Placed on deposit in the University Library in 1972 and 1975, and transferred permanently in 2016, the Kennet collection includes papers of (Edward) Hilton Young (1879-1960), 1st Baron Kennet of the Dene, and also of his wife Kathleen Bruce, the sculptor, widow of Captain Robert Falcon Scott. The papers cover both personal and political affairs, including Hilton Young's service in the Royal Navy, and his career as MP for Norwich 1915-1923, 1924-1929, as a Financial Secretary to the Treasury, Secretary for Overseas Trade, and Minister of Health. There are letters from many prominent inter-war politicians, including Baldwin and Lloyd George, and from literary figures such as E. M. Forster. Lady Kennet's papers include letters from Max Beerbohm, Fridtjof Nansen and George Bernard Shaw.
An unpublished handlist to the Kennet papers is available in the Manuscripts Reading Room.
Contact: John Wells (01223 333055; jdw1000@cam.ac.uk)