Found lost property
Property found in the Library should be handed in to the Reader Services Desk. Where possible, the owner of the item will be contacted. Details of the item will be taken and entered into the lost property register held in the Reader Services Desk. Non-perishable items of lost property will be held at the Reader Services Desk for one month, after which items judged to be of significant value will be taken to the Parkside police station. Other items will be taken to a local charity shop if they are of sufficient quality, or disposed of.
Books and materials from libraries other than CUL will be returned to their respective locations where possible.
Claiming lost property
Enquiries about items of lost property can be made to Proof of ownership and/or identity must be established to the satisfaction of the member of staff handling the reclaim of the property. Details will be taken and entered into the lost property register and the item(s) signed for.
Cambridgshire Constabulary issue guidelines about lost property at