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Sellers of Antiquarian Maps

MapRecord Publications has a list of dealers in antiquarian maps on its website. Also look at London Map Fairs; Map Collecting and Marketplace sections of the Map History / History of Cartography site. Sellers who sell Ordnance Survey maps can be found on the Charles Close Society website.


Sellers and Producers of Current Maps


Eurogeographics. EuroGeographics is a not-for-profit organisation formed in 2001 as the membership association and representative body of the European national mapping, land registry and cadastral agencies. Includes details of the Agencies in each country with links to web sites, etc. 

National Mapping Agencies. This list is on the Charles Close Society website but is not restricted to British or Ordnance Survey related organisations. 

International Map Industry Association (IMIA). Lists map shops and dealers (worldwide) who are members of the association. Previously known as International Map Trade Association, IMTA.

Individual Producers and Dealers: (See also Information Sheets 1A to 1D)

Alan Godfrey Maps. Publisher of facsimiles of old Ordnance Survey maps. Include local history notes.

British Geological Survey. Produces geological maps of Great Britain. Various online map resources. See Digital Geological Map of Great Britain project (formerly known as DiGMapGB) for access to digital data for download and BGS Maps Portal for old and new geological maps and sections (including Ireland). GeoIndex is the most comprehensive viewer containing all geological themes. See also User guide for the BGS Geology : 50k dataset (V8). Possibly of interest is the Building Stone Study for the investigation of quarrying and use of building stones across England.

Cassini Historical Maps. Digitally enhanced reproductions of old Ordnance Survey one-inch maps re-projected and enlarged to match the scale and coverage of the present-day Ordnance Survey Landranger® maps.

Digital Data Services (DDS). Paper maps and digital data - USGS plus international publishers and Soviet military maps. 

Hydrographic Office (UKHO). Collects and supplies hydrographic and geospatial data for the Royal Navy and merchant shipping. See Maritime Data Solutions for information on, for example, their standard, planning and sailing charts. A Chart Availability List can also be downloaded. To buy charts find an Admiralty Chart Agent. Also see the UKHO Archive from which page a 'Collection Survey Document' can be downloaded. Scans of the old Admiralty chart catalogues,

Macaulay Land Use Research Institute. Joined forces with Scottish Crop Research Institute on 1 April 2011 to create The James Hutton Institute. The web site provides access to Scottish soil maps. "Sellers of wall maps of the world, continents, countries, USA, states and more".

MapStop. Online store but also has a shop in Brackley, Northamptonshire. Online map shop based in Melksham (Wiltshire). 

Maxi-Map. Produces floor maps of, for example, Great Britain, Wales, the World, for use by schools, etc.. 

Omni. Online catalogue of a company selling current maps of all parts of the world.

Opars BooksSupplier of maps, books, etc. on Iran. 

Ordnance Survey (OS): Responsible for the mapping of the whole of Great Britain, extensive web site. For enquiries either email or telephone the Helpline 03454 56 04 20. Via OS Maps Online (registration required) you can plan routes and get information on elevations along the route ; additional facilities, such as 1:25k and 1:50k scale maps, are available to subscribers only. OS OpenData provides access to a selection of the most detailed mapping datasets available for Great Britain. (Digimap OpenStream is a web service delivering OS OpenData to the UK academic sector using open standard WMS technology; access is not restricted to Digimap users, although a one-off online registration is required). The OS OpenSpace is no longer available to new users but if you’re looking for a web map for your website or mobile app, you can check out OS Open Zoomstack which makes OS open data more accessible, customisable and easier to use by providing a single, customisable map of Great Britain to be used at national and local levels. The OS website also provides information on, for example, the different scales of maps available, the National Gridcoordinate transformation tool, horizontal and vertical survey control and benchmark information and Mastermap data. The OS's Education Resources pages include guides to map reading and the National Grid plus downloadable outline maps. The OS site includes a very brief history of OS which includes links to pdfs of two important books - A History of the Ordnance Survey edited by W. A. Seymour and Map-makers to Britain since 1791 by Tim Owen and Elaine Pilbeam. Also look at Electoral and Administrative Boundary Maps. The Resources for Retailers page provides access to catalogues including the Leisure Map Catalogue which is updated each month. Find a Planning Application Map Supplier, some of which may also be able to supply historical mapping, or take a look at OS's Historical Maps page. Graphic index for Landranger and Explorer maps.

  • OS Custom Made Map. Centre a 1:50,000 or 1:25,000 scale OS map on a place of your choice by postcode, place name or grid reference. Even use your own photograph for the cover.
  • UK Grid Reference Finder. Search by location, post code, grid reference or latitude and longitude. Hover over pins on map, or right click on map, to find location, post code, grid reference or latitude and longitude of locations. See location as a map, aerial view of bird's eye view.
  • More information about Ordnance Survey maps can be found on Lez Watson's web site (includes summary lists of Ordnance Survey map editions) and in (including information on print codes and edition markings and a co-ordinate converter). See also the Charles Close Society web site.
  • The Geograph website - a project which aims to collect geographically representative photographs and information for every square kilometer of Great Britain and Ireland. Small sections of OS mapping, plus satellite images are shown. Includes some interesting pages on Landranger map symbols, Explorer map symbols, AbbreviationsDescriptive words on OS maps.
  • OpenStreetMap Out of Copyright Maps pages include some background information.
  • Using Ordnance Survey maps for boundary problems
  • More than Maps A self-serve platform that provides a one-stop shop for all your technical geospatial support. Access a range of information via an easy-to-use site that includes tutorials, demonstrators and case studies.

Tailte Éireann (Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi). Topographic mapping of the Republic of Ireland. Note that in In January 2023 Ordnance Survey Ireland became part of Tailte Éireann which brings together property registration, property valuation and national mapping. The GeoHive Map Viewer provides free, web-based access to Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi), and other authoritative geo-spatial datasets, including 6" and 25" maps published 1837-1913. The Library Ireland website provides online access to Lewis' Topographical Dictionary of Ireland published in 1837.

Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland (OSNI). OSNI (part of Land & Property Services) is the agency responsible for mapping, land registration, valuation and rating in Northern Ireland. On their website view modern and historic maps and buy paper maps. At The Northern Ireland Place-Name Project - Placenames NI search for a place names and for modern and historic maps from the 1830s. This is an ongoing project. 

Soil Maps:

Macaulay Land Use Research Institute. Joined forces with Scottish Crop Research Institute on 1 April 2011 to create The James Hutton Institute. The web site provides access to Scottish soil maps.

National Soil Resources Institute, Cranfield. Soil maps, digital and paper, of England and Wales, LandIS, the 'Land Information System', and the SoilScapes Viewer, a free online interactive simplified soil map for England and Wales. 

UK Soil Observatory (UKSO)UKSO is a collaboration of institutions providing and delivering information about the diverse soil types of the UK. 

Stanfords. Large London map and travel book store, also with online shop. 

The Map Shop. The shop is in High Street, Upton upon Severn, Worcestershire but can also order online. 

US Geological Survey (USGS). USGS produces topographic maps of the USA. See The National Map for access to high-quality, geospatial data and information from the USGS as well as Federal, State, and local partners. Or the National Geological Map database to search for USGS geological maps and related data.

Opening Times

Our Cartographic Resources LibGuide may help with some enquiries

Map Room Opening Times

Monday to Thursday 9am to 12:45pm and 2pm to 5:10pm
Friday 9am to 12:45pm and 2pm to 4:50pm 

i.e., we are closed lunch time, in the evenings and on Saturdays. However, given sufficient notice, we may be able to transfer Map Department items to the Rare Books Reading Room for consultation during these closed periods. 

Otherwise, there is no requirement to book in advance but it is helpful if you do so and may help to avoid delays.

There are temporary difficulties with some online services. Our departmental email address is currently inaccessible, meaning that any messages sent to have not been received since approximately 4 February. We hope to be able to respond soon but if your enquiry is urgent and you have not had a reply, please telephone us on (01223) 333041 and we will do our best to assist. 

Remember: Pencils only in the Map Room and No food or drink!

Where to Find Us

Library Floorplan

The Map Room - the Map Department's Reading Room - is on the first floor of the Library at the far end of the North Gallery. At the top of the stairs from the Library's Entrance Hall, turn right and the Map Room is at the end of the corridor. 

We are very close to the Tea Room.

Contact us

Map Department 
Cambridge University Library 
West Road 
CB3 9DR 


+44 (0) 1223 333041
+44 (0) 1223 333042
Our Cartographic Resources LibGuide may help with some enquiries