A small selection of cartographic blogs
A list of blogs primarily concerned with Map History can be found at http://www.maphistory.info/topics.html#weblogs.
Afternoon Map Blog. Principally about Ottoman and early Turkish Republic maps.
Barron Maps blog. Focuses on decorative, satirical, pictorial & propaganda maps and associated mapmakers, illustrators & artists of the 19th and 20th Centuries.
British Library's Maps and Views blog.
Cartes et figures du monde.
Cartographers' Guild. A forum created by and for map makers and aficionados.
ICA Commission on Map Design and their blog MapCarte.
Laurence Worms : Essays and Lectures.
Literary Geographies. Includes discussions on, for example, on literary geography and mapping.
#LoveMaps. Blog from the National Library of Wales.
Mapping as Process. A blog, by Matthew Edney, on the study of mapping processes.
Mapping London Blog. "Highlighting the best London maps."
The Map Room. A blog about maps by Jonathan Crowe. Closed 30 June 2011 (but still available for viewing) and returned in January 2016.
Maps Mania. An unofficial Google Maps blog tracking the websites, mashups and tools being influenced by Google Maps.
MapUtopia. A space dedicated to the heritage of cartography and maps especially from the view point of modern digital information and communication technologies.
Strange Maps. A collection of web maps that the editor found weird, strange, and interesting. It is also a blog, so you can comment on the maps.
Views of the World: worldmapping beyond mere description. Research blog of Benjamin D. Hennig. Includes equal-population maps and cartograms.