'm afraid there is little I can say about my own work [crossed out]. I remember once spending the best part ...
30 leaves ; 15cm
Commercially issued notebook with yellow cover. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Labeled "1" with a sticky golden paper.
Autograph in black biro, blue rollpoit, green biro.
f. 1 Duo-soliloquies / Duo.soliloquies / 'informal scrutiny / explanation / explication
f. 1v-3 [Miscellaneous quotations (Baudelaire, Turnell, Klee)] Baudelaire: 'The puerile utopia ...'
f. 3v-8 [Unidentified writing (on 'open-form'. Functions of the series in twelve note composition?)] The idea of so- called 'open-form' boils down to a mechanical shuffling of the cards ...
f. 9-10 [Gemini. Programme notes?. Draft] 'Tie small-scale contrasts ...' Klee Diary IV 921 / I have done this very thing in 'Duo concertante' ...
f. 11-14v [Klee, P. Diaries. Quotations] 'In my productive activity, everytime a type grows beyond the stage ...
f. 15-15v [Escrits i apunts d'un compositor?. Draft. Catalan] Paris, Gener 1939. Tornant de Varsòvia... (sembla un vers de balada...)
f. 16-17 [Escrits i apunts d'un compositor. Draft. Catalan] Consulta. Fa temps que tinc molèsties a l'orella esquerra... f. 18v-21 [Unidentified writing (on Algebra and Whitehead's Mathematics and the Good)] 'In Arithmetic we write 2+3 equals 3+2. We are considering ...
f. 21v-22 [Miscellaneous quotations (Hegel, Kaufmann, Cage. On mysticism?)] 'Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion' Hegel ...
f. 25v [Unidentified note (on truth?)] One does exagerate on purpose, sometimes. That's O.K.
f. 26-30 [Blank]
f. 30v [Bibliographical note and drawing] Alice's Adventures under Ground ...
1964, April
37 leaves ; 15cm
Commercially issued notebook with yellow cover. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Labeled "1964 April" on front cover in R.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in green biro, black biro.
f. 1-1v [Figures] 1, 3, 5, 7, 9...
f. 2-4 [Odd words] Mosaic-pass-the-bucket-line. 2 or 3 notes motives ...
f. 4v [Unidentified work. 7 Movements and timings] 1. Slow 2 / 2. Fast 3 / 3. moderato 4 ...
f. 5-37 [Blank]
44 leaves ; 15cm
Commercially issued notebook with yellow cover. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Labeled "18" by Sasha Moorsom.
Autograph in black biro, red biro, blue biro.
f. 1 [Definitions (pastiche and plagiarism)] Pastiche: "A picture or design made up of fragments ...
f. 2-3v [Unidentified works (by ??). Analysis] Austerlitz: Form (+ da capo= repeated) ... Telstar: Form ...
f. 4-40 [Blank]
f. 44v [Unidentified work. Rehearsal notes?] 19 Fl grace-notes, shorter ...
f. 43v-42 [Chronology of R.G. works since 1954 up to 1964] 1956. Harpsichord concerto.
f. 41 The only freedom worth talking about is that which yields gracefully to necessity. Topos
f. 42 [Unidentified note (on Dances from Don Quixote performed in Barcelona)] Execution - in the sense of (musical) performance or else ...
44 leaves ; 15cm
Commercially issued notebook with yellow cover. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Labeled "Sound for Antiphone 1" on front cover, in R.G.'s handwriting. On P.G.'s handwriting: "Concert for Orchestra". Labeled "16" by Sasha Moorsom.
Autograph in black biro, blue biro.
f. 1 [Macbeth. Contents of sound in reels?] Sounds for Macbeth / 1. Taps on cardboard tube ...
f. 1v-2 [Blank]
f. 2v-3 [Antiphone. Contents of sound in reels?] N.W. 1 / Good Fishes ...
f. 3v-5v [Blank]
f. 6 [Bibliographical quotations] The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962) ...
f. 6v-8 [Concertos, orchestra. Draft notes] Concerto for orchestra / 'The medium is the message'...
f. 8v-44v [Blank]
35 leaves ; 15cm
Commercially issued notebook with yellow cover. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Autograph in black biro.
f. 1 [Figures] 27 III-2 IV-
f. 1v-3 [Bars and figures] 78 bars (crotchet=ca. 72) ...
f. 4-35 [Blank]
42 leaves ; 15cm
Commercially issued notebook with yellow cover. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Autograph in black biro, green biro, blue biro, red marker pen.
f. 1 [Wordworth, C. Quotation (used in Musa y música, hoy)] 'Draw bamboos for 10 years, become a bamboo ...'
f. 1v [Arithmetical operations]
f. 2-2v [Thought (on McLuhan 'Medium is the message')] To some people (McLuhan?) the more orless near future ...
f. 3v [Mirror writings with both hands]
f. 4-5v [Symphonies, no. ??. Rehearsal notes?] Symphony / Togetherness: slow gliss ...
f. 6-15v [Miscellaneous quotations (by and on James Joyce)] Young Joyce's use of the term 'epiphanies': ...
f. 16-21 [Wiener, Norbert. Quotations and notes] N. Wiener fells of a delirium- during an attack of bronchoneumonia- ...
f. 21v [Unidentified notes (on 'ostinato rigore' and 'casualness')] 'Ostinato rigore' and 'casualness' should not be regarded as ...
f. 22 [Unidentified notes for a talk? (The Composer and his audience?)] I feel that there are more and more things in my music about which I know absolutely nothing [crossed out]. The only things that interest me ...
f. 22v-24 [Needham, J. Order and life. Weiss, P. Morphodynamik. Quotations] '... that there is arbitrariness ...'
f. 24v [List of scientific terms] cytolysis= cell dissolution ...
f. 25 [Drawing and words] Stochastic: aim-directed goal-seeking ...
f. 25v-26 [Unidentified notes] 4 wiseless sets, each turned to [long to ultra-short different wave??] ...
f. 26v-30v [Miscellaneous notes (on percussion, Poldi pronunciation, vagueness, 'music for orchestra', Joyce, contemporary art, Bernstein)] Tubar Bells: a to and fro swinging glissando ...
f. 30v-31v [Groups of rythms]
f. 32-36 [Miscellaneous quotations (Kafka, S. Weil, Flaubert)] Proust 10 July 1871-18 Nov 1922/ Kafka 3 July 1883 - 3 June 1924 / Joyce ...
f. 36v-39 [Escrits i apunts d'un compositor?. Draft. English] I would like to put on record what I know of how Schb came to write his 'Concerto for violoncello and orchestra' inscribed to Casals.
f. 39v [List of favourite composers] My favourite composers? let's take them alphabetically: ...
f. 40-40v [Escrits i apunts d'un compositor?. Draft. English] I have now heard the Schoenberg-Monn Cello-concerto. It has been a painful experience.
f. 41 [Concertos, orchestra. Programm notres draft?] My idea of a concerto for orchestra is that of a piece ...
1946, December
30 leaves ; 15cm
Commercially issued notebook with green cover. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Dated "1946 XII" on front cover in R.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in pencil, red crayon.
f. 1-18 [Romeo and Juliet / Shakespeare. Timming] Romeo and Juliet. Music cues. Act I 1. A pause of 1-1 1/2 seconds...
f. 19-20 [Odd notes]
f. 21-23 [Blank]
f. 29v-24 [Duenna / Sheridan. Draft on talk?] The Duena. Subtitle = the double elopement.
f. 30v-30 [Addresses] Dorothy, 7 Gloucester Square ...
1947, October
32 leaves ; 15cm
Commercially issued notebook with orange-brown cover. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Dated "Oct 47" on front cover in R.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in pencil, blue biro, red biro.
f. 1 [Balzac and Milton quotations] a gimlet eye (filabarquí) / Balzac: 'the important thing is not to avoid mistakes ...
f. 2-2v [Fernández de Navarrete, Martín. Vida de Miguel de Cervantes?. Notes] Martin Fernandez de Navarrete (Barna 1834) ... tema central locura de D.Q. = ira de Aquiles.
f. 3 [Bibliographical quotation] Henry Thomas / Spanish and portugese Romances of Chivalry (Cambridge U. Press) / Foolish people say foolish things ...
f. 3v-4 [Arithmetical operations]
f. 5 [Letter to ??. Draft] Apart from the / I have so received on performing fees for 'D.Q.' ...
f. 6-10 [Miscellaneous notes (on Japaneese Nõ and drama, bibliographical, social function of form)] [Field??] = novel / comic-epic poem in prose
f. 10v-13 [Blank]
f. 13v-14v [Unidentified work. Timings?]
f. 15-21 [Blank]
f. 21v [Miscellaneous notes (on perception)] (Our own perceptions) are not, as is often thought ...
f. 22-29 [Blank]
f. 29v [Diameter Rose (showing angles and notes?)]
f. 30v-32v [Misellaneous notes (on criticism and La Celestina?). English and Catalan] Man never ceases to be riddle to himself, clau de simpatia amb els caràcters amb que congenien menys.
1947, November
21 leaves ; 15cm
Commercially issued notebook with orange-brown cover. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Dated "Nov. 1947" on front cover, in R.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in pencil.
f. 1-3 [Miscellaneous quotations (Valéry, Eliot, McCarthy, Conrad, Johnson)] 'ajouré'-durchbrochen- / Font ce qui laisse place à l' incertitude appelle un artiste...'
f. 3v-13v [Duenna / Sheridan. Notes] The Duenna and the young lady in her charge have exchanged places.
f. 14-18v [Blank]
f. 21v [Address] Dennis Dowling ...
f. 20v-19 [Don Quixote. Ballet?. Suite??. Notes for 5 sections] I / Don Quixote, night-shirt, Helmet (card-board vizor ...
15 leaves ; 15cm
Commercial issued notebook with orange-brown cover. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Labeled: "Duenna" on back cover in P.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in pencil, red biro.
f. 1 [Address] Hermann Leeb ...
f. 1v-4v [Miscellaneous quotations (Stonier, McCarthy, W. Dean, Byron, Eliot)] A critic's admission: 'Unieasiness has always ...'
f. 15v-5 [Duenna / Sheridan. Notes on reels contents] Reel 1 / From begin of Narration: It is a clear summer night ...
24 leaves ; 15cm
Commercial issued notebook with orange-brown cover. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Autograph in pencil. Notebook with a black ink spread blot on both covers.
f. 1-3v [Miscellaneous notes (??) and quotations] 'Banish care away' ...
f. 4-7 [Miscellaneous quotations (Brenan, Kempis, Bacon, Ponge)] If we cannot pin down this most elusive of writers ...
f. 7v-22v [Blank]
f. 23 [Heritage of Spain?. Notes] Morales / ... Responsorium / ... Guerrero / Ave ... (antiphone).
f. 23v-24v [Blank]
29 leaves ; 15cm
Commercially issued notebook with green cover. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Autograph in pencil, black biro, red biro, blue biro, black
ink, green crayon, blue ink.
f. 1-1v [Heritage of Spain?. Series B?. Notes] Spanish records ...
f. 2-2v [Address] Miss Axford ...
f. 3-4 [Duenna / Sheridan. Rehearsal notes?] 2) 2nd third ...
f. 5-9 [Sound and symbol (Angst and the modern composer)?. Notes] This is in fact / As it turns out, this is true in more senses ...
f. 9v-10 [Address and arithmetical operations] Daphne Oram ...
f. 10v-11 [Unidentified work. Notes on percussion in red biro] Saxophone soprano ...
f. 11-12 [Pericles / Shakespeare. Notes and timing in blue biro] Pericles entrance fff ...
f. 13-13v [Lodge, T. Poem] Pluck the fruit ...
f. 14 [Stave] Chromatic timp.
f. 14v-15 [Unidentified work. Notes on percussion in red biro] Storm / 1" wind / ...
f. 15v-16 [Sardana?. Notes for the tenora] Tenora in b range?
f. 17-21v [Blank]
f. 29v-29 [Pericles / Shakespeare. Rehearsal notes?] Pericles p. 34 ...
f. 28v-28 [Miscellaneous works (The Prisoner, Violin Concerto, War in the air, Symphony no. 3?)]
f. 27v [Die Geschichte lässt?] Die Geschichte lässt / Keinen Zweifel darüber ...
f. 26 [Don Quixote?. Timing?] 'D Q' / Film F44 ...
f. 25v-22 [Sound and symbol (Angst and the modern composer). Draft] Practically everyone is agreed ...
46 leaves ; 15cm
Commercially issued notebook with brown cover. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Autograph in pencil. Back cover missing.
f. 1 [Unamuno, Miguel de. En torno al casticismo. Quote] ... con la verdadera libertad, la que nace de la comprensión viva de lo necesario ...
f. 1v [Bible. Epistles. Timothy, 1st, II, 12. Quote. French] Car je ne permets pas à la femme d'enseigner ni de prendre aucune autorité sur son mari; mais il faut qu'elle demeure dans le silence...
f. 2 [Unidentified writing (on music theory, aesthetics). Catalan] Trobar l'equivalent modern del secco recitativo. La funció del secco s'ha oblidat...
f. 2v [Blank]
f. 3-5 [Unidentified writing (on music theory, harmony). Catalan] Harmonia. Límits. Tonalitat = un ordre a priori, en el material (anterior a l'obra) que l'obra reflexa...
f. 3v [Unidentified note] everything in life is lyrical in its ideal essence ...
f. 6 [Unidentified writing (on creativity in Art)] Picasso said once that he who created a thing is forced to make it ugly.
f. 6v [Gautier, T. Charles Baudelaire] ...moins difficile à réunir (le sonnet) que un le pense ...
f. 7-7v [Blank]
f. 8 [Duenna / Sheridan. Timming] The Duenna Act I. Scene I = ca. 13 / scene II = ca. 11 ...
f. 8v [Blank]
f. 9v-11 [Don Quixote. Radio script?. Draft. Catalan and English] Prólogo. Vermell : negre, quasi cavitat del crani. Ganze. Magician - Giants (tapats) en un núvol
f. 11v [Blank]
f. 12 [List of works] Corral / 3 Tonadillas / Viejecita / 3 Sarasate / 3 Serrallonga / Cadiz
f. 12v-14v [Mojiganga de la muerte? / Calderón] Mojiganga de la Muerte / I (Tramp adeep, wine-bags as pillows) ...
f. 13 [Duenna / Sheridan] A comic opera altered from Sheridan.
f. 15v [Bible. Epistles. Timothy, 2nd, IV, 4. Quote. French] Car Dieu ne nous a poit donné un esprit de timidité ...
f. 16-21v [Romeo and Juliet / Shakespeare. Incidental music notes] Romeo & Juliet. Short opening (one phrase drawn out expressivo - diying in ...
f. 22v [W.W. Quintet?] Quintet [of?] W.W. most serious attempt made at non- individualistic music. Detached, objective approach.
f. 23 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on creativity in Art). French and Catalan] il faut changer d'heure et d'outil ... com el que busca la son se regira al llit i canvia de galta i de postura ...
f. 23v-24v [Miscellaneous thoughts] people (critics specially) do believe their ears too promptly.
f. 25 [Blank]
f. 25v-26 [Notes on a November-December calendar] Nov-Dec / P., B. / F 28 8, 38 ...
f. 26v-37 [Blank]
f. 37v [Unidentified work. Proofreading?] 7 / 6/ 4/ 3/ 2 ...
f. 38-41 [Don Quixote. Stage?. Catalan] Introducció. (Back-cloth: huge, reddish, lobes divided by blackish fissures) ...
f. 41v [Unidentified work. Notes and figures] Page 317 / D.F. Hig G? [sic]
f. 42 Music is not; music eventuates.
f. 42v-46 [Blank]
f. 46v [Notes and address] Sadlers [?] - 28th VIII. Lucretia ...
[1962 or later]
37 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with pink cover, labeled: The Baberton spiral note book. BS 1. Made in Scotland. Lined paper.
Autograph in black biro.
f. 1 [Cage, J. Quote] "I have nothing to say and I am saying it and that is poetry". John Cage's dictum. Well, it depends...
f. 2 Introduction to Webern ca. 7'30".
f. 1v-2v [Blank]
f. 3 [Haiku. Quartets, strings, no. 2. Timings] 7 Haiku ca 10'.- ...
f. 4-37 [Blank]
f. 27v [In Poldi Gerhard's handwriting the words] Just above 95
[1963 or later]
44 leaves ; 15cm
Commercially issued notebook with pink cover. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
On front cover: "This sporting life, timmings, etc." in P.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in black biro, blue biro, green biro, red rollpoit.
f. 1-21 [This sporting life / Anderson. Timing] 1,20 Titles. Line-ball Match 55 feet ...
f. 21v-43 [Blank]
f. 45v-45 [This sporting life / Anderson?. Timing]
f. 44v-43v [This sporting life / Anderson?. Notes on percussion] Perc. 6 Timp ...
[1954 or later]
45 leaves ; 15cm
Commercially issued notebook with pink cover. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Some inscriptions in front cover, in P.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in blue biro, black biro.
f. 1 [Blank]
f. 1v [Dances from Don Quixote. Timings] Dances from Don Quixote 16' / Lament 12.30 / L'Étranger 9.30
f. 2-3v [Molloy, ??. Quotations] Molloy: 'Not to want to say, not to know what you want to say ...
f. 4-45 [Blank]
41 leaves ; 15cm
Commercially issued notebook with orange cover. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Labeled "13" by Sasha Moorsom.
Autograph in blue biro, green biro, black biro, red biro.
Some of the thoughts included seem to be drafts of those published in 'Cultura', 30 (gener 1992), p. 19-42.
f. 1-2v [Schoenberg, A. Letters to Zemlinsky. Quotations] Schönberg's letters to Zemlinsky / (Oliver Neighbour, Music Room, British Museum) ...
f. 3 [Blank]
f. 3v-4 [Miscellaneous thoughts in green, black and red biro] At a time when speed came to break the sound-barrier ...
f. 4v-6 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on 'anti-art' people and Graves' Sanatorium)] It is really nothing more than a variation of the saying: those who can do, those who can't teach.
f. 6v [Thoughts as an artist] Contrary to what some of my devoted friends think, I consider that my destiny as an artist has been a happy one.
f. 7-8 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on contemporary music and the 'inspired imbecile'), in red biro] Point 1. We could discuss general ideas about music in our time.
f. 8-8v [Miscellaneous thoughts (on pleasure), in black biro] Pleasure is an end.
f. 9-11v [Miscellaneous thoughts (on repetition and eventuation, with Whitehead quotations)] 'What at the beginning was enterprise, after a lapse of 25 years has become repetition'
f. 12-13 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on composition and Beckett and Joyce's anecdote)] A new idea -entirely unexpected and impredictable ...
f. 13v-14 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on Madness, with Pascal, Dostoiewsky, Camus and Focault quotations)] On Madness; Pascal: 'It would be sheer madness to ignore ...
f. 14v-17 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on temporal order) in black biro] Chronological order - temporal order: the first is a manner of speaking, a ready-made phrase ...
f. 16v-17v [Miscellaneous thoughts (on nature of music) in red biro] In saying that music is abstract, I'm only saying that the sounds ...
f. 18 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on Brahms and immortality as an artist)] Brahms - like every originating artist aspired of course to immortality.
f. 18v [Miscellaneous thoughts (on wishes for his own funeral (Messiaen's Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum) and epitaph (Psalm 144, 3))] Attitude to death and immortality: Messiaen ...
f. 19-20v [Miscellaneous thoughts (on attitudes to the past and being an 'avant-garde' composer) in blue, black and green biro] Attitudes to the past. Whit the things of the past which I like -pas de problème.
f. 21-21v [Kermode, F. The sense of an Ending. Quotations in blue biro] Kermode quotes Sartre as saying that 'the final aim of art is to reclaim the world by revealing ...
f. 22-24 [Miscellaneous thoughts (coming from 20v?)] The propelling energy of the beginning, the thrust (??) from the hiding-places of the past ...
f. 24v-26 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on Jean Renoir's father opinion on Wagner's music, love-agression, the composer and the knowledge about sound, Lewis Carrol's quotation anticipating Hans Arp)] Jean Renoir tells that his father ...
f. 26v-41 [Blank]
[1964 or later], 1969, August-September
48 leaves ; 15cm
Commercially issued notebook with orange cover. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Autograph in blue biro, pencil, black biro.
f. 1-4 [Concert for Eight. Printed score composer's note. Draft] I wanted to compose a chamber music work in the divertimento character ... [all f. crossed out]
f. 3 [Concert for Eight?. Notes on percussion] 3 or 4 Cymbals ... [crossed out]
f. 3v-6 [Miscellaneous notes and staves] Michael Collins, BBC Concert Orchestra
f. 6v-8v [Miscellaneous notes (Addenbrook's Hospital, August-September 1969)] Addenbrook's, Aug-Sept 1969 / Form / formerly ... [all f. crossed out]
f. 9-9v [Miscellaneous notes (on Claude Bernard and Picasso's 'discoveries')] Claude Bernard, suplied to the question as to how he alighted on some of his astonishing discoveries ...
f. 10-48 [Blank]
[1967 or later]
41 leaves ; 15cm
Commercially issued notebook with orange cover. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
On front cover: "book 15, orange" in P.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in black biro, blue biro, green biro, red biro.
f. 1 [Concert for Eight?. Printed score composer's note. Draft in black biro] The writing is very much ex-tempore. On the other hand I have purposely ...
f. 1-3v [Miscellaneous thoughts (on eventuation, pitch and time and recurrence) in blue biro] Economics of Eventuation / Thematic music had a consistent system ...
f. 1v-2 [Blank]
f. 4-6v [Miscellaneous notes (on 12-note technique, teaching communication, freedom) and quotations (Montaigne, Guido de Ruggiero, Kierkegaard, Henry James)] My early advocating permutation-freedom in 12-note technique ...
f. 7-15 [Hymnody. Programme notes?. Quotation of Psalms] Psalms 15.4 He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not.
f. 15v [Hymnody. Rehearsal notes?] (45) Piano 1 cancel cresc., instead mf than f ...
f. 16-18 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on physics of sound, processes of synthesis, sceptics and believers, programme notes)] also: a conscious virtuosity in the handling of technique ...
f. 18v [Leo. Instruments list] 1 Piano, Hopkins Centre / 2 Celesta / 3 Harp ...
f. 19-22v [Miscellaneous notes (on art, mathematics in music, R.G.'s father) and quotations (Leonardo, Marshall McLuhan, Andrew Forge, J.K. Galbraith, Lichtenberg, Max Brod and Kafka)] 'Anyone who reasons from authority relies on memory, not on understanding' Leonardo.
f. 23v-26 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on the film 'Mourir à Madrid' and 'Le Mystère Picasso')] 'Mourir à Madrid', a cine- montage of scenes of the Spanish civil war.
f. 26v [Symphonies, no. 4 (New York). Programme notes?. Draft] Symphony 4 'New York' / One day, maybe, I shall succumb to the temptation of trying to give an account ...
f. 27-29 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on the creative process, the conscious inspection, the necessity of the superfluous, the 'allopathic mode', the abstract art)] Can anyone believe that the creative process can be logically spelt out? ...
f. 29v-30 [Renoir, J. Quotations] Renoir -his son tells us- approved of the Catholics retaining Latin ...
f. 30v [Schoenberg, A. Pierrot Lunaire. Notes] Pierrot's mask of world-weary innocence ...
f. 31-32 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on properties of sound, medium and message) and quotations (Wordsworth, Gombrich)] ringling [?] in sound sheer physical and evocative (or symbolical) properties.
f. 32v-33v [Bach, Johann Sebastian. Masses, B minor. Performance under Klemperer. Comments] Credo ... Bach's B minor Mass under Klemperer, a very respectable performance ...
f. 34-41 [Blank]
[1940, November?]
40 leaves ; 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with green cover, labeled: The spiral note book, with detachable that always lie flat. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Inside the front cover: "9.IX.40. [?] 21, [M?]arkson Road" in P.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in pencil.
f. 1-1v [Blank]
f. 2-3v [Chopin en Valldemosa. Draft. Catalan] Chopin a Mallorca / Novembre 1838 / no troben posada a Palma ...
f. 4 [List of names] Dr. Aguilar - César Gómez / rapé ...
f. 4v [Blank]
f. 5-6 [Adventures of Don Quixote?. Timing] I / Prologue to / Poco piu mosso 3 after (22) / 3'55 ...
f. 6v B.C. Buck / 106, Oxford Road / Cambridge
f. 7 Classe mitja= 'filla del vapor' (revolució industrial)
f. 7v-8 [Heritage of Spain?. ??. Timing] 53 / 1 Danza Baja... / Luis de Narvaez ...
f. 8v [Blank]
f. 9-10v [Miscellaneous thoughts (on changing in Nature, war, energy regeneration, 'taste', musical composition). Catalan] Des del 'punt de vista' distant i indiferent de la pròpia Naturalesa: no hi ha destrucció ...
f. 11-13v [Blank]
f. 14-17 [Pandora. Rehearsal notes?] Pandora / ad 2.) Solo the whole dance? ...
f. 17v-19 [Miscellaneous thoughts and sayings (on 'taste'). Spanish] En materia de gusto hay que distinguir: hay buen gusto ...
f. 19-20 [Heritage of Spain?. ??. Timing] 1.30 / 0.40 / ... Gran Via 9 / ...
f. 20v-21 [Blank]
f. 21v [Heritage of Spain?. ??. Timing] Muchos hay 12 p. 69 bars / Dur. 2' ...
f. 22-22v [Pandora?. Rights. Notes. English and Catalan] 9.45 European / Sophie Wyss / K.J. Dret exclusiu d'usar música per a ballet performance per un període 5 anys ...
f. 23 [Blank]
f. 23v [Heritage of Spain?. ??. Notes] Trend / Luis Millán / pag. 31 bottom ... 'Durandarte' probably traditional tune (appears in Barbieri).
f. 24 [Blank]
f. 24v-28 [Pandora. Rehearsal notes?. Timing] I / 1. 2. 3. ...
f. 28v-29 [Miscellaneous notes (on tune definition and 'La Celestina'). Catalan] Al que afirma que 'melodia' és exclusivament allò que ell podria xiular ...
f. 29v-30 [Pandora. Rehearsal notes?] I Part / 1st Movement / The Crowd - The Elders -Pandora ...
f. 30v-33v [Unidentified work (ballet?). Scenario?. Rehearsal notes?] Adam & Eve in rehearsal / Ouverture ...
f. 34-37 [Pandora. Rehearsal notes?] Fury of war / Pandora ...
f. 37v-40 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on Surrealism, 'Utility Suite', the autobiography, the language of music). Catalan and English] 'Surrealisme, n. Pure psychich automatism ...
f. 40v 10, 10 / 8 39
23 leaves ; 10 x 14cm
Commercially issued notebook with green cover, labeled: Foreign [Three horses]. Binding
with spiral on top edge. White paper.
Labeled on front cover: "Collages", in P.G.'s handwriting.
Several leaves missing.
Autograph in red biro, green biro, black biro, blue marker pen, red crayon, red marker pen.
f. 1-17 [Symphonies, no. 3 (Collages). Rehearsal notes] Collages. Page 1...
f. 17v-23 [Blank]
[1960 or later]
44 leaves ; 10 x 14cm
Commercial issued notebook with green cover, labeled: Foreign [Three horses]. Spiral binding on top edge. White paper.
Autograph in P.G.'s handwriting
f. 1-44 [Blank]
f. 44v Nash Ensemble / I would like to contact the important Programm Builder
15 leaves ; 10 x 14cm
Commercially issued notebook with green cover, labeled: Foreign. Spiral binding on top edge. White paper. Front cover missing.
Autograph in black biro, green biro, red biro.
f. 1 Spanish National Tourist Office, 70 Jermyn Street / List of hotels in Calella de Palafrugell [sic].
f. 1v Kolophonium / Backen, Kante, Teller, Leder, Riemen, Handgelenk.
f. 2 [Stock, ??. Quotations] In 'moment' form, there's no development of what has gone before ...
f. 2v-9 [Blank]
f. 15v-15 [Unidentified work. Rehearsal notes?] 19, 9 p.m. 98.1 / p. 74 ...
f. 14v Haiku / 141 0:12:10 / 132 7:1:10 / 130 7:1:- [in black biro and P.G.'s handwriting]
f. 14v-13 [Unidentified work. Notes on percussion in green biro. German] Becken col arco (by 9) wird folgendermassen gespielt: ...
f. 12v [Alegrías. Accounts?] Alegrías / 27:19:3 / 6:1 / 18:10 ... [in P.G.'s handwriting]
f. 11v-11 [Concertos, piano. Accounts?] Piano Concerto / 6:19:0 ... [in P.G.'s handwriting]
f. 10v [Symphonies, no. 1. Accounts?] Symph I / 6:18:2 ... [in P.G.'s handwriting]
f. 9v [Haiku. Accounts?] Seven Hai / 0:6:12 [in P.G.'s handwriting]
[1945 or later]
55 leaves ; 10 x 15cm
Commercially issued notebook with green cover [missing]. Binding with staples on top edge. Lined paper.
Autograph in pencil, red biro.
f. 1-4 [Music analysis?. Catalan] Haendel. Maig 1945...
f. 4v-13 [Music theory notes. Catalan] Hi ha un tipus de melodia "self-sufficient", que no necessita suport ni interpretació harmònica ...
f. 14-18 [Pandora. Rehearsal notes?] "Pandora" Beginning to bar 40 ...
f. 18v [Blank]
f. 19-23 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on D.A. [Dr. Adorno?], progress) and quotations (Nostromo ??, Melville)] Servant beckons frontically; D.A. reluctantly withdraws blowing kisses to the girl ...
f. 24-55 [Blank]
26 leaves ; 10 x 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with brown cover. Binding with staples on top edge. Lined paper.
Autograph in pencil. Several sheets missing. On front cover: Don Quixote / Ballet
-libretto (Action cues)" in R.G.'s handwriting.
f. 1-7v [Don Quixote. Scenario?] "D.Q" 1. Spotlight through ganze front- cloth on D.Q. tighting in his sleep...
f. 8-9 [Blank]
f. 9v Linhope / (next R.C.CH.) / Harrow Road / (Wembley) Wembley / Sudbury
f. 10-19 [Duenna / Sheridan. Talk?. Draft] A good opera libretto is a rare thing ...
f. 19v-26 [Blank]
[1960 or later]
9 leaves ; 15cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Memo book. Royal Vernon line. 15 ¢. S-550 side open. S-551 end open. 50 lvs. U.S.A. Spiral binding on top edge.
Autograph in black biro, blue biro, red biro. Several sheets missing.
f. 1-4 [Notes in P.G.'s handwriting]
f. 5v [Needham, J. Time : the refreshing river. Quotations] "Man's enterprise in this world is the playing of a game of chess against an appointment ...
f. 6 [Notes in P.G.'s handwriting]
f. 6v-8 [Miscellaneous notes (on particles and 'range of pattern')] Particles build / 1. atoms build ...
f. 8v [Blank]
f. 9 Coleman / Humel / Kortek [??], Scavarda [??], Reynolds, Ashley
f. 9v [Blank]
30 leaves ; 10 x 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with grey cover, labeled: Century note book. Enviro-binding. Pat no 447231. Ref. no. 7740. British manufacture. Binding on top edge. Lined paper. With an added cord on top edge.
'Thorney Creek, Herschel Road, Cambridge' written inside front cover by R.G.
Autograph in blue ink, pencil, red biro.
f. 1-2 [Notes in P.G.'s handwriting]
f. 2v-7 [Dos Barberos. Draft. Spanish] seseras de barítonos no tan vacías como las de los tenores.
f. 7v-16v [Miscellaneous quotations (Sylvia Townsend, Wordsworth, Eliodorus, Desmond McCarthy, Hazlitt, Euripides, Graham Sutherland, Putchett ??, Meredith, King Richard II, Wilkie Collins, E.M. Forster) English and Catalan] ... she seems to have written as easily as a bird ...
f. 17 [Staves]
f. 17v-20 [Blank]
f. 30v [Heritage of Spain. ??. Notes] B.B.C singers /Villancicos XV-XVIII e. / 30' (20' singing) ...
f. 30 [Blank]
f. 29v-25 [Miscellaneous quotations (T.S. Eliot, Coleridge, Valéry, Shakespeare)] '... a deliberate attempt to grapple with poetry which is not naturally congenial ...'
f. 24v [Staves]
f. 24-23 [Miscellaneous quotations (G.K.L., Smallet, Armstrong, Disraeli)] Everyman makes mistakes; they say a man who never makes mistakes never makes anything else.
f. 22v [Miscellaneous thoughts (on generations numbering progression)] M P / MP MP / MP MP MP MP / ...
f. 22-21v [Miscellaneous thoughts (on academicism) and quotations (Forster, Lionel Trilling)] where all problems have been solved only academicism is possible.
f. 20v [Letter to ??. Draft] Come to feel definitely cannot do prg. way you want: 2 re[a]son[s] ...
27 + 4, 31 leaves ; 10 x 16cm
Commerially issued notebook with grey cover, labeled: Century note book. Enviro-binding. Pat no. 447231. Ref. no. 7740. British manufacture. Binding on top edge. Lined paper.
Autograph in black biro, blue biro, red biro, green biro.
4, 31 single sheets attached, apparently not belonging to this notebook (not described as a content).
f. 1 [Miscellaneous notes (on Faust?) and quotations (V. Woolf). Spanish and Catalan] Nuevas músicas? / Mecha està fent mitja ...
f. 1v [Cancionero de Pedrell. Timing] 'Beatitude of labor' / Cancionero de Pedrell / I 2.02 ...
f. 2v-2 [Heritage of Spain. ??. Notes. Spanish] Opera española del XVIII / 1 Terradellas ...
f. 3 'El Doctor Fausto' / Gounod, Berlioz, Boito, Busoni.
f. 3v-4v [Chopin en Valldemosa?. Draft notes] J. Sand (Mallorca) ...
f. 5 'Cours' / 1. Source / 2. Cascades / 3. Afluents / 4. Ponts et chaussées / 5. Estuaire
f. 5v [Blank]
f. 6-7 [Miscellaneous notes (on Mani, bizantine music) quotations (V. Woolf)] Mani (b.C. 215)... was a poet-musician as well as a spiritual leader ...
f. 7v-8v [Miscellaneous thoughts (on youth). Catalan and English] La rosada sobre la tela d'aranya...
f. 8v [List of intervals] 4- pures segones / ...
f. 9 [Schoenberg, A. Pierrot Lunaire. Notes on performance in the Palau de la Música Catalana. Catalan] 'Pierrot Lunaire' al Palau de la Música Catalana- quina coincidència! fins avui no m'en faig ben bé càrreg [sic] ...
f. 9v-11v [Miscellaneous thoughts (on nationalism) and quotations (Madariaga, V. W., William Blake, Gerald Brenan). Catalan and English] Madariaga 'Spain' / l'home està disfrutant del mòrbid pleasure to prove everybody wrong ...
f. 12-14v [Beckford, W. Italy : with sketches of Spain and Portugal. Quotations] Beckford (Travels) Italy ... A concert and ball a Senhor Pacheco's ...
f. 27v [Unidentified writing. Draft. Spanish] Un cuento musical para niños de 6 hasta 66 años- y los demás, pues, pueden darse por no aludidos.
f. 27 [Blank]
f. 26v-20 [Duenna. Rehearsal notes?] Act I / Scene IV out. Interlude instead ...
f. 19v [Arithmetical operations]
f. 19 [Unidentified work (staged). Rehearsal notes?] 1, 2, 3 L.B. Girl Gyp at end of Drunks - end ...
f. 18v-15v [Unidentified work. Rehearsal notes?] 25-XII 11.40 - 329-6 ...
f. 17 [List of vile characters?] vile / Harpy, serpent / adder / Harridan, viper ...
f. 15 [Miscellaneous quotations (Emerson)] it rings a bell with the audience...
36 + 1, 3 leaves ; 10 x 16cm
Commercially issued notebook with grey cover, labeled: Century note book. Eviro-binding. Pat. no. 447231. Ref. no. 7740. British manufacture. Binding on top edge. Lined paper.
Autograph in pencil, blue biro, black biro, red biro, black ink. Attached there are three single sheets (A, B, C), apparently not belonging to this notebook (not described as contents).
f. 1-7 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on Nature) and quotations (Faust -??- James, Gracián, Tharsymachus, Ivor Brown, W. Whitman, Tennyson)] resolved to make him amends some other way.
f. 7v-33 [Blank]
f. 35v-33v [Concrete and electronic sound composition?. Draft] A historic survey -if that is the word- of the developments which have take place in the field of electronic composition for the last 10 years ...
f. 36 [Angst and the modern composer?. Draft] The fallacy that underlies the whole of Dr. A's argument ...
G A P Gerhard.10.153 - Gerhard.10.168, both included.
81 leaves ; 9 x 12cm
Commercially issued notebook with brown cover, labeled: Bloc notas. Spirax 11.
Spiral binding at top edge. White paper.
Autograph in blue biro, black biro, green biro.
f. 1 [Stockhausen, K. Quotations] Proceed from order towards a certain, increasing degree of chaos (Stockhausen) / proceed from chaos towards a certain increasing degree of order (myself)
f. 2 Gomis, P.d. Gracia 90, 22.74.923 / 5 de setembre / Mercè
f. 3 I don't know -I cannot know- what I want to do, since I don't want to do what I do know.
f. 1v,2v [Blank]
f. 3v-5 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on Boulez, Mac Luhan and Lewis Carrol's Alice] (Boulez, Easle [??] Brown / So called 'open form' is possible, provided ...
f. 4 Guitar songs Janet Costa / Fantasia / Audiomobile No 2 8 minutes, D.N.A. [in P.G.'s handwriting]
f. 5v-81v [Blank]
[1959 or later]
36 leaves ; 13cm
Commecially issued notebook with red cover, labeled: Century notebook. Ref. No D18 Feint. Made in Great Britain. Binding with staples.
Autograph in red biro, blue biro, black biro, red biro, black ink.
f. 1-3v [Unidentified work. Reels contents?] 40 A Piano experiments ...
f. 4-11 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on social status of art)] Desperate effort to give 'art' a social significance or status ...
f. 11v-13v [Unidentified notes] Asparragus ...
f. 14-16v [Coriolanus / Shakespeare. Rehearsal notes?] louder / Euter Aufidius too long ...
f. 17-24 [Function of the series in twelve-note composition?. Draft] Dynamics/p/f/fp/...
f. 24v-27v [Miscellaneous thoughts (on 'vital satistis', freedom of thought and composing)] The notion of 'vital satistis' - for all its frivolous ... [goes to 32?]
f. 28-28v [Symphonies, no. 2. Programme notes?. Draft] [comes from f. 31v]
f. 28v-30v [Miscellaneous thoughts (on density and time in music) and quotations Gertrude Stein, Schoenberg)] Density is one of the attributes of harmony.
f. 31-31v [Symphonies, no. 2. Programme notes?. Draft] [goes to 28] My second Symphony is in two parts, played continously.
f. 32-36 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on artist sacrifices, proportions) and quotations (J.H. Parsons). Comes from 27v?] There is nothing the artist must not be prepared to sacrifice to the work ...
f. 36v [Blank]
43 leaves ; 13cm
Commercially issued notebook with yellow cover. Binding with staples. Lined paper.
3 leaves missing from the back.
Labeled "Epithalamion. Corrections made during rehearsal, piano and orchestra - also a few other notes (general)" on front cover, in P.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in blue biro, red biro, black biro, green biro.
f. 1v-19? [Epithalamion. Rehearsal notes?] Piano corrections / 1 before 20 cancel, poco accel. / at 20 keep .|= ca 60.
f. 19v-39 [Blank]
f. 43v Roy Dufell / Cov. Garden 3456.
f. 43 [Blank]
f. 42v [Miscellaneous thoughts (on sentimentality)] Sentimentality arises when you try to overlag a feeling ...
f. 42-41 [Blank]
f. 40v-40 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on structure and process of development)] The process of development is the process of changing structure.
f. 39v [Beaumarchais, P.A.C. de. Paraphrasis] To vary Beaumarchais: "ce qui ne veut pas la peine d'être composé, on l'improvise!"
48 leaves ; 13cm
Commercially issued notebook with orange cover, with label: The Spirollo note book. 1 Opens flat. 2. Easier to write. 3. More economical in use. Manufactured under Pat. No. 219547 by Spirollo Ltd. London EC1. Spiral binding. Lined paper
Autograph in pencil, blue ink. Back cover used as a sheet.
f. 1-3v [Blank]
f. 4-34v [Letter to Edward Dent? (on music situation in Catalonia before and during the civil war). Draft. French] Intervention État / plusieurs raisons / 1er. terme de circumstances ...
f. 35-48 [Blank]
f. 48v [Letter to Edward Dent?. Draft. French] Je voudrais tout d'[abord?] vous présenter mes excuses du fait de devoir m'adresser à vous en français. Malheureusement mon anglais est agée de 6 ou 7 mois ...
[1965 or later]
31 leaves ; 12cm
Commercially issued notebook with yellow cover, with label: Notes. Ref. No. 3001. Spiral binding. Lined paper.
Autograph in blue biro, black biro, red biro, green biro. Inside
front cover: Property / P. Gerhard / 14, Madingley Rd. / Cambridge.
f. 1 [Staves]
f. 2-7v [Miscellaneous thoughts (on man-machine relationship) and quotations (Boulez's Pli selon Pli, Valéry)] Pli selon Pli (Boulez) last mot 'tombeau' abolishes the very identity of the orchestra.
f. 8-16v [Talking to my Tanglewood students?. Draft 9starting at f. 9)] What makes me tick [sic] as a composer is the possibility for me to start and steer trains of sound- eventuation ...
f. 17 [Leo. Instrumentation] Leo / Fl. Ob. Cl / Hn Trp. Trbn / Vl. Vla. DB/ Harp Perc. 1 Perc. 2 ...
f. 17v-18v [Libra. Printed score composer's note] Libra / Libra, the balance, happens to be my own Zodiac sign. I have a certain weakness for Astrology in general ...
f. 19-21 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on enthusiasm of audience and Beaumarchais paraphrasis)] There is such a heart- warning quality about enthusiasm ...
f. 21v-29v [Blank]
f. 31v [Addresses] Francis Avenue 64 / Cambridge 38 Man / U.S.A. / Josep Lluís Sert...
[1964 or later]
32 leaves ; 9 x 12cm
Commercially issued notebook with red cover. Spiral binding at top edge. Lined paper.
Autograph in blue biro, red biro, green biro, black biro, pencil.
f. 1-1v [Rythms and figures]
f. 2 [Miscellaneous thoughts? (on joy)] Joy, boundless joy, singing wreathed with singing ...
f. 2v [Blank]
f. 3-4 [Miscellaneous quotations (Boulez in 'Perspectives of New Music')] Open form: 'work without a beginning or an end' ...
f. 4v [Blank]
f. 5 [Addresses (Hans Boye and Anand Sarabhai)] Hans Boye / 48012 M.R.C. ...
f. 5v-6 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on flamenco)] felag mengu / peasant outcast / (arabs, jews ...
f. 6v-7 [Figures (timing?) and address (Robert Maxwell)] 15.35 ... Robert Maxwell / Pergamon Press ...
f. 7v [Blank]
f. 8-9 [Unidentified writing (on himself). Draft] I don't think of myself as what you call 'a man of principles'. I don't mean to say that I haven't got any ...
f. 9v [Blank]
f. 10 [Unidentified writing (on himself). Draft] Being dogmatic -I can't help it- strikes me as next door to being 'nuts'. me as next door to being "nuts"...
f. 10v-15 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on tradition, the creative artist, Art Noveau, chronos and kairos, contemporary music, Sheridan)] Tradition is not an inheritance ...
f. 15v-25 [Blank]
f. 32v-32 [Unidentified work. Rehearsal notes?] p. 34 B. ...
f. 31v [Canciones toreras. Timing] Corrida 5 / Elogio del Torero 4.45 ...
f. 31 [Unidentified work. Rehearsal notes?] A 16 D.B.: pizzicato alternating with arco ...
f. 30v [Unidentified talk. Draft for timing] Introduction to speech: ...
f. 30 [Unidentified work. Notes on percussion] Poker on Cymbals / scrape upwards v stroke ...
f. 29v Realities symbolized by fiction
f. 29 [Blank]
f. 28v-26 [Miscellaneous quotations (Kenneth Clark on Ruskin)] clear and consecutive / lucid " " ...
f. 25v 'rien ne dure comme le provisoire ...'
[1965 or later]
31 leaves ; 9 x 12cm
Commercialy issued notebook with red cover. Spiral binding at top edge. Lined paper.
Missing leaves
Autograph on green biro, blue biro, black biro, red biro.
f. 1-8v [Functions of the series in 12-note composition?. Draft.] 1) Line hightened 'nervous' energy in line-drawing Grupetto-technique ...
f. 9 Primeral Paradise: Pain is far, Pan is fair
f 9v [Blank]
f. 10 [Unidentified writing (on critic's role)] The real [crossed out] veritable [crossed out] ideal critic is the man who can explain [crossed out] ...
f. 10v-11v [Blank]
f. 12-14 [Unidentified work. Rehearsal notes?] I (22) / II before (6) ...
f. 14v [Blank]
f. 15 [Canciones toreras. Timing] Canciones toreras / Corrida ...
f. 15v [Blank]
f. 16 [This sporting life / Anderson. Timing] This sporting life / 1.) 1.45 ...
f. 16v [Blank]
f. 17-17v [Unidentified work. Notes on percussion] Cymbals should be well-resined all-round ...
f. 18-27v [Concertos, orchestra. Programme notes?. Draft] Concerto for orchestra / My idea of a Concerto for orchestra is that of a show-piece ...
f. 28-29 [Blank]
f. 31v-30v [Miscellaneous quotations (Victor Bérard, F.W.H. Myers, Walter Pater, Malraux)] 'Il n'est jamais inutile ...
f. 29v At the highest level of integrity, a certain measure of nonchalance is (paradoxically) regained.
43 leaves ; 9 x 12cm
Commercially issued notebook with green cover. Spiral binding at top edge. Lined paper.
Autograph in black biro, pencil, blue biro.
f. 1-3 [Hymnody. Rehearsal notes?] 45 Pf1 cancel cresc. instead mf, then f / 49 Pf2 Ped. 51 Pf1 Ped. Ped. ...
f. 3v-33v [Blank]
f. 43v [Unidentified work. Notes on percussion] 4 extra perc. parts ...
f. 43-40v [Miscellaneous thoughts (on perception and cognition)] Of course we do recognize things in music, a tune ... [goes to 39v?]
f. 40 [Blank]
f. 39v-34 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on Joyce's Finneas Wake, L. Carroll)] None of Joyce's commentators has taken sufficient trouble ... [comes from 40v?]
[1965 or later]
38 leaves ; 9 x 12cm
Commercially issued notebook with green cover. Spiral binding at top edge. Lined paper.
Labeled "About Schoenberg, the man not his music" on front cover in P.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in black biro, red biro.
f. 1-4 [Unidentified writing. Talk? (on Schoenberg as a man. See also Gerhard.11.50)] Schbg. the man-not his music / Rather terrifying ...
f. 4v-5 [Unidentified work. Timing and notes] 3s=4 / ...
f. 5v [Blank]
f. 6 [Hymnody. Timing] Hymnody / Cambridge / 1. 2.19 / 2. 1.20 ...
f. 7-7v [Photographs sent to Joan Oliver. List] Fotos sent to Joan Oliver. AYMÀ S.A. EDITORA...
f. 6v, 8 [Blank]
f. 9-10v [Works. Chronology, 1955-1965] King Lear 1955 (Palace Theatre) ...
f. 11-29 [Blank]
f. 38v-29v [Unidentified writing. Talk? (on Schoenberg and Casals. See also Gerhard.11.50)] certainty - too little doubt in his make up? ...
[1964 or later]
42 leaves ; 9 x 12cm
Commercially issued notebook with yellow cover. Spiral binding at top edge. Lined paper.
Autograph in black biro, blue biro, green biro, red biro, pencil.
Pages 15-39 with an orange ink spread blot.
f. 1-4 [Unidentified work. Timing and notes on percussion] 1. 47 4. .30 ... ...
f. 4v [Blank]
f. 5-8 [Plague / Camus. Rehearsal notes?] The Plague / percussion / 2 before 1...
f. 8v-9v [Blank]
f. 10-11 [Concertos, orchestra?. Rehearsal notes] after 11 picc. 8a ...
f. 11v-20 [Blank]
f. 20v [Concertos, orchestra. Rehearsal notes] Concert f. orchestra / 1 before 15 = 3'30 / 9 after 23 + 2.-...
f. 21, 22 [Blank]
f. 42-21 [Plague / Camus. Talk?. Draft] 1. Oran / town without any flowers, etc. ...
[1964 or later]
43 leaves ; 9 x 12cm
Commercially issued notebook with yellow cover. Spiral binding at top edge. Lined paper.
Labeled "The Plague" on front cover, in R.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in black biro, red biro, green biro, blue biro.
f. 1-18 [Plague / Camus. Rehearsal notes?] Bar 3 Vl I 8a lower / alternative (cluster on Pfrte)...
f. 19 [Retablillo de Don Cristóbal/ García Lorca. Script?. Draft] Don Cristobal's puppet-Play...
f. 20-42 [Blank]
f. 43v-42v [Unidentified writing. Draft] Day of deliverance new-born freedom ...
1963 [and later?]
43 leaves ; 9 x 12cm
Commercially issued notebook with yellow cover. Spiral binding at top edge. Lined paper.
Labeled on front cover: "The Plague 1963", in R.G.'s handwriting.
Autograph in black biro, red biro, blue biro, green biro.
f. 1-9v [Plague / Camus. Rehearsal notes?] Perc. / 1. 2 before 1 add : on med...
f. 10-13 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on priorities as a composer, Wittgenstein, McLuhan and the work 'A Page for John Cage')] Exploration, first, communication, second, these are my priorities, and in this order ...
f. 13v [Blank]
f. 14 [Pericles I and II / Shakespeare. Timings] 13.56 Pericles 13.56 ...
f. 15 [Miscellaneous thoughts (on music of our time)] Music of our time - what do we mean by that phrase? ...
f. 15v-43 [Blank]
42 leaves ; 9 x 12cm
Commercially issued notebook with blue cover. Labeled: Oxford University Press in R.G.'s handwriting on front cover. Binding on top edge with spiral. Lined paper.
Autograph in green biro.
f. 1-2 [Joined to front cover with staples]
f. 3 [Deliveries (to Alan Frank)] 22 July 63 / to A. Frank / a) "Hymnody" / b) "Collages" tapes 7 1/2 fulltrack.
f. 3v-42v [Blank]