Quartets, strings, W. 228, G minor (String quartet no. 0, first sequence) Archive has manuscript score, principally holograph in ink, signed "Alwyn Smith". Score also includes a number of sketches for unrelated works including a piano piece entitled "Kubla Khan", and a Romance for 3 violins and cello. MS/Alwyn/1/3S/12 |
Romance, string quartet, G major Archive has manuscript score, principally holograph in ink, signed in pencil "Alwyn Smith". Score also includes brief sketches in ink for an unidentified work for flute, clarinet, 3 violins and piano, and 6 bars of a trio for flute, violin and piano. MS/Alwyn/1/3S/44 |
1921 |
Bagatelle for piano Archive has manuscript score, holograph in ink, signed and dated “William Alwyn Smith, November 14, 1921.” MS/Alwyn/3P/2 |
Capricietto for piano, A major Archive has manuscript score, holograph in ink, signed and dated “Alwyn Smith, September 14, 1921.” MS/Alwyn/1/3P/7 |
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may - for voice and piano, words by Robert Herrick Holograph in ink. MS/Alwyn/1/4/44 |
Idyll : for flute (or possibly violin) and piano Holograph in ink. Flute is crossed through on the t.p. and replaced with violin, a further sheet of manuscript is labelled "flute". MS/Alwyn/1/3F/3 |
Three lyric pieces : for piano 1. Song -- 2. Berceuse -- 3. Nocturne Nocturne was completed on January 1st 1922. Holograph in ink MS/Alwyn/1/3P/32 |
Prelude for piano, E minor Archive has manuscript score, holograph in ink, signed and dated “Alwyn Smith, December 14, 1921.” MS/Alwyn/1/3P/49 |
Romance for piano Archive has manuscript score, holograph in ink, signed and dated “William Alwyn Smith, November 23, 1921.” MS/Alwyn/1/3P/55 |
Sonata for piano, A minor Archive has manuscript score, holograph in ink, signed and dated “William Alwyn Smith, October 10th, 1921.” MS/Alwyn/1/3P/63 |