The inaugural Annual Genizah Lecture was given in 2014 by Professor Stefan Reif, founding director of the Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit at Cambridge University Library. Below is a list of the lectures held to date (2020's lecture has been postponed due to Covid-19).
Annual Genizah Lectures:
2019 Marina Rustow, Khedouri A. Zilkha Professor of Jewish Civilisation in the Near East, Princeton University
'Paradoxes of the Digital Age - the Cairo Genizah and the material text'
2018 Renee Levine Melammed, Professor of Jewish History at the Schechter Institue, Jerusalem
'The World of Women in the Cairo Genizah 1978-2018'
2017 No lecture this year because of the Discarded History exhibition
2016 Ray Scheindlin, Professor of Medieval Hebrew Literature, Jewish Theological Seminary, New York
'Judah Halevi's Pilgrimage: The View from the Diwan'
2015 Sacha Stern, Professor of Rabbinic Judaism, University College London, London
'Revisiting the calendar dispute of 921/2: in search of the manuscripts'
2014 Stefan Reif, Emeritus Professor in Medieval Hebrew Studies, Cambridge
'Why medieval Jewish liturgy is not dull'