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Battle School
Jane Brown changes her job
Ministry of information short films
Negro film
Women in industry see Jane Brown changes her job


Aircraft recognition
Architects of England
The big city
British architecture see Architects of England
Harvest see Three songs with words by Trevor Blakemore
Illumination see Three songs with words by Trevor Blakemore
It comes from coal 
Music for cathedrals see Architects of England
The new Britain
Nocturne see Three songs with words by Trevor Blakemore
Overture to a masque
Piece for piano
Religion and the people
Salute to farmers
Short suite for viola and piano see Sonatina for viola and piano, 1944
Sonatina for viola and piano see Sonatina for viola and piano, 1944
Three songs with words by Trevor Blakemore
Twelve studies for piano
Suite for viola and piano see Sonatina for viola and piano, 1944
Wealth from coal see It comes from coal


Architects of England see Architects of England, 1940
British architecture see Architects of England, 1940
Courageous Mr. Penn see Penn of Pennsylvania
English inn
Footsteps in the night see Night Watch
Green belt see Green girdle
Green girdle
H.M. Minelayer see H.M.S. Minelayer
H.M.S. Minelayer
Harris tweed see Western Isles
Living with strangers
Music for cathedrals see Architects of England, 1940
Night watch
Penn of Pennsylvania
Queen Cotton
Salute to farmers see Salute to farmers, 1940
Short suite for viola and piano see Sonatina for viola and piano, 1944
Sonatina for viola and piano see Sonatina for viola and piano, 1944
Steel goes to sea
Suite for viola and piano see Sonatina for viola and piano, 1944
Trinity House 
Western Isles 


Battle for freedom
Border weave
Britain to America No. 1
Britain to America No. 2 
Britain to America No. 5 
British news
The commandos see Britain to America No. 5
Comrade lift your head see Lift your head comrade
The countrywomen 
Cups and saucers see Essential jobs
Essential jobs
Farm worker see The harvest shall come
Fires were started
Green mountain, black mountain see Wales
The harvest shall come
Heartbeat of Empire see Battle for freedom
I was a fireman see Fires were started
In which we serve
Land of our birth
Life begins again 
Lift your head comrade see Comrade lift your head
A modern miracle
Our film
Partners in crime
Post 23
Pulse of Britain see Britain to America No. 2
Rat destruction
Suite of Scottish dances
They flew alone 
Those who escaped see Comrade lift your head
Wales : Green mountain, black mountain
Wings and the woman see They flew alone
Worker and warfront
World of plenty


A.B.C.A. magazine titles
Africa freed
Battle of Egypt see Desert victory
Concerto grosso no. 1 in B-flat
The crown of the year
Cymru see Wales
Desert patrol see Desert victory
Desert victory
Desert victory march see Desert victory
Escape to danger
Four years at war
Fraternity of Bellows march
The Gen
A letter from Ulster 
Letter home see A letter from Ulster
More Air Force march
Potato blight
Royal mile
Spring on the farm
Squadron leader X
Summer on the farm
There's a future in it
Transatlantic call 
Tunisian victory see also Africa freed
Welcome to Britain
Winter on the farm
Women of Empire march
Workers' gala night : Made in Britain


Atlantic trawler
Child welfare (possibly the same as A start in life)
see A start in life
Citizens of tomorrow see A start in life
Concerto for oboe and string orchestra
Eve of battle
Grassy Shires
Great day
Man of science see Men of science
Medal for the General
Men of science
Midland shires see Grassy shires
On approval
Our country
Short suite (Sonatina II) for viola and piano
Sonatina II for viola and piano see Short suite for viola and piano
Start in life
The way ahead


Accident service
Armagh : City set on a hill
Atlantic flight
Britain's our doorstep
Cherry tree carol
City set on a hill seeArmagh
Country town 
Cymru see Wales
Ex-Corporal Wilf
French town
London victorious
Modern miracle
Our town see Country town
Plan and the people
Prelude and fugue for piano formed on an Indian scale
Rake's progress
Soldier, sailor 
Sonata alla toccata for piano
Spirit of '76
Suite for oboe and harp
Their finest hour, no. 5. The people of Britain
They live again see Accident service
Threshold of the new
Tinker, tailor see Soldier, sailor
Today and tomorrow
Total war in Britain
The true glory
What's the next job?
Wherever you may be
Your children's ears
Your children's eyes
Your children's teeth


The careerist
Each for all
Flying visit
Green for danger
Home again
I see a dark stranger
Land of promise
Man from Belsen
Men of Gloucester : Overture in the form of a serenade
Peace thanksgiving
Proud city
Slum song 
Three songs for voice and piano, with words by Louis MacNeice
Trade unions see Each for all
Your children and you


Approach to science
Captain Boycott
Children asleep see Your children's sleep
A city speaks
A day at school see Home and school
The hare
Home and school
Home from school see Home and school
Manchester suite see also A city speaks
The moon in the yellow river
October man
Odd man out
Parents and children
Pharaoh Akhnaton
Four preludes for piano
School and home see Home and school
Take my life
Under elevens see Home and school
Your children's sleep


Concerto grosso no. 2
Fallen idol
One man's story
So evil my love
Sonata for flute and piano
Three dawns to Sydney
Winslow boy
Three winter poems


The cure for love
Daybreak in Udi
Fundamental education see Daybreak in Udi
Golden salamander
History of Mr. Polly
The moving finger see Daybreak in Udi
The rocking horse winner
Symphony no. 1
Under one roof