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This period saw the change of control from the Admiralty to the Science Research Council and two major developments: the installation of a much more powerful electronic computer and the inauguration of the Isaac Newton Telescope at the end of 1967. The Time Department acquired its first atomic frequency standards and a new building for laboratories for instrument development was brought into use. This period also saw the development of strong links with the University of Sussex and the start of the work on the Anglo-Australian Telescope. These and other new developments, as well as the continuing activities of the departments, are described in this chapter, which ends with the retirement of Sir Richard Woolley.

4.1 The change from control by the Ministry of Defence
4.1.1    The establishment of the Science Research Council
4.1.2 The immediate effects on the RGO
4.2 Major new developments
4.2.1 The installation of the ICT 1909 computer: More about the comparison with other contemporary computers; The hardware characteristics of the ICT 1909 computer
4.2.2 The completion of the Isaac Newton Telescope: Commissioning and use of the INT
4.2.3 The new Physics building
4.3 Other departmental matters
4.3.1 Astrophysics and astrometry
4.3.2 Engineering and instrument development
4.3.3 Time Department: Atomic frequency standards; Universal time and latitude; Contributions by Humphry Smith; Changes in international timescales
4.3.4 H. M. Nautical Almanac Office: NAO publications; Computer composition; Occultations; Dynamics and planetary sciences; Computer Section; Kinetheodolite observations of satellites; Participation by Donald Sadler and others in IAU activities; Retirement of Donald Sadler
4.3.5 The Solar and Magnetic Departments
4.3.6 The RGO and NAO libraries
4.4 General administrative matters
4.5 External affairs
4.5.1 University of Sussex
4.5.2 Use of telescopes overseas
4.5.3 Anglo-Australian Telescope project
4.5.4 Royal Astronomical Society
4.6 The retirement of Sir Richard Woolley


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