E-mail discussion lists
A useful summary of email discussion lists concerning the History of Cartography can be found on The Map History/History of Cartography site
Carta-l. Discussion forum for Canadian Map, Geographic Information Systems, and Geomatics librarians and archivists, and anyone interested in Canadian cartography, geospatial data and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) issues as they pertain to libraries and archives.
Carto-SoC. A listserv created by the Society of Cartographers mainly for the discussion of practical cartography. The Society of Cartographers was dissolved in 2019 and the listserv was replaced in 2020 by BCS-Forum.
H-Maps. Started late 2019. "An international digital forum in the historical study of the making, circulation, use and preservation of maps from the ancient to the contemporary period". "Collaboration between the International Society for the History of the Map (ISHMap, Twitter @ishmap1) and H-Net to further substantive inquiry among a growing number of global scholars with an interest in the history of maps and mapping".
lis-maps. A UK-based forum for issues related to maps & spatial data librarianship.
MAPS-L. "An international discussion forum for Map Librarians, other librarians dealing with (or interested in) cartographic information, anyone dealing with cartographic information, cartographers, remote sensors, geographers, and cartomaniacs of all types". Archive (account password required).
Ordnancemaps.io. For anyone with an interest in Ordnance Survey Maps to ask questions, assist in research, and pass on information on any aspect of Ordnance Survey maps. (In May 2019 this replaced the Yahoo Ordnancemaps discussion group). Both are independent of the Charles Close Society.
Roadmaps-L. "Designed to give road map collectors a forum in which they may discuss their hobby".
SEE ALSO: the Discussion List page on the Map History / History of Cartography web page.
Facebook Groups
Ordnance Survey and Maps. Independent of the Charles Close Society and the Ordnancemaps.io group