These papers of the Austrian author Arthur Schnitzler (d. 1931) include drafts of his works, collections of source materials, film scripts, autobiographical writings, and juvenilia. There are also copies of some unpublished works, made by Schnitzler's son Heinrich.
In addition to such literary papers, the Schnitzler collection also includes an extensive series of correspondence. Here can be found letters from, among others, Robert Adam, Peter Altenberg, Hermann Bahr, Georg Brandes, Ernst von Dohnanyi, Sigmund Freud, Thomas Mann, Max Reinhardt, Gustav Schwarzkopf, and S. Fischer Verlag.
The Schnitzler papers may be consulted by all holders of full Library Reader's Tickets. A summary catalogue compiled by E. A. Blackall is available online on the ArchiveSearch database. Further relevant information is contained in G. Neumann and J. Muller, Der Nachlass Arthur Schnitzler, Munich, 1969.
A digital critical edition of Schnitzler's works, including those held by CUL is in preparation by scholars at a number of German and British universities. The project website includes:
- a biography of Arthur Schnitzler
- a list of all published works by Arthur Schnitzler
- a detailed reconstruction of the estate history
- a catalogue of the works of Arthur Schnitzler, which is a concordance of the estate itself as well as the microfilms in different archives
- a Schnitzler bibliography in the form of an interactive database, which also allows searchable queries in the headings "works", "ego documents", "contemporary reception" and "research literature"
- a filmography in the form of an interactive database, which allows (also filterable) search requests in the films (cinema and television films, recordings of stage productions and readings) of Schnitzler's works
- an audiography in the form of an interactive database that allows (also filterable) search queries in the settings, readings and radio plays of Schnitzler's works
- a list of links to other research projects on Arthur Schnitzler
- a linked list of all the depositories of Schnitzler's estate
- a digital critical edition of the literary works of Arthur Schnitzler from the period 1905 to 1931
The Arthur Schnitzler – Briefwechsel mit Autorinnen und Autoren project website includes 38 complete correspondences with over 2,500 letters from and to Schnitzler.
Contact: John Wells (01223 333055;